Social Capital,Government Performance and Urban Residents' Trust in Government


目前有关中国政治信任的研究多是在中国农村地区进行的,还没有对城市居民的相关研究。我们根据对厦门市居民的问卷调查考察了我国城市居民对政府的信任程度,并进一步分析了影响城市居民政府信任的各种因素。我们将社会资本和政府绩效作为主要的预测变量,探讨了社会资本各个因素及政府绩效对居民政府信任的影响情况。回归分析的结果表明,从总体上看,社会资本和政府绩效对城市居民政府信任的影响是积极正面的。改进政府工作和建构社会资本可以在很大程度上增加城市居民对各级政府的信任度。The decline of citizens'trust in government in many countries since the 1960s has become a major concern of academic research.Based on survey data in Xiamen,this paper explores urban residents trust in government and further analyses factors influencing their trust.Taking social capital and government performance as major predictors,a regression model is set up to explore how components of social capital and indicators of government performance influence government trust.The result shows that both social capital and government performance influence urban residents'trust in government positively.Therefore improvement of government performance and construction of social capital will increase urban residents'trust in all level of governments greatly.厦门大学公共事务学院“211”项目“公共政策与政府治理”研究成

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