10 research outputs found

    Preliminary studies on the scale insect pest of Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli in mangrove

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    首次发现陆生考氏白盾蚧严重为害潮间带红树植物秋茄。通过野外定位调查和室内饲养观察,研究其危害特征、种群分布、生殖力和自然死亡率。结果表明,考氏白盾蚧主要分布在秋茄叶片主脉两侧,叶背虫口数显著多于叶面(P<0.01),单叶虫口数多为1-50头,平均25.65头,最高418头;秋茄植株不同垂直空间层次的虫口密度无显著差异,但聚集度随垂直空间下降而增大;种群平均产卵量每雌52.22粒,自然死亡率69.35%,寄生蜂寄生是最主要的死亡因子,寄生率达34.23%;与几种陆生寄主植物相比,红树林考氏白盾蚧的种群密度、生殖力、叶最高虫口数均较高,该虫对潮间带生境及寄主秋茄具有适应性。The scale insect,Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli is an important pest for many kinds of plants for a long time in the land.In 2006,it was found firstly attacking the mangrove plant of Kandelia obovata in the tideland in Xiamen City,and had led to badly damages.Based on the field surveys and lab feeding,this paper dealed with its damage characteristic,population distribution,fecundity and natural mortality etc.The results showed that the scale insect mainly distributed on both sides of the midvien of K.obovata leaves,but the individual on the abaxial surface was significantly more than those on the adaxial surface(P<0.01).The individual number of one leaf mostly fluctuated from 1 to 50,and the average and tiptop numbers were 25.65 and 418,respectively.The pest population density had no remarkable discrepancies among different vertical spatial layer of K.obovata,however,its aggregating degree increased with falling of the layer.The population had an avarage fecundity of 52.22 each female and a high natural mortality of 69.53%.The main natural death factor were two species of parasites(Hymenoptera: Chalcididae),and their total parasitical ratio reached 34.23%.In the mass,the pest population density,fecundity and tiptop individual number of a leaf in the mongrove were all more than those in serval other host plants on land,which implied that this scale insect had a high adaptability to the habitat of tideland and the plant of K.obovata


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    Disaster-Related Psychiatric Disorders among Survivors after Flooding in Ladakh

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    2010年8月にインド北部のラダークを襲った集中豪雨は, 各地で洪水や土砂崩れを引き起こし, 甚大な被害をもたらした. 死者は約200人に達し, 約1万人が被災したとされている. 私たちは被災後1か月後に最も被害の大きかったチョグラムサル地域で, 318人(男性128人, 女性190人, 平均年齢58.6 歳)を対象に調査を行った. 参加者全員に対し, 身体診察と同時にthe two-item Patient Health Questionnaire(PHQ-2)を用いたうつ病のスクリーニングを行い, 家屋と家族の被災状況に留意しながら, 不安, 恐怖, 抑うつ, 不眠など具体的な症状の有無を確かめ, 症状が強い住民に対して, 専門医が精神疾患の有無を診断した. DSM-IV診断基準に適合したPTSDは2例, 大うつ病は5例であり, 災害後の地域住民の有病率を検討した他国の先行研究よりも少数で, その理由をチベット文化も背景に入れながら考察した. チベット文化圏では社会・文化規定性や民族的気質がPTSDや大うつ病の発症に抑制的に働いている可能性がある.Heavy rainfall in northern India in August of 2010 caused flash flooding, seriously damaging homes and infrastructure. To examine the impact of this disaster in Ladakh, we visited Choglamsar, near the town of Leh where the flood had the most severe impact. In total, 318 survivors (mean age, 58.6 years; female-male ratio, 59.7%; Tibetan refugees, 86.2%) participated in the survey. We applied the two-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2) with questions covering background characteristics and disaster exposure. A psychiatrist interviewed the survivors with a single or double positive score in the PHQ-2 or with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. There were only 2 PTSD cases and 5 with major depressive disorders. PTSD and depression were less common in the Tibetan cultural areas than in other areas. The social background and temperamental characteristics of the Tibetan culture may play a suppressive role in psychiatric disorders

    Food Diversity and its Relation to Health of Highlanders : Comparison of Urban and Rural Settings in Qinghai and Ladakh

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    Objective: Food diversity has been studied as one of the important health-related factors. However, the effect of environmental differences on the relation between food diversity and health status remains unclear. Aim of this study is to reveal the relations between food diversity and health status of elderly highlanders, both in urban and rural settings in Qinghai plateau in China, and Ladakh in India. Methods: The study population consisted of; Qinghai YuShu (urban):191, Qinghai Haiyuan(rural): 64, Ladakh Leh (urban): 127, Ladakh Domkhar (rural): 115 elderly subjects aged 60 years or more who joined the medical survey. Food diversity was determined using an 11-item Food Diversity Score Kyoto (FDSK-11). Health status including Activities of daily living (ADL), screening-based depression and quality of life (QOL) were interviewed. Results: FDSK-11 score were; YuShu:7.9, Haiyuan:7.4, Leh:6.7, Domkhar:6.4. Both in Qinghai and Ladakh, ADL were significantly lower in the elderly with lower food diversity than those with higher diversity, both in urban and rural settings. However, the significant relations between lower QOL and lower food diversity were seen only in urban settings, and not in rural ones both in Qinghai and Ladakh. Lower food diversity was significantly related to depressive mood in urban area, but not in rural ones both in Qinghai and Ladakh. Conclusion: We found the urban-rural differences on food diversity and its relations to health status, and which were the same phenomenon in two different highland settings