6 research outputs found

    シュりロり ケむゟク シ゚ン ニ カンスル トりゞシャ ゚ノ グルヌプ むンタビュヌ : ショりガむ ノ カむゞ ヒカむゞ ノ

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     昚幎、我々は就劎の経隓がある粟神障害圓事者6名に察し、就劎継続支揎を怜蚎するためにグルヌプむンタビュヌ法による調査を行い、報告した。その際、障害を開瀺した堎合の就劎支揎の経隓に぀いお怜蚎する必芁性が瀺された。そこで、今回、障害を開瀺しお就劎した経隓がある7名の障害圓事者に察し、職業経隓に関するグルヌプむンタビュヌを行い、昚幎の結果ず比范怜蚎を行った。 その結果、障害開瀺によるデメリットずしお、働くチャンス、職務内容・環境ぞの䞍満が倚くあげられた。これらは、制床・支揎ぞの䞍満ず芁望の雇甚圢態、雇甚支揎制床、職堎の条件ず関係しおいるこずが瀺され、曎には、圓事者ず支揎者ずの間で支揎に関する認識のズレがある可胜性が考えられた。特に、職堎内での環境・業務内容ぞの配慮にデメリットを感じる障害圓事者がおり、障害圓事者自身の垌望や興味・関心に応じた業務内容や雇甚圢態、支揎になっおいないこずが予枬された。 Last year, for the purpose of reviewing the modalities of support for continuous employment, we conducted hearing investigation through group interview with such six mentally-troubled persons who had work experiences, and we issued a report on the outcomes. As a response to the above report, we got such useful feedback from others that further investigations would be necessary for us to examine the work experience of those mentally-troubled persons who disclosed their disability. Accordingly, this year, we conducted group interview with such seven mentally-troubled persons who had work experiences, and made a comparative review of theoutcomes of our investigation of last year and that of this year. From an analysis of the results, it is clear that these persons faced various forms of differential treatment in the chance to work, job content, work environment and others, due to disclosing their disability. It is also clear that this differential treatment is associated with their disappointment with the system and support for their employment, and the difference between their request and the reality in employment status, employment support system and working conditions. Further, there may be a perception gap between these persons and their supporters in the shape of assistance. Especially, some disability persons consider it disadvantageous to be given a special treatment in the working conditions and job content in the workplace. We are afraid that the reality of job content, employment status / support provided to disability persons does not meet their request which reflects their own desire and interest

    シュりロり ニ カンスル シテン ノ チガむ : ショりガむ トりゞシャ ト シ゚ンシャ ノ グルヌプ むンタビュヌ ノ ヒカク カラ

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     過去5 幎間我々は継続的にグルヌプむンタビュヌを実斜し障害圓事者ず支揎者の間で支揎に関する「認識のズレ」がある可胜性を瀺しおきたしかし䞡者を同時期に実斜するこずができず瀟䌚的芁因の違いを排陀するこずができなかった今回障害圓事者7 名ず支揎者8 名から協力を埗おグルヌプむンタビュヌを実斜し䞡者の比范を行ったその結果共通点ずしお䞡者ずも「支揎」においおプログラムを「職堎環境」では人間関係を重芖しおいた䞀方異なる点ずしおは①就劎ぞの準備②就劎及び就劎埌の芖点③就劎を劚げる芁因の3 点が瀺されたたたその背景ずしお䞡者の就劎に察する䟡倀芳の違いがあり支揎者は障害圓事者の就劎は準備から定着たで「支揎」が必芁であるず考え䞀方障害圓事者は就劎に「仕事のやりがい」を含めおいるず思われた 支揎者ず障害圓事者の䞡者が異なる立堎である以䞊「認識のズレ」が生じるこずは圓然のこずであるよりよい就劎支揎を目指すうえで䞡者の間に「認識のズレ」が存圚するこずをふたえたうえで協働できる関係を぀くるこずが必芁であるず考えられた We have conducted group interviews on an ongoing basis over the past five years which have indicated a possible "perception gap" related to support between persons with disabilities and their supporters. However, we have been unable to interview both persons with disabilities and their supporters at the same time and it has been impossible to eliminate the differences in social factors. In this study, we held a group interview with seven persons with disabilities and eight supporters and compared the two groups. The results indicated that, as a common point, both parties placed importance on the program and human relations in the "work environment" and in "support". However, differences between the two parties arose with respect to (1) preparation for employment, (2) perspectives on employment and postemployment, and (3) factors that interfere with employment. In addition, both parties have differing backgrounds in terms of their sense of value towards employment. Supporters believe they must support persons with disabilities in finding a job beginning with preparation for employment and continuing until they have established themselves in the job. On the other hand, persons with disabilities are thought to include "the challenge of work" in finding employment. As supporters and persons with disabilities are in different positions, it\u27s only natural for a "perception gap" to occur. It is thought thatboth parties need to build a cooperative relationship taking into account the existence of these "perception gaps" in order to facilitate better job assistance

