Establishment of AFLP Technique for the Genetic Diversity Analysis of Egretta eulophotes


通讯作者: xlchen@[中文文摘]以黄嘴白鹭为研究对象,探讨并建立其遗传多样性分析的PstI/M seI AFLP分子标记方法.采用黄嘴白鹭13个样品作为一个种群的池DNA,通过对AFLP方法中DNA提取、酶切、连接、预扩增、选择性扩增、电泳和银染等条件进行优化,建立了一套适合黄嘴白鹭的AFLP技术优化体系,为黄嘴白鹭遗传多样性的分析奠定研究基础.[英文文摘]An AFLP technique for the genetic diversity analysis of Egretta eulophotes was established in this study.13 genomic DNA samples of Egretta eulophotes were taken as a population DNA pool.The conditions of genomic DNA extraction,enzyme digestion,ligation,preamplification,selective amplification,electrophoresis and silver staining were optimized in the Pst I/Mse I AFLP analysis.The AFLP technique established in this study was applicable for the genetic diversity analysis of Egretta eulophotes in the future.福建省自然科学基金项目(2007J0140); 国家自然科学人才培养基金项目(J0630649); 国家大学生创新实验计划项目资

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