シュウロウ ケイゾク シエン ニ カンスル トウジシャ エノ グループ インタビュー : ショウガイ ノ カイジ ヒカイジ ノ


 昨年、我々は就労の経験がある精神障害当事者6名に対し、就労継続支援を検討するためにグループインタビュー法による調査を行い、報告した。その際、障害を開示した場合の就労支援の経験について検討する必要性が示された。そこで、今回、障害を開示して就労した経験がある7名の障害当事者に対し、職業経験に関するグループインタビューを行い、昨年の結果と比較検討を行った。 その結果、障害開示によるデメリットとして、働くチャンス、職務内容・環境への不満が多くあげられた。これらは、制度・支援への不満と要望の雇用形態、雇用支援制度、職場の条件と関係していることが示され、更には、当事者と支援者との間で支援に関する認識のズレがある可能性が考えられた。特に、職場内での環境・業務内容への配慮にデメリットを感じる障害当事者がおり、障害当事者自身の希望や興味・関心に応じた業務内容や雇用形態、支援になっていないことが予測された。 Last year, for the purpose of reviewing the modalities of support for continuous employment, we conducted hearing investigation through group interview with such six mentally-troubled persons who had work experiences, and we issued a report on the outcomes. As a response to the above report, we got such useful feedback from others that further investigations would be necessary for us to examine the work experience of those mentally-troubled persons who disclosed their disability. Accordingly, this year, we conducted group interview with such seven mentally-troubled persons who had work experiences, and made a comparative review of theoutcomes of our investigation of last year and that of this year. From an analysis of the results, it is clear that these persons faced various forms of differential treatment in the chance to work, job content, work environment and others, due to disclosing their disability. It is also clear that this differential treatment is associated with their disappointment with the system and support for their employment, and the difference between their request and the reality in employment status, employment support system and working conditions. Further, there may be a perception gap between these persons and their supporters in the shape of assistance. Especially, some disability persons consider it disadvantageous to be given a special treatment in the working conditions and job content in the workplace. We are afraid that the reality of job content, employment status / support provided to disability persons does not meet their request which reflects their own desire and interest

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