20 research outputs found


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    本篇論文的研究對象是撒拉族所經營的鄉鎮企業,研究主軸則是從撒拉族的鄉鎮企業發展情況,來探討社會文化變遷與民族經濟發展之間的關係。 一九七八年第十一屆三中全會之後,中共確定了經濟改革的方向,中國的經 濟發展從計畫經濟體制朝著市場經濟體制邁進,而市場經濟體制中的農村家庭承包制,使得鄉鎮企業在中國農村有了發展的契機。自八○年代以來,循化撒拉族自治縣經濟發展進步的最重要的推動力就是大力興辦鄉鎮企業,鄉鎮企業的發展也是全縣社會經濟發展的最重要標誌,更是撒拉族提升本民族經濟的最佳方式。而影響循化撒拉族興辦鄉鎮企業的因素,除了整體大環境的變革使鄉鎮企業有發展機會之外,民族本身的社會文化對於鄉鎮企業的影響,更是有舉足輕重的地位。 撒拉族社會文化對於鄉鎮企業經營的正面影響為:伊斯蘭教的宗教信仰提供撒拉族積極發展鄉鎮企業的動力;多種經營的傳統符合市場經濟的供給需求;開放性與包容性使撒拉族能快速掌握機會;自尊心強使撒拉族人努力發展鄉鎮企業;傳統社會結構使撒拉族在經營鄉鎮企業也能團結互助。而其負面影響則是:自尊心強導致人人都想當老闆,鄉鎮企業規模小,不易進步;傳統社會結構使鄉鎮企業容易形成家族化現象;對學校教育接受度低導致教育水準低落,使鄉鎮企業缺乏人才。 而撒拉族的經濟發展與社會文化之間的關係,是互相影響的。經濟因為社會與文化的因素而有發展的機會;社會與文化也因為經濟的發展而有所變遷。因此撒拉族在鄉鎮企業發展起來,經濟水準有所提升之後,撒拉族的社會與文化也因為鄉鎮企業發展的緣故,產生了獨特的變遷與適應:傳統經濟生活走向產業化,並提供剩餘勞力工作機會;對體制內的學校教育接受度提高;撒拉族婦女有了經濟獨立的機會。 撒拉族雖然因為興辦經營鄉鎮企業之後,對於學校教育的觀念有所改變,但是目前教育水準的低落仍是鄉鎮企業發展最大的問題,值得後續繼續觀察;而鄉鎮企業的發展提供了撒拉族婦女很多的工作機會,使得撒拉族婦女的角色與地位開始與以往不同的變化,對於撒拉族社會可說是相當大的變遷,也是撒拉族面臨未來影響經濟發展的重要關鍵


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    An Argument Analysis of Policy Making of Restricted Use Policy on Plastic Shopping Bags and Disposable plastic Tableware

