799 research outputs found

    The Change of Yangzhou 'sFang-shi Planning System in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty

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    扬州依托四通八达的水系交通,成为唐代江淮地区盐、粮、茶大宗货物的转运中心,对大宗货物的转运业务也就成为扬州的经济支柱。“扬一益二”的历史评价,说明了扬州经济水平的发达状况以及其在唐代中后期的经济地位。在唐代中后期,政府对大宗货物的经济管理政策发生巨大变化,从经济管理者转变为参与者,扬州罗城也经历了从无到有的过程,但是罗城内不设坊墙,将市设在城的南端,远离人口密集之处,其中原因值得深入探讨。 通过梳理都城历史,观察坊、市在城内分布区域的变化,推断唐政府采取封闭式的空间格局、严格的交易时间管理为特点的坊市分离制度,在唐初是有利于商业发展的。而唐政府采用坊市分离制度更多的是对历史的沿袭而非故意限制...Yangzhou relying on accessible water traffic,become the southeast of the Tang Dynasty salt, grain, tea bulk cargo transit center. The transshipment of bulk cargo has become the economic pillar of Yangzhou. Yangzhou economic ranking first, Yizhou ranked second evaluation, indicating the state of Yangzhou economic situation and its economic status in the middle and latetime period of Tang Dynasty. I...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_文物与博物馆硕士学号:1032014115229

    The Research of Chen Moxiang's Chinese Opera Study

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    陈墨香是民国时期著名的京剧票友、编剧家以及戏曲批评家。他的戏曲理论批评和研究注重从艺术本体出发,对京剧进行整体性的研究和论述,并提出一些颇具创建性的主张和观点。他注意到京剧艺术厚重的民间文化底蕴,有意识地对京剧表演与民间习俗的互动关系进行考察,拓宽了京剧学的研究路径。陈墨香的京剧研究以丰赡的戏曲活动经验为支撑,虽然经验描述多于理论阐发,未能形成严整的理论体系,但他的京剧批评和研究,对于二十世纪的戏曲理论批评乃至今天的京剧研究都具有重要的参考价值和意义。 本文以陈墨香的京剧学研究著述为对象,在对原始资料进行归纳、总结的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,对陈墨香的京剧学研究进行深入的分析和研究,以期全...Chen Moxiang was famous as an amateur performer of Peking Opera, scenarist and drama critic in the period of Republic of China. Based on the art noumenon, Chen Moxiang studied the completeness of Peking Opera, and raised some constructive views. He noticed that with profound folk cultural heritage, it was significant to consciously study the interaction between Peking Opera and folk customs, which...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:人文学院_戏剧与影视学学号:1022013115243

    Fission life-time calculation using a complex absorbing potential

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    A comparison between the semi-classical approximation and the full quantum calculation with a complex absorbing potential is made with a model of the fission of 258Fm. The potential barrier is obtained with the constrained Skyrme HF+BCS theory. The life-time obtained by the two calculations agree with each other the difference being only by 25%.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Conference proceedings of CNR*15 workshop, Tokyo, October 2015 to be published in EPJ Web of Conference

    “NP 前(面)”结构的歧义问题再议

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    Empirical Study on Financial Risk of Real Estate in China

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    近年来,房地产业、尤其是住房产业已经成为我国国民经济新的增长点,房地产业作为国民经济的支柱产业,在国家经济发展中具有举足轻重的作用,是国家经济发展的晴雨表;房地产业的快速发展极大地促进了我国经济发展,同时也带动了耐用消费品、装潢材料等的消费,从而拉动整个消费市场的活跃,乃至GDP的增长,随着房地产市场的不断发展以及房价的一路飙升,与房地产业密切相关的房地产贷款也成为人们关注的焦点。2007年爆发的美国“次级房贷”引起了全球金融市场的混乱,淋漓尽致地展现了“现代金融风险”的新变化,也向我们敲响了关注金融风险的警钟;同时提醒我们,越是在市场繁荣时期,越应该加强风险控制和市场监管,要建立房地产价格监...At present, real estate, especially housing industry has already become a new growth point of our national economy, the real estate industry, as a pillar industry of the national economy, plays a decisive role in national economic development, is a barometer of the country’s economic development. The rapid development of real estate industry has greatly promoted economic development of china, and ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:2005130075

