10 research outputs found

    Toxicity comparison of extracts from six terrestrial plants to larvae of Balanus albicostatus

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    对夹竹桃科(Apocynaceae)的红花夹竹桃(Nerium indicumMill.)和黄花夹竹桃(Thevetia peruvianaK.Schum.)、百合科(Liliaceae)的洋葱(Allium cepaL.)和大蒜(A.sativumL.)、楝科(Meliaceae)的苦楝(MeliaazedarachL.)和印楝(Azadirachta indicaA.Juss.)等6种陆生植物的不同溶剂提取物对白脊藤壶(BalanusalbicostatusPilsbry)无节幼体的毒杀作用进行了比较研究。结果表明,供试的楝科和夹竹桃科的4种植物提取物对白脊藤壶无节幼体的毒杀活性高于洋葱和大蒜;不同提取物的毒杀活性与植物的种类及提取部位(叶、花)以及活性成分的类型有关,用非极性有机溶剂提取的脂溶性提取物的毒杀活性高于极性溶剂提取物。处理12 h,0.3%印楝素乳油的乙酸乙酯及95%乙醇稀释液的毒杀活性最高,LC100仅为0.33和3.01 g.mL-1,可作为防治海洋污损生物的植物资源进行进一步的开发利用。The toxicity activities of different solvent extracts from six terrestrial plants including Nerium indicum Mill.and Thevetia peruviana K.Schum.belonging to Apocynaceae,Allium cepa L.and A.sativum L.belonging to Liliaceae,Melia azedarach L.and Azadirachta indica A.Juss.belonging to Meliaceae to larvae of Balanus albicostatus Pilsbry were examined.The results showed that the toxicity activities of different solvent extracts from the four species belonging to Meliaceae and Apocynaceae were higher than that of A.cepa and A.sativum.The toxicity activities of these extracts to larvae of B.albicostatus were related to plant species,sampling tissue(leaf or flower) and type of active constituents,and the toxicity of fat-soluble extracts with non-polar organic solvents was higher than that of polar solvent extracts.The toxicity activities of ethyl acetate and 95% ethanol diluents of 0.3% azadirachtin emulsion were the highest for treating 12 h and LC100 was only about 0.33 and 3.01 g·mL-1 respectively, therefore,0.3% azadirachtin emulsion can be further developed as the plant resources for antifouling.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40476040);; 厦门市海洋与渔业局专项基金(2006

    Advances on research of Sipunculus

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    国家自然科学基金项目(40476040);; 福建省自然科学基金项目(D0410006

    Study on Seasonal and Spatial Changes of Barnacles Attached on Mangrove Seedlings and Preliminary Research on Terrestrial Plant Antifouling Method

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    对厦门曾营人工红树林生态修复区的秋茄[Kandeliacandel(L.)Druce]和白骨壤[Avicenniamarina(F.)Vierh]植株上藤壶群落进行为期两年的调查研究。 结果表明:1.厦门曾营人工红树林种植区红树植物幼林上附生的主要藤壶优势种共有3种:纹藤壶(BalanusamphitriteamphitriteDarwin)、白脊藤壶(BalanusalbicostatusPilsbry)和白条地藤壶(EuraphiawithersiPilsbry)。2.大型藤壶(纹藤壶、白脊藤壶)所处生境的绝对高程是限制其分布的主要生态因子之一。大型藤壶的总数量、层数均和其所处的绝对高程...The investigation on the distributions of barnacles attaching to the stems of mangrove seedlingsKandelia candel (L.) Druce and Avicennia marina (F.) Vierh during two years was carried out in Zengying, Xiamen. The results show: 1. There were 3 species of barnacles in the artificial mangroves of Xiamen. They were Balanus amphitrite amphitrite Darwin, Balanus albicostatus Pilsbry and Euraphia with...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:2005130222

    Influence of Different Elevation on Barnacles Attaching to Planted Mangrove Seedlings

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    对厦门曾营人工红树林生态修复区的秋茄(Kandelia candel)和白骨壤(Avicennia marina)植株上藤壶群落进行周年调查.结果表明:藤壶在红树植物秋茄和白骨壤植株上的分布具有一定的规律性.藤壶的数量随红树植株所处滩涂高程和树层的增高而锐减.藤壶的附着量变化与季节变化有相当密切的关系.秋茄和白骨壤受藤壶危害程度存在一定差异.本研究为红树林生态恢复时林地的滩涂高程选择,以避免藤壶危害提供科学依据.The investigation on the distributions of the barnacles attaching to the stems of mangrove seedlings during one year was carried out in Zengying,Xiamen.The distributions of barnacles attaching to Kandelia candel and Avicennia marina have some certain regularity.Barnacles′ quantities decline,along with the elevation and tree level heightening,where the mangroves located.At the same time,the barnacle qualities have quite close relationship in season change.In arboreous species choice,there are some harmful differences in Kandelia candel and Avicennia marina.This research provides the scientific basis for choosing elevations and avoiding the barnacles′ harm in artificial mangrove restoration of ecological engineering.国家自然科学基金(40476040);; 厦门市海洋与渔业局专项基金(2006)资

    Preliminary Study on the Influence of Elevation on Attachment of Barnacles to the Planted Kandelia candel Seedlings

