9 research outputs found

    The Impact of Information Technology on Firm Vertical Boundaries: Evidence from Manufacturing Industry of China

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    “电子市场假设”(EMH)认为,信息技术(IT)的使用会降低企业的交易成本,进而影响企业原有的纵向边界。根据EMH,企业将在价值链中使用技术来替代企业的所有权,因此,EMH预期,信息技术使用的结果,是垂直协调的电子市场将会不断增加。但是,以往的研究很少有充分的经验证据,更没有一种有说服力的理论,来清晰阐述IT对组织经济活动的影响。IT可以通过改变协调企业内部和企业之间经济活动的成本(即内部协调成本和外部协调成本)来影响企业的边界;而且对个体企业而言,在现实的经济活动中,既面临既定的企业外部IT环境,也受企业内部实际的IT投资的影响,因此,以往的研究笼统地把IT单一地看作一个因素影响企业协调成本...The electronic markets hypothesis (EMH) holds that, information technology (IT) use will influence firm vertical boundaries by reducing the cost of transaction between firms. According to the EMH, firms will use information technology in the value chain in place of firm ownership. Thus, the EMH predicts a rise in electronically coordinated vertical markets as a result of information technology dep...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_技术经济及管理学号:B20033700


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    Interorganizational Relationships: A Resource-based View

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    通过对文献的梳理分析,发现基础资源观在组织际关系研究方面有着重要的理论价值。组织际关系的基础是组织的内部资源,其实质是一种资源关系。可见一个组织的独特资源是其与其他组织合作的基础。本文就此探讨了资源理论在组织际关系研究中的作用。This study intends to investigate the role of resource theories on interorganizational relationships (IORs). The literature review shows that a resource-based view (RBV) plays an important role on IORs. The basis of IORs is the firm’s internal resource, and IORs are resource relationships substantially. The unique resources in an organization are the bases of cooperating with others

    The Customer Relation Management and Technical Research in E-Business

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    顾客关系管理(CRM)是企业一项重要的工作。在因特网技术和电子商务快速发展今天,企业为了创造、保持和扩展顾客关系,满足顾客的需求目标,为企业创造更多的价值,就必须有效地利用信息技术来改善企业的管理,并快速做出决策,及时对市场及顾客的需求作出反应。毫无疑问,几乎所有企业的CRM都是由数据驱动的,即使是那些必须与顾客面对面联系的中小企业也不例外。在电子商务环境下,企业实行顾客关系管理需要信息技术的支持。在CRM中,随着复杂程度的提高,出现了营销手段、数据管理和数据处理这三个互为联系、互为支持的方面,它们分别是数据库营销、数据仓库和数据挖掘。CRM is an important task of enterprises,whose success has much to do with information technology.Today when Internet and E-business are developing fast,enterprises should effectively use information technology to improve their management and to satisfy the needs of customers and make more profits.Nearly all enterprises use data-technology in CRM which has much to do marketing means,data management and data processing,which shows the role of GRM in E-business

    The Influence of IT on the Coordinative Mechanism between Institutions

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    在交易成本理论、资源依赖理论和信息处理观等理论的基础上,建立分析技术因素作用于IOR的理论框架,即协调机制对应于组织间的相互依赖性,技术因素通过对相互依赖性的管理方式产生作用。在该框架下,分析IT如何作用于组织间的协调机制,得出的结论是IT会改变组织间的相互依赖性,并进而改变协调机制;这种协调机制的变化改变了IOR,它影响了组织间交易过程、组织的规模和组织的结构,也影响了组织所处的产业结构;协调机制发生的改变也使组织间的关系呈现出权力失衡和组织柔性的变化。Using the relevant theories, the authors bring up a theoretic framework of how technical factors affect IOR, that is, the interdependence between coordinative mechanism and institutions and the functions of technical factors in this aspect. The authors conclude that the changing IT will change the coordinative mechanism and the interdependence or vice versa, resulting in different changes in the related fields.国家自然科学基金资助项目(项目批号:7037270)

    Reviews on the Productivity Paradox of IT Investment

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    近二十年来,在有关信息技术的研究问题中,“生产力悖论”是研究的焦点之一。本文从宏观经济层面、行 业层面和公司层面这三个角度,对有关“生产力悖论”的研究进行梳理和探讨,并对我国的IT投资提出几点启示。In the recent 20 years, productivity paradox has become one of the most important topics in the information technology research domain. This paper reviews productivity paradox from three levels, namely country-level, industry-level and firm-level. Our results have differential policy implications for IT investment in China

    Inter-organizational Coordination Mechanisms Based on IT: A Case of Automobile Manufacturing Industry

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    以厦门A公司和广西B公司之间的关系为例,基于组织理论探索组织间的协调问题,建立IT作用于组织间协调机制的理论框架,作为今后研究电子商务环境下组织间协调机制演化问题的起点。电子商务背景下,组织间的合作不但有协调机制的创新,而且IT也会改变组织间关系(IOR),结论可以作为研究IT作用于IOR机理的基础。Based on case of the relationship between A Co. in Xiamen and B Co. in Guangxi Province, We have explored inter-organizational coordination problems in organization theory. A framework is established as a starting point for studying revolution issues of coordination mechanisms. We conclude that inter-organizational cooperation in EC environment includes not only the innovation of coordination mechanisms, but also the transforms of inter-organizational relationships. Based on that, we should further study the impact of IT on inter-organizational relationships.国家自然科学基金项目(70372070