    Research and Application of Classifier with Confidence

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    高风险领域的分类问题对模式分类算法提出以下三个挑战: 1)能否设计一种分类器模型,使得它的输出结果能够附带置信度; 2)预测输出的置信度是有效的,应该使得算法的准确率能够被置信度所控制。 3)算法应能够独立地对每个测试数据提供相应的置信度评估,也就是说,能够根据指定的置信度产生相应的预测结果。 针对上述三个挑战,我们引入了基于转导推理和随机性检验的置信预测方法来解决这些问题。近年新发展起来的一致性预测器(CP)是这种方法的典型代表。但是,CP在实践中的实用性较差,主要是其固有的运算效率低下、以及对样本奇异函数的设计缺乏指导性准则。我们的工作主要是改进了CP的理论模型,提出了混合压缩一致...There are three challenges to the researchers on the classification in the high-risk areas: 1)Can we develop a classification algorithm that outputs predictions coupled with confidence level? 2)Are these confidences for the predictions really valid, i.e., could the accuracy rate be guaranteed by the confidence level? 3)Could the algorithm give a prediction with a confidence level tailored for ...学位:工学博士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院自动化系_控制理论与控制工程学号:2322006015338

    A Study on Network,Embeddedness and Industrial Cluster Competitiveness

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    摘要经济全球化的今天,市场竞争已从企业发展战略向产业集群战略演化。产业集群作为区域经济发展的重要组织形式,不仅极大地推进了区域经济发展,而且增强了区域产业在国内乃至国际上的竞争优势,越来越成为区域参与国际经济竞争的一支重要的新生力量,日益受到国内乃至世界范围内的关注。无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,纷纷实施产业集群战略,力求形成具有高度竞争力的企业集聚区,从而增强一个地区乃至一个国家的竞争优势。福建作为对外开放和海峡两岸交流合作的前沿阵地,如何打造个性化发展之路,成为摆在区域经济发展决策者面前的重大任务。这几年,福建省委、省政府把加快产业集聚、培育发展产业集群作为福建建设海峡西岸经济区的六大举措...Abstract On the background of economic globalization, market competition has evolved from business development strategy to industrial clusters strategy. Industrial clusters, as an important form of regional economic development that has drawn worldwide attention, is becoming a new force in international competition, which has greatly improved regional economic development and the competitiveness...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_区域经济学学号:X20044103

    The Effect of Ownership Structure on Cash Dividend Behavior in Chinese Listed Companies

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    从1956年Lintner[1]对公司最佳股利政策的研究开始,现金股利一直是现代财务理论研究的一个重要领域。理论与实证研究成果证明,不同地区不同阶段的现金股利分配都会有不同的特点,学者们将这一普遍现象定义为“现金股利之谜”。在国外的研究中,现金股利作为一种减少代理成本的方式被投资者所青睐,而在我国,基于上市公司股权结构集中度高和股权分置的特殊背景,现金股利成为大股东对小股东利益进行侵害的工具,出现了分与不分都会损害小股东利益的尴尬局面,即“现金股利悖论”。 截至2006年底,我国的股权分置改革已基本完成,股改对于公司现金股利分配的影响尚不确定。本文以我国特殊的股权集中和股权分置改革为背景,从...Cash dividend policy has always been a widely addressed topic in modern financial literature, since the research of Lintner in 1956 on the best dividend policy. Both theoretical and empirical study indicates that cash dividends in different areas and stages will have different characteristics, which is called “the cash dividend puzzle”. In the research abroad, cash dividends are favored by investo...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752008115132