135 research outputs found

    Dynamic Removal Function Modeling of Bonnet Tool Polishing on Optics Elements

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    目前对于光学元件气囊抛光系统驻留时间的求解都是基于静态的去除函数,然而实际抛光过程中,抛光头不断地移动,故对于动态去除函数的研究显得尤为必要。通过有限元仿真分析的方法得到动静态接触区的轮廓和接触应力分布数据,发现对于平面工件,动静态接触区均为圆形,而且大小基本一致,且动态接触区应力分布与静态接触区应力分布相比,其峰值点沿抛光头移动的相反方向偏移。在此基础上,根据静态接触区应力呈类高斯分布的理论,利用最小二乘拟合的方法,推导出动态接触区的应力分布函数。通过搭建动静态接触区轮廓提取装置,设计不同下压量下动静态接触区的轮廓提取试验,验证有限元仿真结果的准确性。基于仿真和试验结果推导出动态去除函数,对其进行数值仿真,并与静态去除函数进行对比,发现前者去除率偏小,而且最低点也发生偏移。The dwell time function of the bonnet tool polishing on optics elements is achieved based on static removal function in recent studies.But the polishing tool keeps moving during the process,it's necessary to do the research on dynamic removal function.The static and dynamic contact zone is acquired through finite element simulation analysis,and so is the contact pressure.Both of the contact zones are circle and the size of them are almost the same.The peak point of the dynamic contact pressure has an offset contrary to the direction of the tool movement compared to the static contact pressure.The dynamic contact pressure distribution function is deduced by using the least square method based on the theory that the static pressure distribution function is a modified Gaussian function.The device which can extract both the dynamic and static contact zone is set up to capture them on the condition of different offset.Then the simulation results are verified.The dynamic removal function is deduced and numerical simulated based on the forward simulation and experiment results.The removal rate of the dynamic removal function is smaller than the static removal function and its nadir has a deflection compared to the latter.国家自然科学基金(51075343); 厦门市科技计划(3502Z20113007)资助项

    Movement Modeling and Control of Precession Mechanism for Bonnet Tool Polishing Large Aixsymmetrical Aspheric Lenses

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    研究大口径轴对称非球面气囊抛光进动运动建模及控制。分析气囊抛光机构及大口径轴对称非球面抛光进动工艺特点,确定以气囊自转轴线与气囊交点为研究对象,以气囊球心为原点建立气囊进动基础坐标系,根据大口径轴对称非球面连续进动抛光中各抛光点气囊自转轴与局部法线夹角值(即进动角)不变的原理,在分析每个抛光点时建立与其对应的坐标系,得到抛光该点时气囊自转轴与气囊交点在该点对应坐标系中的值,而后进行坐标变换,将抛光任意点时气囊自转轴线与气囊交点的位置换算至气囊进动基础坐标系中;根据大口径轴对称非球面方程、加工控制模型及前述的坐标变换运算结果,利用矩阵变换得到大口径轴对称非球面抛光的进动运动模型;在上述的运动模型中加入最有效率控制算法后进行运动学仿真,得到大口径轴对称非球面抛光的进动运动曲线,并通过仿真气囊自转轴线跟随加工点法线变化的趋势及比较仿真进动角与实际进动角验证所建立运动模型及控制算法的正确性。Movement modeling and control for bonnet tool polishing large axisymmetrical aspheric lenses is present.The intersection point of the spin axis and the bonnet is selected to be object,after analyzing the structure of bonnet tool and process feature of large axisymmetrical aspheric lenses polishing;a base coordinate is set up with the centre of bonnet to be its origin point.As the included angle of the spin axis of bonnet tool and the local normal is fixed in continuous precession polishing,a corresponding coordinate is set up to get the position parameters of the intersection point of the spin axis and the bonnet when polishing a random point,the position parameters of the intersection point of the spin axis and the bonnet in base coordinate are got according to space coordinate conversion;Movement model is obtained by space matrix transformation,based on the surface equation of large axisymmetrix aspheric lenses,processing control model and the position parameters got in last step;Finally,most efficiency algorithm is added to the movement model,and precession motion curve is got by simulation.The correctness of movement model and control algorithm is confirmed through simulating the trend of spin axis of bonnet follows the local normal and comparing the simulated value of precession angle with the actual value of precession angle.国家自然科学基金(51075343);厦门市科技计划(3502Z20113007)资

