9 research outputs found

    臺灣青年 COVID 19 期間電子煙使用易感之調查與防制

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    [[abstract]]現階段臺灣正處疫情期間,我們對於臺灣青年的電子菸使用動機及易感知之甚少。透過社會學習理論與結果預期模型文獻,本研究假設疫情期間社群媒體菸品曝光度(媒體影響、社群影響)、正向結果預期(社交誘因、情感誘因、感官誘因)、負向結果預期(健康疑慮與成癮疑慮)與紙菸使用經驗對臺灣青年電子菸使用易感可能存在影響。本研究共蒐集到266位臺灣青年的有效樣本數據,並以結構方程模型檢驗數據有效性及驗證研究假設。結果顯示,僅有情感誘因、感官誘因與使用經驗會影響臺灣青年使用電子菸的易感程度。本研究實證結果將有助於政府菸害防制相關單位,針對臺灣青年未來吸食電子菸的重要影響因素對症下藥,以降低菸害防制成本並確保臺灣青年健康。[[abstract]]While the COVID-19 pandemic prevention, increasingly isolation may result in psychosocial stress, which is a risk factor for e-cigarettes. There is sparse evidence for the intention behind using e-cigarette among young Taiwanese. Based to social learning theory and outcome expectancy, this study provides empirical support for a motivation behind using e-cigarettes by testing the impacted variables derived from the integrated model of smoking on social media (social media and social effect), positive outcome expectation (social, emotion, sensation), negative out-come expectation (harm for health and addiction), and experience with conventional cigarettes. A cross-sectional e-survey was conducted among Taiwanese youths. A total of 266 smokers aged 19-25 years were recruited through an access panel. Findings indicated that in the COVID-19 context, the influences of emotional, sensational stimulations, and experience with conventional cigarettes positively predicts the level of intention for using e-cigarettes. The current study identified the psychosocial mechanisms of intention of e-cigarettes Taiwanese's user during the COVID-19 pandemic, which could be used as an empirical basis for the development of interventions to prevent tobacco. These efforts can help health promotion and reduce the costs of tobacco harm actually outweigh any financial benefits

    探究不同的教學語言及訓練教學方案對外籍照顧服務員口腔照 護學習成效之影響

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    [[abstract]]現階段臺灣正處疫情期間,我們對於臺灣青年的電子菸使用動機及易感知之甚少。透過社會學習理論與結果預期模型文獻,本研究假設疫情期間社群媒體菸品曝光度(媒體影響、社群影響)、正向結果預期(社交誘因、情感誘因、感官誘因)、負向結果預期(健康疑慮與成癮疑慮)與紙菸使用經驗對臺灣青年電子菸使用易感可能存在影響。本研究共蒐集到267位臺灣青年的有效樣本數據,並以結構方程模型檢驗數據有效性及驗證研究假設。結果顯示,僅有情感誘因、感官誘因與使用經驗會影響臺灣青年使用電子菸的易感程度。本研究實證結果將有助於政府菸害防制相關單[[abstract]]While the COVID-20 pandemic prevention, increasingly isolation may result in psychosocial stress, which is a risk factor for e-cigarettes. There is sparse evidence for the intention behind using e-cigarette among young Taiwanese. Based to social learningeory and outcome expectancy, this study provides empirical support for a motivation behind using e-cigarettes by testing the impacted variables derived from the integrated model of smoking on social media (social media and social effect), positive outcome expectation (social, emotion, sensation), negative out-come expectation (harm for health and addiction), and experience with conventional cigarettes. A cross-sectional e-survey was conducted among Taiwanese youths. A total of 266 smokers aged 19-25 years were recruited through an access panel. Findings indicated that in the COVID-19 context, the influences of emotional, sensational stimulations, and experience with conventional cigarettes positively predicts the level of intention for using e-cigarettes. The current study identified the psychosocial mechanisms of intention of e-cigarettes Taiwanese's user during the COVID-19 pandemic, which could be used as an empirical basis for the development of interventions to prevent tobacco. These efforts can help health promotion and reduce the costs of tobacco harm actually outweigh any financial benefits.