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    本研究主要目的在探討政府機關與政策利害關係人於政策制定過程中,如何以政策論證(policy argument)的方式影響政府機關政策制定,並以行政院環保署推行之「限塑政策」為個案分析主體。藉由文獻檢閱整理政策制定與論證之概念,嘗試以學者William Dunn的論證方式,佐以深入訪談分析、再參酌立法委員於限塑政策制定時於立法院所提之論證內容,最後進行結論與建議。 本文的研究目的在於探討政策制定與政策論證的意涵及論證之方式,瞭解「限塑政策」之起源、內涵、規劃與合法化。並將贊成與反對「限塑政策」之政府官員、專家、學者、立法委員、利害關係人及當事人代表之意見,並進行正反交叉之論證分析,以瞭解「限塑政策」之實施情況、並提出未來修正政策方向與相關建議,希冀對往後政府在執行相關政策時能有所助益。為順利完成研究,本文第一章研究途徑採取質化及個案研究途徑;研究方法採用文獻檢閱法及深度訪談法;研究主題範圍為「限塑政策」從問題發生、規劃至合法化的相關過程;時間範圍為政策推行日前之政策制定過程,至第一階段與第二階段推行時期都列為本文探討時間範圍;參與者範圍則包括環保署、各縣市環保局、塑膠業者、環保團體、民意代表、學者專家及一般民眾等。 第二章為相關理論探討與文獻檢閱。第一節將探討政策制定的基本概念;第二節將對政策論證的基本概念作簡單的鋪陳;第三節將對近年來有關政策論證及「限塑政策」的碩、博士論文進行摘要、檢閱及評析,俾利根據前人的研究成果,以作為往後章節論證分析的基礎。 第三章是以行政院環保署在民國91年7月1日所推動的「限塑政策」為主軸,探討該政策的起源、意涵、規劃、合法化及產生後續之相關問題等,將以該政策的文獻資料、期刊文章、政府公報、網路資料與各報章雜誌等資訊,作為主要參考之內容。 第四章是以行政院環保署規劃與執行「限塑政策」的政府官員、於國會提出質詢之立法委員、相關環保團體、塑膠業製品工會代表,與民眾等公共政策相關領域者進行訪談,進而從事「限塑政策」的論證分析,以學者William Dunn提出的權威、統計、類別、直覺、分析重心、解釋、實用(平行案例)及價值批判的論證方式,並歸納整合進行贊成、反對意見及交叉論證分析。 第五章為結論與建議。本章將承續第四章的論證分析,彙整出本研究之發現,並對未來「限塑政策」可進行之方向提出幾點建議以提供未來相關政策制定時之參考,最後並提出幾點研究建議供後續相關研究者卓參。研究發現政治菁英對政策的喜愛與偏好具有影響力、民間團體在政策制定過程中的影響有限、民眾高度支持的政策具有迷思、以價制量下的限塑政策仍須再評估、限塑政策欠缺比例原則及公平性原則、政策實施前應具有完善的配套措施與通盤考量等多項發現。至研究建議方面,制定政策應以長期性、永續性的眼光制定、強化與環保團體、業者及民眾參與及溝通機制、應從教育面從手,改善人民對環保的觀念與認知、訂定限塑政策相關法令,建立回收制度、政策應符比例原則及公平性原則、及相關具體建議等,期望能提供政府機關爾後推行相關政策時參考

    Examining information disclosure in the Chinese securities markets: an alternative explanation

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    abstractpublished_or_final_versionLawDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph

    Development and Application in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrate

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    利用陽極氧化鋁孔洞來成長奈米銀粒子陣列基板,藉由精確的調整其銀粒子間距(5〜25奈米)使其用於表面增強拉曼光譜,其拉曼增強效果在粒子間距小於10奈米以下開始明顯改變,並在5奈米時達到最大,這樣的結果與表面耦合電漿子理論相符。為了將此增強式拉曼基板應用於細菌檢測上,這種不透明的拉曼增強基板更進一步的借由離子漂移的處理過程中,使其氧化變成透明,這種透明基板擁有拉曼增強能力的同時並有良好的光透射率、表面增強拉曼散射特性和高對比的微生物光學成像,如此的特性可用於檢測水污染物。另一方面,我們也利用萬古黴素塗布於銀粒子基板上使其成為一種特殊類型的基板,它可以用於檢測無標記的單隻細菌的表面增強拉曼光譜,這樣的特殊型基板具有約千倍的捕捉細菌能力,以及約4〜5倍的細菌表面增強拉曼信號增強,且其細菌光譜不會受到萬古黴素的干擾。我們還應用奈米銀粒子拉曼增強基板於辨別細菌細胞壁的精細結構上,以此基板建構的表面增強拉曼光譜平台,可以敏銳和穩定的反映出不同細胞壁結構差異的細菌,如革蘭氏陽性菌、革蘭氏陰性菌或分枝桿菌。此外細菌對抗生素的藥物敏感性,利用細菌的拉曼光譜上在投藥後的變化,可在1個小時左右的時間就可得知,這使得我們可以快速的來區分細菌的耐藥性,這種表面增強拉曼光譜來診斷的方式,也適用於單隻的細菌,使得利用增強拉曼光譜來快速微生物檢測的方式,不再需要長時間靠培養細菌就可以直接對臨床樣品做檢測。Arrays of silver nanoparticles grown on anodic alumina nanochannels (Ag-NPs/AAO) with precisely tunable gaps (5~25 nm) are fabricated as substrate for using on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The Raman enhancement becomes significant for gaps below 10 nm and turns dramatically large when gaps reach an unprecedented value of 5 nm. The results are quantitatively consistent with theories based on collectively coupled surface plasmon. These opaque Raman enhancing substrates (Ag-NPs/AAO) have been further rendered transparent by an ion-drift process to complete the oxidation. The transparent substrates exhibit Raman enhancing capability and good optical transmissivity, allowing for concurrent surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) characterization and high contrast transmission-mode optical imaging of microorganisms as well as in-situ detection of dilute water pollutants. On the other hand, we show that vancomycin coating of a special type of substrate covered by Ag-NPs/AAO, which can provide label-free detection of single bacteria via surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, leads to ~1000 folds increase in its capability to capture bacteria; and 4~5 folds increase in the SERS signal of captured bacteria without introducing significant spectral interference. We also apply the Ag-NPs/AAO SERS substrate to assess the fine structures of the bacterial cell wall. The SERS profiles recorded by such a platform are sensitive and stable, that could readily reflect different bacterial cell walls found in Gram-positive, Gram-negative, or mycobacteria groups. Moreover, characteristic changes in SERS profile were noticed in the drug-sensitive bacteria at the early period (i.e., ~1 hr) of antibiotic exposure, which could be used to differentiate them from the drug-resistant ones. The SERS-based diagnosis could be applied to a single bacterium. The high-speed SERS detection represents a novel approach for microbial diagnostics. The single bacterium detection capability of SERS makes possible analyses directly on clinical specimen instead of pure cultured bacteria

    Thailand’s Boundary and National Security Policy: An Analysis of Refugee Issue

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    本論文研究的主題是泰國為維護其邊界安全作出的國家安全政策。泰國位在印度支那半島的中心點,當周邊國家發生動亂時,泰國就成為政治難民逃難的目的地,而且入侵的人數非常多。先後進入泰國的政治難民有泰北孤軍、馬來亞共產黨及柬埔寨難民。本文探討他們進入泰國的原因、在泰國的行為、及泰國政府處置政治難民的政策及最後的歸屬。當時泰國國內也深受共產主義的迫害,使得泰國政府除了要消除來自國外的威脅,還要利用這些難民來協助阻止泰共的活動,或者利用這些難民團體構建其邊疆的防衛圈,成為防衛泰國邊界的前沿軍隊。最後泰國政府以其維護邊境安全有功的理由給予泰北孤軍和馬來亞共產黨人泰國籍,對柬埔寨難民則採取遣返回國或送至第三國安置的辦法。總之,泰國政府以包容性的政策,容納週鄰政治難民,藉以防衛其邊境並開發其邊疆荒蕪之地,是乃泰國邊境安全政策成功之道。This paper focuses on Thailand’s national security policy for its boundary issue. Due to the central position in Indo-Chinese Peninsular, when there happened the political turmoil of the surrounding countries, territory of Thailand has been used as a shelter for a large number of political refugees. Those political refugee groups include the Chinese Nationalist troops (KMT), Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), and Cambodian refugees. The reasons of political refugees entering into Thailand, activities and Thai government policy towards them, would be discussed in this paper. Since the 1950s, Thailand suffered from rebel activities of the Communist Party of Thailand, so Thai government took advantage of combating experience of political refugees to fight against those Thai Communists in bordering area. Thai government even gave them the land and agricultural instruments to cultivate in bordering area and encouraged them stay by giving Thailand nationality to KMT troops and members of CPM, but repatriated those Cambodia refugees to back to Cambodia or to resettle in the third country. Thai government adopted an accommodate policy towards those political refugee groups, by using them to defence its border area and develop the economy, successfully to maitain its border security

