12 research outputs found

    Informal Institution and Public Goods Provision in Rural China: A Case Study in T Village

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    摘要 近年来,不少学者对农村公共物品供给的相关问题进行了广泛的讨论。总结归纳起来,已有的研究主要是在治理理论和国家——社会关系理论的框架下,从制度因素、经济因素和社会因素三大视角对影响农村公共物品供给的问题进行研究。不过,现有的研究存在一些不足。不论是公共物品供给制度还是外在的民主制度,国内外研究学者始终关注的是正式制度对农村公共物品供给的效用和及其影响,很少有学者意识到,在村庄社会环境中自发生长的非正式制度对农村公共物品的供给也可能产生有效影响。本项研究结合了定性访谈和定量问卷调查的研究方法,对个案村庄T村的公共物品供给情况进行实证研究,试图探讨村庄中自发生长的各项非正式制度与村庄公共物...Abstract These years, lots of researchers discussed the issues of public goods provision in rural China. According to the theory of governance and theory of state & society relationship, there are three factors must be concerned. There are institution factor, economic factor and social factor. However, the informed research is not enough. Most of the literatures paid attention to how the provisio...学位:法学博士院系专业:公共事务学院社会学系_社会学学号:1402009015318

    The Simulation of Temperature and Velocity Field in the Heat Exchanger of Light-Gathering Battery Components

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    根据换热器结构特点及换热特性,对换热器内的换热情况进行理论分析,建立了以水为工质的流动和传热的几何模型,并用有限元分析软件AnSyS模拟出换热器在换热过程中水的温度场和速度场的变化情况,分析了换热器内这两种场的相互作用,对换热器的最优化设计提供了理论依据。According to structural features and heat-transfer characteristics of heat exchangers,the situation of heat-transfer in heat exchanger is theoretically analyzed in this paper and this article establishes geometric models of the flow and heat-transfer taking water as the working fluid.Finite element analysis software ANSYS is used to simulate the changes of the temperature field and velocity filed of the water during the heat-transfer process of heat exchangers.The interaction on this two fields in the heat exchanger presents a theoretical reference on the optimization design of the heat exchanger


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    目的探讨贝前列素钠联合螺内酯治疗2型糖尿病肾病的临床研究。方法选取2型糖尿病肾病患者94例,按照随机数字表法随机分为观察组47例与对照组47例。对照组采取单用贝前列素钠治疗,观察组在对照组基础上结合螺内酯联治疗。比较两组治疗前后尿素氮、血肌酐、24 h尿微量清蛋白(m ALB)和肾小球滤过率(GFR)变化。结果观察组总有效率(93.62%)高于对照组(72.34%)(P <0.05)。两组治疗后尿素氮和血肌酐水平均降低(P <0.05);观察组治疗后尿素氮和血肌酐水平低于对照组(P <0.05)。两组治疗后mALB降低而GFR上升(P <0.05);观察组治疗后m ALB低于对照组而GFR高于对照组(P <0.05)。结论贝前列素钠联合螺内酯治疗2型糖尿病肾病患者疗效显著,能改善患者肾功能

    Social Capital,Government Performance and Urban Residents' Trust in Government

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    目前有关中国政治信任的研究多是在中国农村地区进行的,还没有对城市居民的相关研究。我们根据对厦门市居民的问卷调查考察了我国城市居民对政府的信任程度,并进一步分析了影响城市居民政府信任的各种因素。我们将社会资本和政府绩效作为主要的预测变量,探讨了社会资本各个因素及政府绩效对居民政府信任的影响情况。回归分析的结果表明,从总体上看,社会资本和政府绩效对城市居民政府信任的影响是积极正面的。改进政府工作和建构社会资本可以在很大程度上增加城市居民对各级政府的信任度。The decline of citizens'trust in government in many countries since the 1960s has become a major concern of academic research.Based on survey data in Xiamen,this paper explores urban residents trust in government and further analyses factors influencing their trust.Taking social capital and government performance as major predictors,a regression model is set up to explore how components of social capital and indicators of government performance influence government trust.The result shows that both social capital and government performance influence urban residents'trust in government positively.Therefore improvement of government performance and construction of social capital will increase urban residents'trust in all level of governments greatly.厦门大学公共事务学院“211”项目“公共政策与政府治理”研究成