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    于2005年4月至7月研究了厦门海沧吴冠滩涂人工红树林种植区秋茄(Kandelia candel)幼林上藤壶分布的特征.结果表明:(1)秋茄幼林植株上附生有藤壶4种,分别是:纹藤壶(Balanus amphitrite amphitrite)、白脊藤壶(Balanusalbicostatus)、白条地藤壶(Chthamalus withersi)和网纹藤壶(Balanus reticulates).其中纹藤壶、白条地藤壶为优势种.(2)当高程大于-11.74 cm时,藤壶的空间分布格局总体上为聚集分布.藤壶平均附着数量、覆盖度、聚块性指数与滩涂高程呈负相关性,回归方程分别为y=-2.120 4H+187.13,y=-1.145 5H+82.433,PAI=0.005H+1.058 7.(3)不同种类的藤壶分布于不同茎干高度.其平均数量均与所处高程呈负相关性,其分布型随高程变化而变化.纹藤壶、白脊藤壶、白条地藤壶与高程关系的回归方程分别为y=-0.036 4H+2.784 9,y=-0.385 8H+29.064,y=-0.107 1H+14.873.而它们的PAI与高程关系的回归方程分别为PAI=-0.009 5H+1.295 8,PAI=0.019H+0.828 5,PAI=0.017 4H+1.004 5.The investigation on the barnacles attaching to the stems of Kandelia candel seedlings in the mangrove stand in Wuguan,Haicang,Xiamen was carried out in April and July of 2005.There are 4 species:Balanus amphitrite amphitrite,Balanus albicostatus,Chthamalus withersi and Balanus reticulates.Balanus amphitrite amphitrite and Chthamalus withersi were the major species.When the elevation exceeds-11.74 cm,special distribution structures of the barnacles were collective as a whole.The elevation shows the negative correlation with the average numbers,coverage of barnacles and PAI.Regression equations are y=-2.120 4H+187.13,y=-1.145 5H+82.433,PAI=0.005H+1.058 7.Different kinds of barnacles attach to the different positions of stems.The distribution structures varied according to the elevation of different stands where the mangrove grew.As the average numbers of Balanus amphitrite amphitrite,Balanus albicostatus,Chthamalus withersi with the elevation relations,regression equations are y=-0.036 4H+2.784 9,y=-0.385 8H+29.064,y=-0.107 1H+14.873.As their PAI,regression equations are PAI=-0.009 5H+1.295 8,PAI=0.019H+0.828 5,PAI=0.017 4H+1.004 5.国家自然科学基金(40476040);; 福建省自然科学基金(D0410006)资

    Brief Study on Eutrophic Evaluation Method of Tingxi Reservoir in Xiamen

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    为合理评价水质的营养程度,采用水体综合营养状态指数(TlI)和卡尔森指标(TSI)对厦门汀溪水库2008年5月—2009年12月水质监测结果进行分析评价,结果表明:1)水库2009年的富营养化程度较2008年同期均有所加深,且2009年营养指数呈现波浪变化趋势;2)各营养指数总体变化趋势相同,TSIM均高于TSIC和TlI,TlI和TSIC数值上更为接近,但从营养指数指示的营养程度上看,TSIM与TlI指示的水体营养状态更为一致.因此当该水质营养程度较低时,采用TlI或TSIM指示水体的营养状态更为一致;而当该水质营养程度较高时,可以选择TSIM、TSIC或TlI来判断水体富营养化程度.In order to evaluate water eutrophication reasonably,trophic level index(TLI),China′s eutrophic state index(TSIc) and revised Carlson index formula(TSIm) were used to assess the monitoring results of Tingxi reservoir in Xiamen from May 2008 to December 2009.The results showed that:1) the level of reservoir eutrophication in 2009 was higher than the same periods in 2008,and in 2009 the reservoir eutrophic indexes varied as wave;2) the eutrophic indexes varied in same trend,the value of TSIm was higher than TSIc and TLI,TLI and TSIc were much closer numerically.However,for the eutrophication level directed by eutrophic index,TSIm and TLI indicated more consistent eutrophication status.Therefore,when eutrophication level was low,the eutrophication statuses of water directed by TLI or TSIm were more consistent;while eutrophication level was higher,TSIm,TSIc or TLI could be chosen

    Preliminary study on effects of salinity on the attachment of marine fouling fauna barnacles to planted mangrove seedlings

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    于2005年4月和5月研究了厦门海沧吴冠滩涂人工红树林种植区秋茄幼林上藤壶分布的特征。结果表明:(1)秋茄幼林植株上附生有藤壶4种,分别是:纹藤壶(Balanus amphitrite amphitrite)、白脊藤壶(B.albicostatus)、白条地藤壶(Chthamalus withersi)和网纹藤壶(B.reticulates)。其中纹藤壶、白条地藤壶为主要种。(2)藤壶的空间分布格局总体上为聚集分布。分布型随所处位置海水的盐度变化而变化。平均盐度超过19的潮滩上藤壶危害明显加重,影响了秋茄幼苗的正常生长。The investigation on the attachment of barnacles to stems of Kandelia candel seedlings in a mangrove stand at Wuguan, Haicang,Xiamen was carried out in Apr. and May 2005 . There are four barnacle species: Balanus amphitrite amphitrite, B. albicostatus, Chthamalus withersi and B. reticulates. B. amphitrite amphitrite and Chthamalus withersi were the major species. The distribution of the barnacles was collective as a whole. The distribution structures varied with seawater salinity. If the average seawater salinity exceeded 19, the harmfulness of barnacles to growth of Kandelia candel seedlings would aggravate obviously.国家自然科学基金(40476040);; 福建省自然科学基金(D0410006

    小型重力波観測衛星 DPF

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