    シュりロり ケむゟク シ゚ン ニ カンスル トりゞシャ ゚ノ グルヌプ むンタビュヌ : シ゚ンシャ ト ショりガむ トりゞシャ ノ アむダ デ ショりゞル ニンシキ ノ ズレ ノ ケントり

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     就劎支揎に関するグルヌプむンタビュヌ調査で障害圓事者ず支揎者の間で暗黙に生じおいる支揎ぞの認識の違い認識のズレの存圚が瀺唆されおいる今回この「認識のズレ」を怜蚎するために就劎支揎に携わっおいる支揎者7名にグルヌプむンタビュヌを実斜し怜蚎した その結果過去の調査結果ず比范し支揎者ず障害圓事者の間で3 点の違いが瀺された1支揎者は障害者自立支揎法等の制床に察し就劎支揎に肯定的なものが倚いず感じおいたが障害圓事者からはあがっおいなかった2支揎で目指すものや課題぀いお支揎者は支揎者偎ず障害圓事者偎に分けお考えるこずが倚かったこの背景に支揎者自身が所属する斜蚭の枠組みや支揎に加え就劎ぞのむメヌゞが圱響しおいるず考えられた3過去の結果同様支揎者から機関の連携の倧切さや障害圓事者偎の課題ずしおの就劎ぞの意識に関するこずがあげられおいるが障害圓事者からはなかった 以䞊より障害圓事者ず支揎者の「認識のズレ」は制床就劎ぞのむメヌゞ連携就劎ぞの意識においお生じおいるこずが考えられこれらを螏たえた支揎の必芁性があるず思われた In a group interview survey regarding employment support, the existence of an“awareness gap”, namely implied differences in awareness of support between the disabled persons concerned and the supporters, has been indicated. We have herein conducted and reviewed the group interview with 7 supporters who are involved in employment support. As a result, in comparison to past survey results, 3 differences have been indicated between the supporters and the disabled persons concerned. 1 The supporters felt that there are many positive aspects inemployment support in the Act on Support for Self-reliant Persons with Disabilities; however, the disabled persons concerned did not feel this way. 2 With regard to goals and tasks involving support, supporters often tend to make separations between the supporters and disabled persons concerned. In addition to the framework and support system of the institution to which the supporter belongs, work image also influences the thinking behind this. 3 Similar to past results, the importance of cooperation between institutions and awareness toward work as an issue for disabled persons concerned were raised; but the disabled persons concerned did not present this view. From the aforementioned, the “awareness gap” between the disabled persons concerned and the supporters was present in the areas of system, work image, cooperation and work awareness. Providing support with these points in mind is necessary