    Research on the Residual Error Evaluation Method for Deterministic Polishing of Aspheric Optics

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    研究非球面光学元件确定性抛光中表面残余误差的评价方法。对两种非球面残余误差的评价方法,分别为轴向误差法和法向误差法,进行理论研究。指出非球面的残余误差理论上应使用法向误差法来评价,并提出一种基于轴向残余误差求解法向残余误差的方法,继而对二者进行比较发现两者存在一定的偏差,并且差值从非球面的中心向边缘方向逐渐增大。以气囊抛光和数控小磨头抛光为例,通过试验表明使用轴向误差法评价残余误差,进行确定性抛光引入了不同程度的加工误差,引入的加工误差的大小与非球面光学元件的口径和顶点曲率半径的比值(即“相对孔径“)成正相关,故对于相对孔径较小的非球面光学元件在确定性抛光中可使用轴向误差法替代法向误差法作为残余误差的评价方法,反之,则应使用法向误差法。Residual error evaluation method for deterministic polishing of aspheric optics is studied.Two residual error evaluation methods, which are axis-direction error method and normal error method respectively, are researched theoretically.It's inferred that the residual error of aspheric surface should be evaluated by normal error method.A new approach is proposed to calculate normal direction residual error on the basis of the axis-direction residual error of the aspheric surface.There exists difference between these two kinds of error which increases from the center of the aspheric optic to the edge through the comparison of them.Taking bonnet polishing and numerical controlled small tool polishing as examples, experiments are made to quantitatively prove that using axis-direction error method to evaluate residual error in deterministic polishing would introduce different degrees of processing error.It's found that the processing error is positively correlated with the relative aperture of aspheric optics, which is the ratio of the optic's aperture and vertex's curvature radius.Therefore, it is recommended to use axis-direction error method instead of normal error method as the evaluation method of the residual error during deterministic polishing aspheric optics with relatively small relative aperture; the opposite is the other way around.国家科技重大专项资助项目(2013ZX04006011-206

    A review of nutrient requirements and diets of groupers

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    主要综述了石斑鱼的营养需求及其饲料的研制。主要内容包括 :(1)石斑鱼对饲料中蛋白质、脂类、碳水化合物、维生素等的营养需求。 (2 )石斑鱼饲料的研制概况。 (3)针对石斑鱼营养学研究以及目前我国石斑鱼养殖还是以小杂鱼为主 ,配合饲料使用率很低的现状 ,对今后开展石斑鱼营养与饲料研究提出了若干建议。 【英文摘要】 This is a review of studies on the nutrient requirements and diets of groupers. It includes the following parts: (1) Nutrient requirements of protein, lipid, carbohydrate and Vitamins for groupers. (2) General situations in the development on formulated diets for grouper. (3) Several suggestions to the further studies on nutrient requirements and formulated diets for grouper according to the recent situation in China that the breeding groupers are fed by trash fish and the use of formulated diet is much li...福建省重大科技项目”海水养殖鱼类抗菌肽基因克隆与高效表达及绿色饲料的研发”部分资

    Effects of Heavy Metal and Pollutants on the Non-special Immunity of the Shrimp and Crab

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    综述了近10a国内外有关重金属、氨态氮、亚硝酸盐、有机污染物等几种环境因子对虾蟹类非特异性免疫影响的研究成果,以期为通过改善养殖环境条件提高虾蟹类自身免疫抗病力提供理论依据。同时,为进一步深入开展该领域的研究工作积累资料。This paper attempted to review and evaluate existing information about the effects of heavy metal,ammonia-N,nitrite and the organic pollutants on the non-special immune response of the shrimp and crab,which providing theory for improving the self-immunity of shrimp and crab by meliorating cultural environment. In addition,it could provide information for further study on this field


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    无公害渔用饲料是指以提供水产动物营养为目的 ,能促进动物生长、增强免疫力 ,无农药残留 ,无抗生素残留 ,有毒有害物质含量控制在安全允许范围内 ,无致病微生物 ,霉菌毒素不超过标准 ,不污染环境 ,不影响人体健康。其技术指标符合有关质量标准 ,并经有关部门认定的一类饲料。概述了无公害渔用饲料研究开发的要点 ,主要内容包括 (1 )饲料原料与饲料添加剂的要求 ;(2 )无公害渔用饲料营养质量方面的要求 ;(3)无公害渔用饲料加工质量方面的要求 ;(4 )无公害渔用饲料投喂技术方面的要求。最后 ,分析了该领域目前存在的问题并讨论了今后的研究方