    Highly Raman-Enhancing Substrates Based on Silver Nanoparticle Arrays

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    鑲嵌於氧化鋁奈米孔洞薄膜表面上的銀奈米粒子陣列基版,其銀粒子表面有特別強的表面加強式拉曼光譜效應,靠著首次能精準的將銀奈米顆粒間距控制於10奈米以下,發現表面加強式拉曼光譜的強度隨著顆粒間距縮小而快速的增加。這樣的結果在定量上提供表面加強式拉曼散射和粒子間電場耦合所引發的拉曼光譜加強效應的實驗證據。這種有表面加強式拉曼光譜效應的銀/氧化鋁基板,因為其加強效應有很高的均勻度和很好的實驗再現性,使其很適合使用於和表面加強式拉曼光譜效應有關的化學、生物等之實驗和應用。Substrates with extremely high surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity are fabricated based on arrays of Ag-nanoparticles on the surface of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) film. The gaps between the Ag-nanoparticles are precisely varied in the unprecedented sub-10-nm scale and the SERS enhancing power increases dramatically with the narrowing of the gaps. The results provide quantitative evidence of collective SERS effect and confirm predictions of interparticle-coupling induced Raman enhancement. The Ag/AAO substrate’s uniform and highly reproducible SERS-active properties as well as its wide dynamical range facilitate the use of SERS for many chemical/biological sensing applications.Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 2 1.2 Anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) 5 Chapter 2 Experiment process and result 2.1 Ag/AAO substrate preparation 7 2.2 SERS spectrum measurement 12 Chapter 3 Discussion 20 Chapter 4 Conclusion 22 Reference 2


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    Graves' ophthalmopathy is accompanied by hyaluronan (HA) accumulation in the orbital space and infiltration of immunocompetent cells and cytokines, including IFN-g, IL-1b, and TGF-b. We examined the signal transduction pathways by which TGF-b induces HA synthesis in normal orbital fibroblasts , orbital fibroblasts from patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy, and abdominal fibroblasts. Calphostin C inhibited the stimulation of HA synthesis by TGF-b. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) activation of PKC stimulated HA production. The effects of TGF-b and PMA were not synergistic. Stimulation by TGF-b and PMA were dependent on protein synthesis and their effects were inhibited by cycloheximide. Since TGF-b- induced HA synthesis was inhibited by BAPTA or by PKC inhibitors, a calcium-dependent PKC was most likely involved. The PKA inhibitor H-89 enhanced TGF-b- and PMA-induced HA synthesis, thus showing that communication between the PKA and PKC pathways was evident. TGF-b stimulated the translocation of PKCbII to the cell membrane. PKCbII, a key enzyme in the regulation of HA synthesis by TGF-b, might be an appropriate target for therapeutic compounds to be used to treat Graves' ophthalmopathy accompanied by inflammation