    シ゚ンシャ ニ トッテ ノ リカバリヌ : ブンケン レビュヌ カラ

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     今回日本における支揎者自身のリカバリヌや支揎者がずらえおいるリカバリヌ抂念を明らかにするこずを目的に支揎者のリカバリヌに぀いお文献レビュヌし日本の珟状で支揎者がリカバリヌ抂念を掻甚する䞊での課題に぀いお怜蚎を行った方法は2014 幎12 月22 日に医孊䞭倮雑誌及びCiNii で「支揎者 リカバリヌ」「専門家 リカバリヌ」をキヌワヌドに文献怜玢を行った最終的に42 文献が抜出され幎代は2010 幎が20 文献ず最も倚かったたた内容は「リカバリヌに関連する理論・手技」が14 文献ず最も倚く支揎者自身のリカバリヌに関する文献は3 文献であったしかし䞀぀は退院促進に支揎員ずしおかかわる粟神障害圓事者のリカバリヌ䜓隓を調査した原著論文であり残り2 文献は䌚議録であった これらの結果から日本の支揎者は障害圓事者のリカバリヌ促進やプロセスに関心が高いが自分自身のリカバリヌに぀いおは関心が䜎いこずが考えられた埓っお障害や病を経隓しおいない支揎者が支揎の䞭で「圓事者をリカバリヌさせる」ずいう芖点に陥りやすい課題が存圚するず思われたWith the objective of clarifying the recovery of supporters themselves and the concept of recovery as perceived by the supporters in Japan, a review was made of literature dealing with the recovery of supporters and issues regarding how supporters can put into practical use the recovery concept in the present Japanese climate. The method used involved making keyword searches such as supporters recovery, professionals recovery” in the Igaku Chuo Zasshi and CiNii on Dec. 22, 2014. Ultimately, 33 documents were extracted, and of them, hits from the year 2010 were the greatest, with 33 documents. In addition, the most prolific content was theory and method related to recovery, with 14 documents, and 3 documents dealt with the recovery of the supporters themselves. However, one of such documents was the original article relating the recovery experience of a mentally disabled person with the supporter aiding in his/her discharge. The remaining 2 documents were conference minutes. From the above results, it was revealed that there is heightened interest in the recovery promotion and process on the part of supporters with regard to the disabled persons themselves, but there is low interest in the recovery of the supporters themselves. Therefore, it was thought that the task is to correct the viewpoint that the supporters who have not experienced disability or illness tend to fall into, namely to aid in the recovery of the patient” in the process of providing support

    セむシン ショりガむ トりゞシャ ニ タむスル グルヌプ むンタビュヌ : シュりロり ケむケン オ ケむゟク シ゚ン ノ チシキ ã‚š

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     近幎、障害圓事者に察する就劎支揎の必芁性は増倧しおおり、特に、粟神障害圓事者のハロヌワヌクにおける求人登録は著しい増加を瀺しおいる。今回、我々は、就劎継続の支揎を目的にグルヌプむンタビュヌを実斜した。協力者は就劎経隓がある粟神障害圓事者6名である。結果ずしお、倚岐にわたる就劎経隓及び離職経隓が語られ、就劎時の障害の開瀺/非開瀺に぀いおもメリットでデメリットがあげられた。しかし、障害を開瀺しお就劎するメリットは少なく、障害非開瀺による就劎の継続性に぀いおも意芋が分かれた。たた、就劎継続に関する工倫ずしおは䞻に薬があげられ、特に工倫しおいないずいう意芋も聞かれた。これらの点から、日垞の䞭で意識しない工倫が行われおいる可胜性や他の圓事者の経隓が䌝承されおいない可胜性が考えられた。今埌、圓事者の経隓を掻甚した就劎支揎が必芁であるず思われた。 In recent years, the need for work support for handicapped persons has increased, and particularly for job application registration at job-placement offices by persons living with mental illness. At this time, a group interview was carried out regarding support for continued work. Six people living with mental illness and with work experience were interviewed. As a result, experience working and experience losing work over a wide range, and the merits and demerits regarding disclosure / nondisclosure of disability at the time of employment, were discussed. However, merits of disclosure at the time of employment were few, and opinion was divided overcontinued work under the condition of nondisclosure. Moreover, medicine was mainly thought to be the device for continued work, but on the other hand, others did not have a specific device. From these points, the possibility of unconsciously having a device in daily life, and the possibility that experiences of others living with mental illness is not shared, were assumed. Work support, which utilizes the experiences of persons living with mental illness, is thought to be important from now