359 research outputs found


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    Specific characteristic of tissue bioaccumulation of PAHs in green lipped mussels (Perna Viridis) at different growth stages

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    采用GC/MS测定了福建集美养殖区非繁殖期翡翠贻贝(Pernaviridis)体内的16种多环芳烃(PAHs),分析了不同生长期(个体大小不同)翡翠贻贝不同组织中PAHs的蓄积特征。结果表明,翡翠贻贝对PAHs的蓄积量(∑PAHs)为短生长期>中生长期>长生长期;外套膜>内脏团,鳃组织中PAHs波动较大。贻贝易蓄积低环低分子量的PAHs,且随个体增大,各组织中低分子量的PAHs含量逐渐降低,高分子量的略有增加。 【英文摘要】 The composition and content of PAHs in different tissues and growth stages (different size) of mussels were studied. Sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in green mussels (Perna Viridis) were detected. The results showed that the some of PAHs (PAHs) in green mussles significantly affected on the growth rate (mussels size) and type of tissues: small mussels > middle mussels > big mussels; mantle>visceral mass, while the content of PAHs in gill varied widely. Mussels easier concentrate the low molecular w...国家自然科学基金(4010601220077023);; 福建省教育委员会基金(K20100

    Association of dietary patterns with metabolic syndrome among residents in Xiamen city

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    目的探讨福建省厦门市居民膳食模式与代谢综合征(MS)及其组分之间关系。方法本研究于2015年12月-2016年9月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方; 法,对厦门市2; 508名≥18岁居民进行膳食调查、体格测量及生化指标检测,采用因子分析法确定膳食模式,分析不同膳食模式与MS及其组分的关系。结果因子分析结果得出; 调味品模式、沿海特色模式、奶类少油模式、水果蔬菜模式4种膳食模式;多因素logistic回归分析显示,控制混杂因素后,调味品模式是MS组分高血压; 的危险因素(最高三分位数相对于最低三分位数的比值,即T3:T1OR=1.60,95%CI=1.19~2.15),奶类少油模式是MS(T3:T1; OR=0.47,95%CI=0.30~0.75)和高血压(T3:T1; OR=0.49,95%CI=0.36~0.65)的保护因素;未发现沿海特色模式和水果蔬菜模式与MS及其组分之间存在统计学关联。结论膳食模式与MS; 及其组分血压发现水平存在一定关联,减少食用盐、食用油的摄入、增加奶类的摄入,对预防MS及其组分血压水平有重要意义。Objective To explore the relationship between dietary pattern and; metabolic syndrome (MS) in residents of Xiamen city. Methods Using; multistage stratified cluster random sampling,2 508 residents were; selected to receive a dietary survey and anthropometric and biochemical; measures from December 2015 to September 2016.Factor analysis was used; to identify food patterns based on the dietary survey.Chi-square test; and logistic regression were used to analyze the relationship between; food patterns and MS and its components. Results Four dietary patterns; were identified,including condiment,sea food,more milk and less oil,and; fruits and vegetables pattern.After adjusting for potential confounding; factors,the upper tertile (T3) of the condiment pattern was associated; with higher risks of hypertension compared with the lowest tertile; (T1)(T3:T1 odds ratio[OR]=1.60,95% confidence; interval[95%CI]=1.19-2.15).T3 of the more milk and less oil pattern was; associated with lower risks of MS and hypertension compared with the; T1(T3:T1 OR=0.47,95%CI=0.30-0.75;T3:T1 OR=0.49,95%CI=0.36-0.65).No; correlation was found between the sea food pattern,fruits and vegetables; pattern with MS and its components. Conclusion Dietary patterns are; associated with MS and blood pressure levels.Limiting intake of table; salt and oil,increasing intake of milk may play important roles in the; prevention of MS and high blood pressure

    Toxic Effects of Cadmium, Mercury, Chromium and Lead on the Early Life Stage of Marine Medaka (Oryzias melastigma)

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    近岸海域重金属污染不容乐观,作为“一种潜在的海洋模式鱼种“黑点青鳉(MArInE MEdAkA,OryzIAS MElASTIgMA)对不同重金属胁迫的响应水平却鲜有报道。为探究并比较海水鱼种黑点青鳉早期生活阶段对Cd2+、Hg2+、Cr6+和Pb2+等不同重金属胁迫的响应,在实验室通过半静态方式,对黑点青鳉受精卵和初孵仔鱼分别进行了14d短期毒性和96H急性毒性实验。结果显示:当Cd2+、Hg2+、Cr6+和Pb2+浓度分别高于147μg·l-1、24μg·l-1、235μg·l-1和200μg·l-1时,4种重金属离子对黑点青鳉胚胎发育具有显著的毒性效应,可显著降低胚胎的孵化能力和心脏跳动,并导致初孵仔鱼的发育畸形;Cd2+、Hg2+、Cr6+和Pb2+对黑点青鳉初孵仔鱼的96H-lC50分别为1.12(0.496~2.306)Mg·l-1、0.097(0.042~0.196)Mg·l-1、1.456(0.547~3.242)Mg·l-1和>20Mg·l-1;与其他海洋鱼种相比,4种重金属离子对黑点青鳉初孵仔鱼的lC50相对较低,表明该鱼种对重金属胁迫具有较强的敏感性。此外,该鱼种具有个体小,易于实验室长期培养,世代周期短和对内分泌干扰物敏感等多项优势,因此,笔者推荐将黑点青鳉作为潜在的海洋模式鱼种用于生态毒理学研究。The situation of heavy metal pollution in coastal waters in China is not optimistic.However, few studies have reported the toxic effects of heavy metal on marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) as a new marine test fish.In order to explore and compare the toxicity responses of marine medaka at its early life stage under the exposure of Cd2+, Hg2+, Cr6+ and Pb2+, static-renewal acute toxicity tests (96 h) on the embryo and short-term toxicity tests (14 d) on the larvae were investigated.Results showed that, when the concentrations of Cd2+, Hg2+, Cr6+ and Pb2+ were higher than 147 μg·L-1, 24 μg·L-1, 235 μg·L-1 and 200 μg·L-1, respectively, these metal ions caused significant toxic effects on the hatchability and heartbeat of the embryos, and caused the deformity of the larvae.The 96 h-LC50 values for marine medaka larvae exposed to Cd2+, Hg2+, Cr6+ and Pb2+ were 1.12 (0.496 - 2.306) mg·L-1, 0.097 (0.042 - 0.196) mg·L-1, 1.456 (0.547 - 3.242) mg·L-1 and >20 mg·L-1, respectively.Compared with other marine fish species, the LC50 values of the four metal ions to the marine medaka larvae were relatively low, indicating that the fish species has relatively high sensitivity to heavy metal stress.Additionally, this fish species has many other advantages including a small size, easy cultivation in the laboratory, a short generation cycle and relatively high sensitivity to endocrine disrupting chemicals.Based on these results, marine medaka is highly recommended as a marine test fish for ecotoxicological tests and researches.海洋公益性行业科研专项(No.200805090);国家“863”项目(No.2007AA09Z126)资