    The primary investigation of the value of whole body diffusion weighted imaging in diagnosis of metastatic tumor

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    背景与目的:随着临床上晚期肿瘤病例的增多,为了解治疗前、后全身转移瘤的大小及数量变化的实际情况,以往多采用分部位进行CT和(或)Mr扫描,少部分有条件的患者采用PET检查,但这些方法可能存在过多地暴露于射线、检查时间过长及经济负担过重等问题。因此,我们探讨磁共振的全身弥散加权成像(WHOlE bOdy dIffuSIOn WEIgHTEd IMAgIng,WbdWI)方法对肿瘤及转移灶的检出准确性及其临床应用的可行性。方法:对68例临床已发现原发肿瘤及多个转移灶或发现多个肿瘤病灶,但原发灶不明确的患者进行WbdWI检查,其中男性49例;女性19例。平均年龄61岁。68例均与CT和(或)MrI的检查结果进行比较,其中17例与PET的检查结果相比较。对病灶的检出率,以病灶长径大小分为:<1CM,≥1~<2CM,≥2~<3CM及≥3CM以上4组进行计数分析,同时,对不同部位间的病灶检出情况进行分析。结果:WbdWI对4组病灶的检出率分别为30%、78%、96%及100%。在各个部位的敏感性和准确性中以骨骼最高。对位于肺部小于1CM的病灶和位于颈部、盆腔小于2CM的淋巴结的诊断存在一定困难。结论:WbdWI对大范围的肿瘤病灶筛查是安全、简便、有效和经济的检查新方法。随着技术参数的进一步完善,WbdWI在发现和诊断全身多发肿瘤方面,具有良好的发展潜力。因此,本技术有望作为一种新的、效果好于PET的全身检查技术。Background and purpose:With the increased number of advanced tumors,it is important to evaluate the actual pre-and post-treatment changes in metastatic diseases,such as tumor size and tumor quantity.Previously,CT and/or MRI scan were usually applied,only a few patients could pay for PET(positron emition tomography).But there were several problems we should face,including redundantly exposure to radiation,too long verification time and heavy financial burden.Therefore we evaluated the application of whole body diffusion weighted imaging in diagnosing of tumor and metastatic tumor.Methods:sixty-eight patients(49 male,19 female,age from 29 to 84 years with mean age of 61 years) with a variety of tumors were investigated by combined CT and/or MRI scan,seventeen patients were compared with positron emition tomograph(PET).All tumors were classified into four groups,according to longest diameter of <1 cm,≥1-<2 cm,≥2-<3 cm and ≥3 cm.At the same time,the positive detection rates between different parts of the lesions were analyzed.Results:The detection rate of the four groups were 30%,78%,96% and 100%,respectively.The skeletal system had the highest sensitivity and accuracy in every part of body.There was difficulty in diagnosing lung cancer with longest diameter less than 1 cm as well as tumors located in neck and pelvic with longest diameter less than 2 cm.Conclusion:Whole body diffusion weighted imaging is secure,convenient,effective and economic for screening wide-ranging tumor focus.After improvement of parameters,WBDWI could be as a new effective whole body examination technique.厦门市科技计划项目(No:3502Z20074017

    A review of nutrient requirements and diets of groupers

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    主要综述了石斑鱼的营养需求及其饲料的研制。主要内容包括 :(1)石斑鱼对饲料中蛋白质、脂类、碳水化合物、维生素等的营养需求。 (2 )石斑鱼饲料的研制概况。 (3)针对石斑鱼营养学研究以及目前我国石斑鱼养殖还是以小杂鱼为主 ,配合饲料使用率很低的现状 ,对今后开展石斑鱼营养与饲料研究提出了若干建议。This is a review of studies on the nutrient requirements and diets of groupers. It includes the following parts: (1) Nutrient requirements of protein, lipid, carbohydrate and Vitamins for groupers. (2) General situations in the development on formulated diets for grouper. (3) Several suggestions to the further studies on nutrient requirements and formulated diets for grouper according to the recent situation in China that the breeding groupers are fed by trash fish and the use of formulated diet is much limited.福建省重大科技项目”海水养殖鱼类抗菌肽基因克隆与高效表达及绿色饲料的研发”部分资

