8 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]Speech Interface on Kiosk Navigation

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    [[alternative]]The ECCRM practices of the public Web sites of the top 500 service companies in Taiwan

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    [[alternative]]Effects of Picture Books Instruction on School-Age Children Interpersonal Interaction

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    [[abstract]]本研究的目的在於瞭解學童在繪本教學前後對於人際互動時考量的因素,並歸納因素間的關係,建立完整的人際互動心智圖。本研究應用交互式質性分析法並以立意抽樣挑選10位低年級學童進行研究。研究結果發現在教學後,學童人際互動考量的因素由教學前的8個概念,教學後增為11個。教學後在焦點團體中「對方的情緒」為影響人際互動主要成因,主要結果有二,即「對方的物品」、「一起做的事」;個人訪談資料彙整,主要成因有三個,分別為「對方的外表」、「對方的情緒」、「對方的個性」,主要結果則為「一起做的事」。在教學前後分別得出主要路徑及因果循環路徑,結果切合社會學習理論的觀點,此顯示出行為是個人與環境三者彼此交互作用而產生。[[abstract]]The purpose of this study is to find the factors of school-age children in the interpersonal interaction which before and after they are taught the picture book, and to draw their cognition map in their inpterpersonal interaction. This study used the interactive qualitative approach. There were 10 lower-grade elementary school students taken as samples by purpose sampling. The result of this study showed that after teaching the picture books, the interpersonal interaction factors increased 3 factors-from 8 to 11. After teaching the picture books, in the group interview showed that the “Emotions of companion”was the main decision factor and the “Do something together”and “Articles of companion”were the final results;in the personal interview showed that the“Emotions of companion”, “Looks of companion” and “Personality of companion” were the main decision factors and the final result was the “Do something together”

    [[alternative]]Schema of Purchasing Wedding Photography with Interactive Qualitative Analysis Approach

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    [[abstract]]“拍攝婚紗照”對台灣新人們來說可謂是籌備婚禮過程中的重頭戲,台灣這項特有文化還引起日本NHK電視台於2011年特地前來台灣製作專題報導,介紹我們獨特的婚紗照文化,基於此產業環境背景,本研究利用交互式質性分析方法以獲取消費者在選擇婚紗公司的考量因素,並歸納各因素間的關係,建立完整的心智圖。本研究基於立意抽樣,挑選6位在雲林縣已拍攝過婚紗照之女性進行研究,在消費者婚紗選購行為此項主題上進行焦點團體與個人訪談,受訪者能分享其在挑選婚紗公司時所考量的因素,過程中獲得9個概念,分別為:1.外在壓力2.交通因素3.配合度4.價格因素5.附加價值6.硬體設備7.公司形象8.專業因素9.服務品質。研究中發現「外在壓力」為主要成因,「附加價值」為主要結果,並得到3條因果循環路徑分別為:1.「價格因素」→「專業因素」→「服務品質」→「價格因素」。2. 「價格因素」→「配合度」→「公司形象」→「服務品質」→「價格因素」。3. 「公司形象」→「附加價值」→「公司形象」。此結果切合社會認知理論的觀點,行為是個人與環境三者彼此交互作用而產生的。研究結果所建立的心智圖,提供基礎的消費者在選購婚紗攝影時的認知基模。此婚紗選購認知心智圖可提供婚紗攝影公司了解消費者選購認知的參考,其選購認知因素間關係的確立更可讓業者切確掌握消費者需求;及消費過程中廠商與消費者間的各互動因素皆會對廠商形象產生重大影響,牽一髮而動全身。婚紗攝影廠商應注重每位消費者的經營,以達成永續經營的目標。[[abstract]]“ Wedding Photo Shooting” is one of the most important issues for the new couples who plans to get married. It also arouses the great intention form the Japanese Media-NHK TV Show to arrange a special program to report this. It introduces Taiwanese’ unique wedding photo shooting culture. The main purpose of this study is to capture the cognitive schema of consumers how do they make up their decision to purchase their wedding photo graphic. The goals of this study are: to introduces the businessman about how they promote their business and the reasons why the new wedding couples choose this photo shooting company. It provides the consumers a full picture of the wedding photo shooting culture.This study applied the interactive qualitative analysis approach. There were six female members in the focus group that got married in Yun Lin County and had ever taking the wedding photos. The interviewees share their nine major concepts in taking the wedding photos. The major concepts collected from this study are as following: external pressure, convenience of transportation, cooperation, pricing, additional values, equipment, company prestige, professionalism and service. The result of this study shows that the pressure is the main decision factor and the additional values will be the final results.The research provides the wedding photo shooting company a full idea in understanding the decision procedure of the consumers. It also provides the concept of that the interaction between the company the consumers will cause a great influence to the company prestige. The company shall care about the feedback of the consumers and that will reflect to the company business in turn. In order to run the wedding photography business in long-lasting base, the company shall keep every single business as a returned business and every case shall be treated carefully


