20 research outputs found

    カイギョウゴ キギョウ ノ セイゾンリツ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ セイゾウギョウ オ チュウシン ニ

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    Business starts contribute to economic activation through an increase of employment and innovation. The business closure rate has greatly exceeded the business start rate since the beginning of the 1980\u27s. The increase in this difference results in a loss of employment and generates greater debt due to bankruptcy and business closure. To solve this problem, it is necessary to analyze the conditions of survival and factors affecting the survival of companies after the start of business. A large body of research exists on the analysis of factors affecting the survival rate based on surveys and financial data of bankrupt companies. Using the survey data of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, this paper clarified the conditions of survival in manufacturing industries after the start of business during a 16-year period between 1984 and 2000. The results show that enterprises with high 3rd-year survival rates after the start of business also have a high 10th-year survival rate. This finding applies to both incorporated and unincorporated enterprises. Unincorporated enterprises have a considerably lower survival rate due to lack of funds and low credit ratings. For incorporated enterprises, the survival rate becomes stable after three years from the start of business, while the survival rate of unincorporated enterprises does not stabilize until the fifth year. The survival rate is generally high for enterprises that were established in a year when a business aid package was being implemented. Compared with other countries, Japan\u27s survival rates are fairly low. By referring to various foreign countries, I have proposed some approaches to fostering the establishment of businesses

    アメリカ ニオケル ダンジョカン チンギン カクサ ノ ジッタイ

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    This paper aimed at clarifying the actual situation of the pay gap between men and women, and at studying what factors brought its change in the United State. We firstly surveyed theoretical models to explain the wage gap and then American literature in this relation. The pay gap between men and women reduced rapidly in the 1980s, but a difference threw it on expansion adversely at the middle of the 90s, and found the reduction a little afterwards. We observed and analyzed these changes by dividing the Current Population Survey (CPS) data into two periods (1980-1992 and 1992-2006). As a result, the pay ratio of female to male increased on an average of 0.01 during the period from 1976 to 1992. After that, however, the ratio decreased, then stagnated and again increased. According to the literature survey and the observation of the CPS data, the reduction factor of the pay gap between men and women of the 80s is accumulation of human capital such as education and the workplace experience of the women. After 92, the accumulation of the human capital of the women increased, but the pay gap between men and women did not show a clear trend and repeated approximately fluctuate state. After 92, the human capital theory has a limit to explain the female-male wage differentials in the United States. This became clear by observation of the CPS data by educational background, age group, and occupation

    チュウゴク ニオケル チシキ セイネン ノ ノウソン カホウ ニカンスル ブンセキ オニツカ ミツマサ キョウジュ ツイトウゴウ

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    In Mao\u27s China, the freedom of occupation choice and internal migration were limited strictly, but there was a large scale of population movement between areas by the government\u27s plan. It is a good instance that nearly 18 million young persons born in cities, called Zhishi Qingnian" were made to go to the countryside for about 20 years from 1960\u27s to 70. The population movement from urban to rural, which was not seen in many other countries, had many problems and contradictions. In this paper, we used some new documents to analyze the actual situation and background of Zhishi Qingnian", to clarify its influence on contemporary China

    ニホン ニオケル ダンジョカン チンギン カクサ

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    The ratio of the Japanese women to men\u27s earnings(wage gap)in percentage remained at approximately 66 in 2005. The women-men wage gap of Japan has decreased, but narrowing the gap is extremely slow compared with other advanced countries such as the USA(81), the UK(78), France(78 in 2002)and Germany(72). This is a large and somehow puzzling question(figure 2-1). This study explores into the Japanese wage differentials between men and women, clarifying factors which have brought to the bigger wage gap. This study examined the Japanese Employment Practices, finding several possible explanations for the gender gap in wage. First is employment discrimination of a lifetime employment, behind which there has been the generally accepted idea. That is the Japanese sex role specialization system(men work for a living, and women do housework and child care). The second is that various family allowances and promotion are preferentially given to men, which also reflects the Japanese sex role specialization system. The third is that there has been sex discrimination of job specification and an unequal personnel performance evaluation underlying the Japanese seniority order wage system. Full-time women\u27s wage increase and promotion have been extremely small and slow compared with those of full-time men. Moreover this study explores the actual women\u27s labor force status such as labor force participation rate, work experience, and the number of managerial staff and part-timers. This women\u27s situation explains lower wages under the Japanese seniority order wage system. The Japanese women\u27s labor force participation rate depicts M-shape, which means that they are retired for marriage and child care. Therefore the Japanese women relatively have shorter work experience than men, and fewer numbers of them are assigned to a managerial position. The number of poorly paid women part-timers have greatly increased. Since 1990s, it is expected that the enactment of various antidiscrimination legislation has an effect on narrowing the Japanese gender gap in wage, but they are imperfect measures, and many deep-rooted prejudices to women still remain in the Japanese company and society, accordingly the greater improvement will not be expected in the near future. It will be a greater challenge of Japan on how the human capital of women is used usefully

    チュウゴク ニオケル サンギョウ レンカン ブンセキ ニ カンスル イチコウサツ チイキナイ オヨビ チイキカン ブンセキ オ チュウシン ニ

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    Input-output analyses were introduced into China in the early 1960s. The first formal input-output table for whole China, which was internationally comparable, was the 1987 China I-O table. The regional input-output tables also have been made since the 1970s. Intra-regional input-output tables are now made for every province in China. Inter-regional input-output tables were made firstly for some regions in the 1980s. Although the inter-regional input-output tables for whole China have been made recently, the number of them is very limited. Intra and inter-regional input-output tables are often applied to study industry structure, relationships between industries, industry policy analysis, and so on. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the development of input-output analyses in China, focusing on intra and inter-regional analyses. The first section reviews the development of input-output tables for whole China. The second section shows the development and application of intra-regional input-output tables. The third section introduces the theory, structure, regional division, and sectoral classification of inter-regional input-output tables and some of their applications. The trend and issues of the input-output analyses in China are shown in the final section