3 research outputs found

    Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Mangrove Forests and the Impact of Spartina alterniflora Invasion

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    滨海湿地具有重要的碳汇能力和向海洋输送碳的能力。红树林是重要的滨海湿地类型,关于中国红树林土壤碳动态还缺乏系统的研究。分布于东南沿海的中国红树林受到强烈的人类干扰和互花米草入侵的影响。本文以福建漳江口红树林自然保护区和广东湛江红树林自然保护区的典型红树林群落为研究对象,比较了不同类型红树林生境土壤基本理化性质、土壤有机碳库量,并系统研究漳江口红树林生态系统的土壤有机碳的来源及横向输出以及互花米草入侵对红树林土壤有机碳的影响。主要结果如下: 漳江口红树林和湛江高桥土壤有机碳库水平仅为热带红树林的四分之一。漳江口红树林土壤的有机碳含量与总碳含量没有显著差异,红树林0-60cm深度土壤有机碳库显著...Coastal wetlands serve as important carbon sink, providing significant amount of organic carbon to adjacent ocean. Mangrove forests is one of the major coastal wetlands, and those in China have not been well studied in the perspective of soil organic carbon(SOC) dynamics. China mangroves have been experincing severe disturbance from human economic activities, and now are also threatened by the inv...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_植物学学号:2172009115222

    Comparative studies on carbon storage and litterfall dynamics between secondary and primary mangrove communities in Zhanjiang,Guangdong Provinces,China

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    通过群落调查、异速生长法计算以及样品测定,分别对2010~2011年期间广东湛江高桥红树林生态系统中次生桐花树和原生木榄群落的植物和土壤储量进行了计算,并利用掉落物收集筐对掉落物动态进行了比较研究。研究结果表明,高桥桐花树与木榄群落的植物碳库(以C计,下同)分别为(51.16±12.06)x106g/HM2和(38.52±6.94)x106g/HM2,地上部分明显高于地下部分;土壤碳库分别为(111.86±7.96)x106g/HM2和(106.13±11.12)x106g/HM2,明显高于植物碳库;次生与原生红树林群落的总碳库没有差异(P>0.05)。桐花树和木榄群落的年均掉落物产量分别为556.00 g/M2和971.13 g/M2,均以凋落叶居多,但原生木榄群落的掉落物产量明显高于次生桐花树群落(P 0.05).The mean annual litterfall production for the B.gymnorrhiza community was 971.13 g DW / m2,significantly higher than that of the A.corniculatum community( 556.00 g / m2,P < 0.001).In conclusion,the carbon pools in the secondary A.corniculatum community were comparable with those for the primary B.gymnorrhiza community,but much lower than those for the primary mangrove communities in the tropical regions.国家自然科学基金重点项目(30930017); 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项经费项目(200905009;201305021

    Establishment of AFLP Technique for the Genetic Diversity Analysis of Egretta eulophotes

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    通讯作者: xlchen@ xmu.edu.cn[中文文摘]以黄嘴白鹭为研究对象,探讨并建立其遗传多样性分析的PstI/M seI AFLP分子标记方法.采用黄嘴白鹭13个样品作为一个种群的池DNA,通过对AFLP方法中DNA提取、酶切、连接、预扩增、选择性扩增、电泳和银染等条件进行优化,建立了一套适合黄嘴白鹭的AFLP技术优化体系,为黄嘴白鹭遗传多样性的分析奠定研究基础.[英文文摘]An AFLP technique for the genetic diversity analysis of Egretta eulophotes was established in this study.13 genomic DNA samples of Egretta eulophotes were taken as a population DNA pool.The conditions of genomic DNA extraction,enzyme digestion,ligation,preamplification,selective amplification,electrophoresis and silver staining were optimized in the Pst I/Mse I AFLP analysis.The AFLP technique established in this study was applicable for the genetic diversity analysis of Egretta eulophotes in the future.福建省自然科学基金项目(2007J0140); 国家自然科学人才培养基金项目(J0630649); 国家大学生创新实验计划项目资