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    通过 3个航次对厦门西港表层海水中 16种优先监控的PAHs的污染状况进行不同季节的连续调查 .结果表明 :表层海水中PAHs的含量与组成具有明显的时间差异 .在 4月和 10月的PAHs含量较 7月高 ;PAHs的组成在 4月以 2环的萘为优势组分 ,在 7月以 3环的苊烯为优势组分 ,10月以 4环的为优势组分 .分析 3个航次的调查结果发现 :厦门西港表层海水中的PAHs主要来源于石油类物质的输入 .厦门西港表层海水中各种PAHs的含量与国际生物学组织或国家制定的评价水生生物暴露于水体的安全食用标准相比虽未超标 ,但个别组分如蒽、苯并 [a]芘的含量已达到生态毒理评价标准


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    采用气相色谱与质谱联用 (GC/MS)技术 ,通过 3个航次对厦门西港沉积物中 1 6种优先监控的PAHs的污染状况进行不同季节的连续调查。结果表明 ,厦门西港沉积物中检出的PAHs均以 4— 6环的为主 ,其中荧蒽和芘在不同航次及不同站位均为优势组分。PAHs的总含量变化不明显 ,但高分子量的PAHs(5— 6环 )的含量却有升高的趋势。厦门西港沉积物中的PAHs主要来源于矿物的不完全燃烧 ,与 1 993年的调查结果相比 ,厦门西港沉积物中PAHs的含量有所减少 ,与国内外其他相似地区比较属中等水


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    本文对一种新概念的PDE/Scramjet 组合循环发动机在自由射流推进风洞中进行了实验研究。着重研究了点火、凹腔对发动机性能的影响。实验发现, 由爆轰管尾部带来的大扩张结构需要强制点火才能保证超燃发动机的稳定燃烧。此外发动机侧面凹腔的引入,对性能有利也有弊,需要进一步权衡。本文还开展了PDE/Scramjet 的联合实验,由于PDE 燃料流量只有超燃发动机的1%左右,导致PDE 对整体发动机性能贡献很小。最后,本文还采用总压恢复模型对组合循环发动机的推力阻力进行了分析

    Concentration , composition and origin of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface water of Xiamen Harbor

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    通过3 个航次对厦门西港表层海水中16 种优先监控的PAHs 的污染状况进行不同季节的连续调查. 结果表明:表层海水中PAHs 的含量与组成具有明显的时间差异. 在4 月和10 月的PAHs 含量较7 月高;PAHs 的组成在4 月以2 环的萘为优势组分,在7 月以3 环的苊烯为优势组,10 月以4 环的为优势组分. 分析3 个航次的调查结果发现:厦门西港表层海水中的PAHs 主要来源于石油类物质的输入. 厦门西港表层海水中各种PAHs 的含量与国际生物学组织或国家制定的评价水生生物暴露于水体的安全食用标准相比虽未超标,但个别组分如蒽、苯并[ a ]芘的含量已达到生态毒理评价标准.国家自然科学基金项目(No130070157) ;华东师范大学河口海岸动力沉积和动力地貌综合国家重点实验室开放课题基金(2002 —2003

    Analysis on Hydrocarbons Pollution in Vehicle Exhausts in Xiamen City

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    [摘要]:通过厦门市仙岳隧道实验建立了厦门市机动车尾气源饱和烃( 正构烷烃、甾萜类化合物等) 及多 环芳烃等主要烃类污染物的特征排放谱, 得出厦门市隧道尾气PM10 中PAHs 的苯并[ a ] 芘等效毒性 (BEQ) ( 3. 99) 约为厦门城市大气的2. 5 倍, 对人体健康威胁更大. 同时估算出汽油车和柴油车对厦门大气 机动车尾气排放PAHs 的贡献率分别约为70%和30%.[Abstract]:Tunnel study was carried out in Xianyue tunnel in Xiamen city to characterize the emission of saturated hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs) from vehicles. The contents and the profiles of these pollutants were given in this paper. T he value of BEQ of PAHs in Xianyue tunnel air was 3. 99, which was about 2. 5 times that in Xiamen City which brought higher threat to human health. Results showed the contributions of emission from gasoline-engined vehicles and diesel-engined vehicles to the PAHs in Xiamen city air have been quantified to be about 70% and 30%.国家自然科学基金资助项目( 202777060) ; 成都信息工程学院引进人才科研启动项目基金资助( KYTZ200806


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