141 research outputs found

    ウェーブレットヘンカン ニヨル ガゾウカイセキ

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    The digital signal processing techiuques in connection with the development of availability of internet, multi-channel TV broadcast, etc. become important in the 21th century. In this paper, we discuss the characterics and problems on the digital image processing by using the discrete wavelet transform, which has been come into notice with the Fourier transform and/or the cosine transform analysis

    CRTショク ト ヒョウメンショク トノ シカンヒカク ニ ツイテ

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    The color DTP displyed on CRT (cathod ray tube) is generally perceived with a surface color, and we consider to be possible to specify its color by the Munsell notation (i. e. H, V and C). However, it is unreasonable because the image produced on the CRT is not the illuminated reflection object. Therefore, the luminance level of any color image has to be divided by the white point luminance level. The color of image will be able to be specified apparently by the Munsell notation from the transformation. This research is active internationally, and the Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics is one of the active members. Some system with the self -luminous disipley (CRT) and the viewing box was provided in our laboratory, and we can get really the available transformation method from this study

    コウセイノウ スイソリダツ ソクテイソウチ

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    The paper concerns a hydrogen evolution measuring system which adopts a minimized sample tube, VCR metal-sealing gaskets in a whole sampling system and personal-computerized temperature control and data processing. The quartz sample tube of 5mm diam. and 85mm length is welded to a Pylex glass of glass-metal transition tube having a VCR joint at a metal end. The heating rate can be varied from 0.6℃/min to 60℃/min and kept constant within ±10% for the rate more than 5℃/min except for a start of H-evolution, using ramp-function generated by PC for a set-point and PID control algorithm. The minimum weight, of the sample i. e. a-Ge : H with hydrogen content of 10 at. % is estimated to be 3μg from the back-ground pressure of 1.4mTorr at 800℃. Its consistency with the experimental observation is discussed reffering to molecular hydrogens trapped in the film. A preliminary observation of H-evolution spectra of a-Ge : H film produced by ECR plasma CVD also is described

    カンジョウニンシキ ニ オケル ガゾウジョウホウ ト オンセイジョウホウ ノ カンケイ

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    This study examined the relationship between image (visual) and sound (auditory) information for emotion recognition. In the experiment, participants were asked to categorize the character in the movie scene into the six basic expressions of emotion with sound and without sound information. Chi-Square(X^2) test showed the count of catesgries were varied (p<0.05) between with and without sound information. We assumed the distance between the emotion categories from the experimental results obtained with and without sound condition. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) reveals that the distance between "Surprise and Fear" is small as well as "Anger and Disgust". We consider that auditory information is important to discriminate these expressions of emotion. And we found "Sadness" was plotted at almost equal distance from the "Surprise and Fear", "Anger and Disgust" and "Happiness"

    トリクロロシラン ノ ブブン デンカイ カンゲン ニ ヨル ヒタイショウ チカン チョクサポリシランゴウセイ ノ ココロミ

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    Asymmetrically substituted linear polysilanes are important as new functional materials because of their good film forming ability in addition to the unique properties of polysilanes. In order to obtain these polymers, asymmetrically substituted monomers has been used. However, preparation of such monomers requires several reaction steps and that makes the total yield of the target polymers very low. In order to establish a better preparation pathway, here presented new method utilized monosubstituted trichloromonomers, (^1RSiCl_3). First, partial electrochemical reduction of the monomers was carried out to obtain linear polymers, (^1RClSi)_n, and then subsequent reaction with Grignard reagent was carried out to introduce the second substituent group and to obtain the asymmetrically substituted polymers, (^1R^2RSi)_n. Thus obtained polymers contained more or less partial network structures in the dominating linear structures because of undesirable networking reactions during the electrochemical reactions. However they showed mostly the typical properties of linear polymers

    タイヨウコウ ハツデンヨウ ソフト スイッチングコンバータ ノ アタラシイ クウカンベクトル ヘンチョウ セイギョ ホウシキ

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    This paper proposes a suitable switching pulse pattern generating algorithm for a high-frequency link soft-switching converter which has been previously proposed by the authors. The target converter is characterized by its totally soft-switched operation, isolated output stage and bidirectional power flow. Therefor it is suited for interfacing a new energy system such as a PV system having a battery with ac system line. In applying the instantaneous space vector modulation scheme to generate the switching patterns for its three-phase output stage, the transition between output voltage vectors is restricted in order to realize soft switching operation. This paper firstly discuses on the restriction, and then, proposes a suitable switching pattern which satisfies the soft switching operations. To confirm the validity, a simplified simulation study has been carried out by using general purpose circuit simulator PSIM

    ギジ コウレイシャ メガネ ソウチャクジ ニオケル カドクセイ ノ ヒョウカ

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    In order to estimate the legibility of elderly people, we tested reading speed of characters on a CRT display. The subjects put on the special glasses simulating the age-related transmittance reduction of the eye lens. There found no significant influence on reading speed whether the subjects put on the glasses or not. However, subjective rating of legibility was significantly lower with the glasses in the case of dark color characters on a blue background. These results indicate that dark color characters on a blue background should be avoided for elderly computer users

    コウシュウハリンク ヒキョウシンガタコンバータ ノ ソフトスイッチングカ

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    The static power converters based on power-electronic technology, such as inverters for fluorescent lights or airconditioners, are spreading in our daily life. However, the emission noise and conduction noise due to their switching operation caused a problem of EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference). This paper presents an application of soft switching technique to reduce EMIin the high-frequency link converter which is one of the most promising circuit configurations for UPS (Un-interruptible Power Supply) or solar battery systems. The basic idea is that every switching operation of the converter can be made in the soft switching mode if the loss-less snubber and the natural commutation phase angle control techniques are both applied to input-inverter and output-cycloconverter stages, respectively. The principle, the accompanying technical problem of parasitic resonance and its countermeasure are mentioned. Validity and availability of the proposed method are shown through experimental results obtained in the prototype system