20 research outputs found

    The Type of Enterprise’s Action toward Government and the Strategic Choice of Tourism Enterprise

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    企业作为组织,不仅在市场中生存,更是在政府所规范的制度环境中生存。旅游业关联性强、独立性弱的特点决定了,旅游企业必须依赖与政府的协调、与市场的共生,才能获得更好的外部发展环境。较之制造业,公共服务供给对旅游企业的影响不仅立竿见影,而且全面、深刻、长远。 中国转型期的政治经济体制决定了,政府不仅通过政策和法规影响企业,还在微观层面干预企业经营。对此,企业是如何应对的?是无条件迎合,还是策略性应对,抑或是在困境中寻求突破?嵌入该制度框架中的旅游企业又该如何作为?本文试图从理论层面回答上述问题。根据中西方企业所处体制环境的差异,本文将企业的政府行动区分为建立政治关联和追求公共服务两类。在界定并比较...Enterprises as organization, not only survive in market, but also survive in the institutional context disciplined by government. The characteristics of strongly connecting and weak independence in tourism industry contribute to the tourism enterprise’s survival logic, that it have to depend on coordinating with government and coexist with market. Without that, tourism enterprises could not get be...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:B20043900

    On Exploiting Qualifications of Industrial Tourism and its Developing Venture

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    对工业旅游的开发条件进行全面、深入的分析是保证工业旅游成功开发的前提和基础,同时,工业旅游开发的成功还离不开对项目风险的认知与评估。从主体条件、客体条件、媒介条件三个方面对工业旅游的开发条件作了较全面的探讨,进而分析了在当前市场条件下,因工业旅游自身局限性可能产生的开发风险。To analyze industrial tourism,exploiting qualifications comprehensively and profoundly is the foundation of successful industrial tourism.At the same time, the successful development is also strongly connected with the acknowledgement and evaluation of the item's venture. This paper makes a comprehensive study of exploiting qualifications from three aspects,including subject, object and medium qualification, and points out the industrial tourism developing venture caused by its limitations under the present market environment


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    Prokaryotic community structures in biogas plants with swine manure

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    采集了中国不同地区的13个猪粪原料沼气工程系统的沼液,利用16S rrnA基因扩增子高通量测序技术研究了原核微生物群落组成及多样性。结果表明,fIrMICuTES是猪粪原料沼气工程系统中的主导微生物,其次为bACTErOIdETES、PrOTEObACTErIA和CHlOrOflEXI。在相似的温度条件下,铵态氮与磷酸盐的比例是影响猪粪原料沼气工程系统原核微生物群落结构及多样性的主要因素。较高的铵磷比会富集fIrMICuTES门的菌群,尤其是ClOSTrIdIuM SEnSu STrICTO属;而较低的铵磷比则有利于bACTErOIdETES和PrOTEObACTErIA。不同营养类型产甲烷菌对高浓度铵态氮耐受程度不同(氢营养型产甲烷菌>METHAnOSArCInA>METHAnOSAETA),影响着产甲烷菌群落组成。产甲烷菌和互营菌的群落组成是影响沼气发酵产气效率的重要生物因素,高比例的氢型产甲烷菌和丙酸互营菌更有利于提高产甲烷效率。Slurry samples from 13 industrial biogas plants using swine manure as raw substrate were collected from different regions in China.The prokaryotic community compositions were investigated using 16S rRNA amplicon high-throughput sequencing technique.The results showed that Firmicutes was the most abundant phylum in these biogas plants, followed by Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Chloroflexi.The ratio of ammonium to phosphate was the main factor affecting prokaryotic community structure and diversity for similar temperatures and substrates.A high ratio of ammonium to phosphate enriched Firmicutes, especially the genus Clostridium sensu stricto, while Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria preferred a low ratio.Ammonium influenced the compositions of methanogens since their tolerance degrees to ammonium were different(hydrogenotrophic methanoges > Methanosarcina > Methanosaeta).Community compositions of methanogens and syntrophs were the most important biotic factors affecting biogas production rate.Biogas production rate could be increased by increasing the abundances of hydrogenotrophic methanoges and syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria.国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2013CB733502); 国家自然科学基金项目(41301271;41271260)~

    Review and Ponderings on the Study of Domestic Industry Tourism

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    近年来我国工业旅游发展迅速,但旅游学界对它的研究还刚起步,一些关键问题亟需明确和深入研究。工业旅游既是一种专项旅游活动,同时也是企业发展项目;它应在"多赢"原则指导下发展;工业旅游的开发需慎重考虑主、客体条件与媒介条件。Industry tourism has flourished in China in resent years, but the study of it has just begun, and some vital issues are still in need of further studies. Industry tourism is not only a specialized tourist activity but an enterprise development project as well. It should develop under the guidance of "allwin" principle with the conditions of subject, object and intermediary taken into consideration

    The Fiscal Competence:A Normative Analysis in the Perspective of Political Science

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    本文将财政竞争作为规范性命题提出,探讨其内涵、实践路径与测量思路。简而言之,财政竞争指的是政府之间针对公共服务供给权(限)而展开的横向和纵向公平竞争。此处的“财政竞争“衡量的不是政府的竞争手段,而是竞争能力,且决定了竞争的正向效应。同级政府间财政竞争力包括收入竞争力、支出竞争力和收支平衡力,而不同层级政府间财政竞争力的要义是各级政府的公共服务供给能力和供给效率,它决定了未来该级政府在与上级、下级政府的博弈中所获得的支出权限和收入分配权限。在明确“财政竞争(力)“的概念内涵后,本文将公平环境与竞争环境的构造作为迈向财政竞争的基础环境和制度设计,而后探讨了政府财政竞争力的测量思路。Fiscal competition is put forward as a normative proposition in order to explore its connotation,practicing path and measurement.In short,fiscal competition means that governments compete for the public service provision power by carrying out fair horizontal and vertical competition.This kind of fiscal competition doesn't measure the government competition means but the competing competence,and determines the positive effect of the competition.The government fiscal competences at the same level include public revenue competence,public expenditure competence and payment balancing ability;while the key of fiscal competence at different levels is the provision ability and the efficiency of public service,which determines the further expending and revenue allocating power during the bargaining between higher level and lower level governments.With the clarification of the connotation of "fiscal competence",this article makes the construction of fair and competitive environment as the basic environment and institution design to achieve fiscal competition,then it discusses the measurement of government fiscal competence.国家社科基金项目“我国财政公共化发展的评价指标体系研究(编号:11BZZ048)”; 中央高校基本科研业务费项目“财政公共化与地方政府治理”(编号:2013221017); 福建省科技厅软科学自选项目“公共服务俘获与供给视角的邮轮产业发展对策研究”(编号:2012R0073