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    In this work, hermetically nickel-coated optical fibers were prepared by electroless plating method. The bath composition of electroless nickel includes nickel sulfate, hydrocortisone sodium succinct, sodium hypophosphite and lead ion. The nickel coatings in a variety of thickness were uniformly deposited on the glass fiber surface by controlling the plating time. Atomic force microscope measurement revealed that the nickel film in thickness of 65 nm has the lowest surface roughness. Tensile strength of the nickel-coated optical fibers was measured by tensile test. The nickel-coated optical fibers resulted in a maximum tensile strength as the thickness of Ni-deposits in the range from 65 to 218 nm. Optical microscope was used to examine the thermal stress induced voids on the surface of nickel coatings after the nickel-coated optical fibers immersed in the liquid nitrogen for one day. A minimum number of stress voids was induced on the surface for the nickel coatings ranging the thickness from 65 to 218 nm.本研究以無電鍍法製備鎳密封鍍層光纖。無電鎳鍍鍍成份包含硫酸鎳、珀酸鈉、次磷酸鈉及鉛離子。改變析鍍時間,分別製備出不同鍍層厚度的鎳鍍層光纖。以光學顯微鏡、掃描式電子顯微鏡與執華力顯微鏡,分別觀察鎳鍍層光纖的表面狀態、鍍層的膜厚及表面粗度。經由原子力顯微鏡的量測得知:當鍍層厚度為65nm時,有最的表面粗度,其平均粗度Ra為0.551nm。經由拉伸試驗:當鍍層厚度為65 nm至218 nm時,鎳密封鍍層光纖有最大的拉伸強度。將鎳鍍層光纖浸入液態氮一天後,經由光學顯微鏡觀熱應力誘發的裂縫,發弄鍍層厚度為65 nm至218 nm的鎳鍍層光纖表面有較少的裂縫

    The Setup of Information System of Spectral Reflectance Database for Rice Paddy

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    精準農業計畫之有效執行,仰賴不同資料之整合。資料庫管理系統是一個兼具管理、分析之工具。本文旨在介紹近地面水稻光譜資料庫系統之建置。本系統的架構規劃是以web為環境,以。client-server 為架構,適用於2-Tier 或3-Tier 的架構。研究步驟包括:1 需求分析、2 資料庫設計、3 程式設計、4 介面設計、5 測試及安裝。本應用系統以HTML+ASP plus為設計的工具,後端資料庫以SQL 2000為資料庫管理系統系統架構。系統功能包括:1.系統管理、2.資料新增/刪除、3.資料查詢。嘗試藉由建立此基礎光譜資料庫,以利後續相關水稻生長、逆境(病蟲害、雜草、旱害等)及產量之監測與估測技術研究。 Success of the precision agriculture project depends on the integration of different data. Database management information system is a tool combined with the management and analysis. The setup of database management system of spectral reflectance for near-surface rice paddy is introduced in this paper. The system structure is based on client-sewer of 2-Tier or 3-Tier, which can be run with web environment. The steps of system development include: 1. demand analysis, 2. database design, 3. programming, 4. interface design, 5. test and setup. HTML and ASP plus are used to develop the system and MS SQL 2000 is used to develop the backend database. The functions of the system include: 1. system management, 2. data insert/delete, 3. data query. By the development of such spectral reflectance database system, related researches of rice growth, resistance and production will be improved

    Monitoring System for Rice Growth and Environmental Conditions

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    「精準農業」經由合理的肥培、施藥等栽培管理手段, 可進行高效率的農業經營與管理, 並減少由農業所產生之非點源污染, 進而達到提高生產利潤, 保護生態環境的目標, 使農業得以永續發展.但首先必須能精確掌握氣候和土壤之時間與空間的變異, 以及其對農作物生育的影響.在精準農業體系中監測系統相當於”眼睛”的角色, 依管理需要進行觀測與監視農作物及環境的變異, 提供類同大腦之決策系統判別與辨識後做出決策, 再由擔任四肢的農機具系統實施處理達到精準管理目標.本計畫為水稻精準農業( 耕 )體系中之監測系統部分, 負責利用遙測技術, 快速且有效的提供共同試驗田區中有關水稻生育情形、病蟲害、產量、土壤特性與肥力之空間分佈圖.重要工作包括水稻生長、逆境( 病蟲害、雜草、旱害等 )及產量之監測與估測技術研究, 稻株氮營養狀態檢測技術研究, 近地面水稻光譜資料庫建置, 土壤性質及肥力狀態偵測技術研究等四大部分.計畫規劃期程共計五年, 於計畫結束時預期可以提供有關田間水稻生長、產量、氮營養狀態空間分佈之遙感監測與估測技術, 完成近地面水稻光譜資料庫, 以及有關田間土壤性質及肥力狀態空間分佈之偵測技術, 以供決策系統和農機具系統進行適時、適地、適量的精準管理.Precision agriculture, through proper fertilizer and pesticide managements, can make agricultural sustainable by not only raising the net profits due to efficient agricultural management practices, but also protecting the ecological environment due to reduced non-point pollution by agricultural activities.However, abilities to detect the influence of temporal and spatial variability of climate and soil to crop growth are requested.In precision agriculture, a monitoring system behaves just like eyes for a human.Obtained information regarding temporal and spatial variation of field crop growth will be sent to an expert system, like brains of a human, for identification and judgment.The decision will then be sent to machinery, like hands and feet of a human, for field operation.This project, the monitoring part of a rice precision agriculture system, is responsible for providing spatial maps of growth condition, pest and disease occurrence, and yields of rice and soil properties and fertility in the joint experimental farm.The work includes following four topics, ( 1 )studies on remote sensing techniques to estimate and monitor growth and yield of rice and its responses to stress conditions, ( 2 )detecting techniques for nitrogen content in rice plants, ( 3 )construction of near surface spectral reflectance database of rice, and ( 4 )detection techniques on soil properties and fertility situations.The project is designed to be completed in five years.When the project completes, it is expected to provide techniques for delineating growth condition, pest and disease occurrence, nitrogen status, and yields of rice by remote sensing, a reflectance database of rice, and express detection techniques for soil properties and fertility in the fields.Those monitoring techniques will enable timely and accurately decision making for the expert system and operation for farm machinery