    Control Techniques of Bonnet Polishing for Free-form Optical Lenses with Precession

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    针对自由曲面光学元件的加工特点,研究气囊抛光自由曲面光学元件进动运动控制技术,用于求出气囊工具进动过程中两虚拟轴的转角,实现对气囊自转轴空间位置的控制。以气囊自转轴为研究对象,由于自由曲面光学元件上每个点的法线三维坐标都不相同且气囊进动抛光过程中气囊自转轴与工件加工点局部法线夹角不变,提出建立基坐标系和抛光点对应三维空间坐标系的方法,得到抛光过程中气囊自转轴的空间位置变化情况,而后利用旋转坐标变换得到气囊抛光进动运动控制模型;在所建立的自由曲面光学元件气囊抛光进动运动控制模型中加入控制算法,求出抛光自由曲面光学元件各点时气囊工具两个虚拟旋转轴的转角。利用MATlAb对自由曲面光学元件不同方向截面进行仿真抛光试验,得到自由曲面各方向上气囊抛光进动运动曲线以及仿真进动角曲线,结果证明了自由曲面光学元件气囊抛光进动运动控制模型及控制算法的正确性。Control techniques of bonnet polishing free-form optical lenses with 'precession' is studied,according to the processing characters of free-form optical lenses,to figure out the rotating angles of two virtual axes of bonnet tool,which lead to the controllability of spin axis of bonnet tool.The spin axis of bonnet tool is taken as the object,due to the difference of the local normal of each polishing point and the angle between the spin axis of bonnet tool and local normal is keeping constant in polishing process,a method about how to set up basic coordinate and corresponding coordinate of polishing point is proposed,aiming to get the positions of spin axis of bonnet tool in polishing process,by which a movement model can be obtained by combining with rotating coordinate transformation;Then control algorithm is added to the movement model,and rotating angles of two virtual axes of bonnet tool when polishing each point on free-form optical lenses are calculated.At the end,simulations in polishing different directions of free-form optical lens in Matlab are carried out,to get the curves of precession control and the simulated precession angles,the results reveal that the movement model and control algorithm presented are both correct.国家自然科学基金(51075343); 厦门市科技计划(3502Z20113007)资助项

    Nutrient requirements and development of formulated diets of mud crab,Scylla sp.

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    【中文摘要】 青蟹属(Scylla)有锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata),拟穴青蟹(S.paramamosain),紫螯青蟹(S.tranquebarica)和榄绿青蟹(S.olivacea)等4个种。我国以拟穴青蟹占绝对优势,它有个体大、生长快、适应性强、肉味鲜美、营养丰富等特点,已成为具有重要经济价值的海水养殖蟹类之一。随着青蟹人工育苗技术的突破、养殖技术的改进和多种养蟹形式的开发,养蟹业得到了蓬勃发展,其养殖规模不断扩大,产量不断提高,据统计,2004年全国青蟹养殖产量已达10.85万吨。养蟹产业的形成和持续发展必然要走健康养殖的道路,而健康养殖除了供应高质量苗种和保持良好的养殖环境外,必须供应量足质优的饲料,以满足青蟹的营养需求。然而,尽管我国青蟹养殖已有100多年的历史,但对其营养需求研究和配合饲料研发起步较晚,国外的相关研究也较少,故目前市场上尚未生产出能满足其正常生长发育所需营养需求的配合饲料,养蟹所用的饲料主要是天然低质鱼、虾、贝类等。鲜杂鱼等天然生物饵料资源有限,供应不稳定,使用不方便(需要冷冻保存),营养不全面,自身携带病原菌,且投喂后容易腐烂分解,败坏水质,易导致病害蔓延,难以满足日益扩大的养蟹... 【英文摘要】 The mud crab,Scylla sp.,is an important crustacean species farmed on a commercial scale in China.They are polycultured with fish or shrimp,but mud crabs are now monocultured in increasing density to supply the growing market.This trend has made diet development more important.Information on the nutrients required for growth of mud crabs is vital for the formulation of an effective feed.This paper reviews the current knowledge on Scylla sp.nutrition with special reference to developments during the last deca...国家“八六三”计划项目(2002AA603013); 厦门大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目; 厦门大学“九八五”计划科技创新项目“青蟹亲体脂肪酸营养与幼体发育关系研究