    Advances of molecularly imprinted polymers for solid phase extraction

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    水体透明度能够反映光在水体中的穿透程度,影响水生植被及以光为依赖条件的水生生物的分布,获取透明度的传统方法是采用透明度盘进行测量,但也可以通过遥感方法获得.环境减灾卫星是专门用于环境与灾害监测预报的小卫星星座,影像覆盖范围广,空间、时相分辨率较高,可以为水环境遥感提供较好的数据源. MODIS数据在近岸水体和内陆大型湖泊水环境监测中也有广泛应用,它的时相分辨率也很高,但空间分辨率低.利用HJ-1A卫星CCD数据和MODIS日反射率产品(MOD09GA),以2012年9月吉林省石头口门水库、二龙湖、查干湖、月亮泡等地的实测透明度为基础(实测点数74个,最小值为0.134 m,最大值为1.410 m,平均值为0.488 m),根据灰色关联度选取构建模型的波段组合,建立水体透明度反演模型. HJ1A-CCD数据与MOD09GA数据建立的模型R~2分别为0.639和0.894,均方根误差(RMSE)分别为0.248和0.135,模型验证的平均相对误差(MRE)分别为17.1%和9.5%,RMSE分别为0.207和0.089. MODIS数据以其较高的辐射分辨率使模型精度较高,但是HJ数据在应用于透明度小于1 m的水体时精度也较高(MRE=13.5%,RMSE=0.066). HJ-CCD数据在空间分辨率上的优势使其能够获得透明度空间分布的细节信息.比较两者反演得到的湖泊平均透明度,结果较为一致


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    为掌握我国东北地区城市湖泊水体温室气体的释放/吸收特征,本研究分别于夏季和秋季,对位于吉林省长春市的7个城市湖泊(南湖、 北湖、 雁鸣湖、 胜利公园、 地理所内湖、 天嘉公园和长春公园)表层水中的CO_2和CH_4分压[p(CO_2)和p(CH_4)]进行了监测,并对影响p(CO_2)和p(CH_4)季节变化的相关环境和水质参数进行了分析. 研究结果表明在夏季和秋季,这7个城市湖泊表层水体中CH_4都处于过饱和状态; 除夏季的南湖和胜利公园内湖,其它湖泊CO_2也都处于过饱和状态,且不同湖泊间的温室气体分压具有显著性差异(P<0.05),通量也同样具有显著性差异(P<0.05). 除了南湖和胜利公园内湖外,其它各湖泊在夏秋季节都是大气CO_2和CH_4的"源",且对大气中温室气体的贡献都以CO_2为主. 环境参数与p(CO_2)或p(CH_4)之间的相关性分析表明,在夏季,城市湖泊表层水体中p(CO_2)和p(CH_4)都与日照时数呈显著负相关(r_p(CO_2)=-0.48,P<0.05; r_p(CH_4)=-0.63,P<0.01),日照时数通过影响水生植物的光合作用进而影响水体中CO_2和溶解氧浓度,p(CH_4)还与降水量呈显著正相关(r_p(CH_4)=0.44,P<0.05); 在秋季,p(CO_2)与气温呈显著负相关(r_p(CO_2)=-0.39,P<0.05). 另外,水质参数与p(CO_2)和p(CH_4)的相关性分析表明,这些城市湖泊表层水体的p(CO_2)和p(CH_4)都与水体pH显著负相关(r_p(CO_2)=-0.51,r_p(CH_4)=-0.82,P<0.01),与盐度显著正相关(r_p(CO_2)=0.38,P<0.05; r_p(CH_4)=0.75,P<0.01),p(CH_4)还与水体DOC、 TN和TP均具有显著相关性(P<0.01). 从研究结果可以推测在这7个富营养城市湖泊中,水体的营养物水平及其所决定的浮游植物生物量并不是影响表层水体p(CO_2)的最主要因素,而日照时数、 水体pH和盐度与夏秋季表层水体中的p(CO_2)和p(CH_4)有较大关联


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    Pt catalysts supported on Al2O3, activated carbon (AC), HUSY, and SiO2 were prepared and characterized by N-2 physisorption, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, and H-2 chemisorption. The catalytic performance of these catalysts for H-2 production by aqueous-phase reforming (APR) of glycerol was studied. In addition, the reforming of different reactants such as polyols, glucose, and other soluble saccharides was also investigated. It was found that the activity of the supported Pt catalysts for the reforming of glycerol increased in the order Pt/AC &lt; Pt/HUSY &lt; Pt/SiO2 &lt; Pt/Al2O3 at 503 K; however, the activity increased in another order Pt/SiO2 &lt; Pt/HUSY &lt; Pt/AC &lt; Pt/Al2O3 at higher temperature (538 K). Pt catalysts supported on acidic supports such as Al2O3 and HUSY tended to increase hydrocarbon formation. The H-2 selectivity and production rate for the reforming of polyols decreased with increasing carbon number. The H-2 selectivity and yield for the reforming of glucose decreased when the glucose concentration increased, while selectivity for hydrocarbon showed a maximum at glucose concentration of 4.6%, which was ascribed to the condensation and degradation reactions. Fructose is less readily reformed to H-2 than glucose. Higher H-2 Selectivity and yield were obtained by reforming of polysaccharide starch compared with those obtained by reforming of disaccharide maltose and monosaccharide glucose