    臺灣青年 COVID 19 期間電子煙使用易感之調查與防制

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    [[abstract]]現階段臺灣正處疫情期間,我們對於臺灣青年的電子菸使用動機及易感知之甚少。透過社會學習理論與結果預期模型文獻,本研究假設疫情期間社群媒體菸品曝光度(媒體影響、社群影響)、正向結果預期(社交誘因、情感誘因、感官誘因)、負向結果預期(健康疑慮與成癮疑慮)與紙菸使用經驗對臺灣青年電子菸使用易感可能存在影響。本研究共蒐集到266位臺灣青年的有效樣本數據,並以結構方程模型檢驗數據有效性及驗證研究假設。結果顯示,僅有情感誘因、感官誘因與使用經驗會影響臺灣青年使用電子菸的易感程度。本研究實證結果將有助於政府菸害防制相關單位,針對臺灣青年未來吸食電子菸的重要影響因素對症下藥,以降低菸害防制成本並確保臺灣青年健康。[[abstract]]While the COVID-19 pandemic prevention, increasingly isolation may result in psychosocial stress, which is a risk factor for e-cigarettes. There is sparse evidence for the intention behind using e-cigarette among young Taiwanese. Based to social learning theory and outcome expectancy, this study provides empirical support for a motivation behind using e-cigarettes by testing the impacted variables derived from the integrated model of smoking on social media (social media and social effect), positive outcome expectation (social, emotion, sensation), negative out-come expectation (harm for health and addiction), and experience with conventional cigarettes. A cross-sectional e-survey was conducted among Taiwanese youths. A total of 266 smokers aged 19-25 years were recruited through an access panel. Findings indicated that in the COVID-19 context, the influences of emotional, sensational stimulations, and experience with conventional cigarettes positively predicts the level of intention for using e-cigarettes. The current study identified the psychosocial mechanisms of intention of e-cigarettes Taiwanese's user during the COVID-19 pandemic, which could be used as an empirical basis for the development of interventions to prevent tobacco. These efforts can help health promotion and reduce the costs of tobacco harm actually outweigh any financial benefits


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    [[abstract]]回顧過去經驗,以往出門乘車時,常會目睹東南亞籍的人在車站大 廳群聚席地而坐的景象。令我所困惑的問題是,為什麼會選擇在人潮密集來往 的地點來當作交流場所,而不是在我認為合適的咖啡廳或是餐廳等地點?從小 我就對不同國情的文化差異有很大的興趣,再加上接觸了近兩年的護理學系課 程,令我對於跨文化照護有很大的好奇心。尤其在人類發展學課程中,我與同 組同學專研的主題是產後婦女的身心發展,至此對產後照護有高度的興趣。因 此,提出一個有關產後照護與跨文化護理的研究計畫,於課外時間累積與訓練 自己的研究能力。本計畫的研究題目將以文化衝擊現象為啟發點,了解來自不 同國家的產後婦女,碰到當地特有的文化時,內心的想法與態度


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    [[abstract]]回顧過去經驗,以往出門乘車時,常會目睹東南亞籍的人在車站大 廳群聚席地而坐的景象。令我所困惑的問題是,為什麼會選擇在人潮密集來往 的地點來當作交流場所,而不是在我認為合適的咖啡廳或是餐廳等地點?從小 我就對不同國情的文化差異有很大的興趣,再加上接觸了近兩年的護理學系課 程,令我對於跨文化照護有很大的好奇心。尤其在人類發展學課程中,我與同 組同學專研的主題是產後婦女的身心發展,至此對產後照護有高度的興趣。因 此,提出一個有關產後照護與跨文化護理的研究計畫,於課外時間累積與訓練 自己的研究能力。本計畫的研究題目將以文化衝擊現象為啟發點,了解來自不 同國家的產後婦女,碰到當地特有的文化時,內心的想法與態度

    探討三陰交穴位按壓對 女大生經痛生理不適的 生科司 影響

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    [[abstract]]研究目的: 本計畫之主要目的為瞭解女大生在原發性痛經的疼痛程度, 進而探討三陰交穴位按壓對女大生經痛生理不適的影響。 研究方法: 本研究採單組類實驗研究設計,於中部某大學為收案場所以 立意取樣原發性痛經女大生為研究對象。取得研究參與者的知情同意書 後,進行三陰交穴位按壓介入之前後觀察,並收集資料。研究工具除了 介入措施,觀察工具包含視覺疼痛量表(VAS)、受訪者基本資料。所 得研究資料以 SPSS 22.0 套裝軟體進行描述性、獨立樣本 T 檢定及多變 量之分析。 結果: 本研究共完成 30 位受試者。經初步統計,女大生初經年齡為 11.5 歲,大部分痛經持續天數為 2-3 天,自行處理痛經的方式以服用止痛藥 居多(73.3%)。介入措施前後,此 30 位女大生之痛經視覺疼痛指數平均 數下降了 0.562