    Effect of Temperature on Flower Bud Formation and Bud Dormancy in Asian Pear

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    種植於低海拔地區之梨高溫期過長,易造成花芽敗育,且需克服休眠解除之問題,因此利用修剪及溫度試驗探討解決之道。試驗一是利用高接後新興梨(‘Shinko’ Pyrus pyrifolia)新生的枝條,於2015年秋季(8-10月)修剪,並分別施予4%(稀釋25倍)與2%(稀釋50倍)氰滿素(商品名:春雷,含49%氰胺),使修剪後之腋芽能萌發,觀察萌發之新梢營養生長、花芽分化、休眠狀態等。處理後,以8月修剪後催芽有較佳萌芽率,達75.9±9.7%,處理時間越晚萌芽率越低。在8-10月處理後新梢可花芽分化,但是枝條快速停止生長,枝條最長者為8月處理,枝條長度平均8.9±1.3公分左右,長度不足以作為隔年梨穗之使用。由氣象紀錄資料可知2015年卓蘭地區秋季仍處在高溫期,推測可能為枝條快速停止生長之誘導因子。試驗二為探討溫度對梨休眠之影響。鳥梨(bird pear P. lindleyi)、橫山梨(‘Heng-Shan’ P. pyrifolia)與新興梨(‘Shinko’ P. pyrifolia)盆栽於2015年3月6日起分別置於為日夜溫30/25℃、25/20℃、20/15℃、15/13℃之環境中,光週為自然日長,觀察新生枝條長度、生長停止時間、花芽形成、休眠狀態。鳥梨於30/25℃、25/20℃環境中60-75天後停止營養生長;20/15℃處理者於處理120天後生長停止,15/13℃處理者至180天調查結束時枝條仍持續生長。橫山梨植株於30/25℃、25/20℃環境中,30-60天後停止營養生長,兩處理植株在生長停止後形成頂芽;20/15℃處理者於處理120天後生長停止並形成頂芽,15/13℃處理者至180天仍顯示持續生長,無頂芽出現。新興梨在所有溫度處理下,於45-60天後枝條生長皆停止。受試3種梨皆於30/25℃環境中具有花芽形成能力。處理180天後(9月)修剪,受試3種梨在各溫度中皆能重新抽梢,芽體似仍處在相對休眠與生理休眠之間。以卓蘭田間6-9月枝條單芽扦插,其萌芽率最高為7月60.4±5.40%,9月後萌芽率大幅下降,降至39.2±8.90%。且枝條內80%乙醇可溶性醣於9月亦有下降情形,而澱粉於9月後開始大量增加,推斷卓蘭低海拔地區於9月後已進入生理休眠。The long high temperature period makes flower bud abortion. In this study, pruning and 49% cynamide applcaition were used to let new lateral shoot growth in autumn (August to October) and the shoot length, flower formation, and dormancy were investigated in ‘Shinko’ (Pyrus pyrifolia) in Zhou-Lan. The highest percentage of bud break occurred in August, and it decreased in October as the dormancy development. Flower buds could be found during August to October, but the new shoot length was only 10 cm, and the growth ceased after a short time. These kind of shoots are not good enough to be the pear scion next year. Temperature is the key point to bud dormancy. Three Asian pear, bird pear (P. lindleyi), ‘Heng-Shan’ (P. pyrifolia), and ‘Shinko’ (P. pyrifolia) were put into 15/13℃, 25/20℃, 25/20℃, and 30/25℃, respectively, for 180 days. The vegetative growth of bird pear in 30/25℃, 25/20℃ ceased after 60-75 days. The shoots growth in 20/15℃ stopped after 120 days. However, the vegetative growth last for 180 days in 15/13℃. The vegetative growth of ‘Heng-Shan’ in 30/25℃ and 25/20℃ ceased after 45-60 days. The shoots growth in 20/15℃ stopped after 120 days. However, the vegetative growth also last for 180 days in 15/13℃. The vegetative growth of ‘Shinko’ stopped after 45-60 days in all temperature treatments. The floral formation could be investigated in all 3 varieties in 30/25℃. Three shoots were cut per month after July (after 120-day investigation) in every variety in all treatment. The percentage of bud break were above 33% during July to September in three varieties. It suggests the dormancy stage may be between paradormancy and endodormancy stage in September. However, comparing the bud break ratio of the shoots from Zhou-Lan dereased from 60% to 38% during July to September. Analyzing the carbohydrates and nitrogen contents in the shoots from Zhou-Lan during July to November. The total soluble solid decreased and the starch increased to the highest level after September. It suggests the dormancy stage would be into endodormancy in September