10 research outputs found


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    On Establishing the law System of Enterprise Merger of Our Country

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    【中文摘要】从探讨企业购并的法律涵义入手 ,进而分析企业购并的法律性质和特征 ,以及企业购并中存在的主要问题 ,在此基础上 ,提出了对建立我国企业购并法律体系的初步构想。 【英文摘要】In this article the author shart from discussing the meaning of law of enterprise annexation,further analyses the nature of law and characteristics of enterprise annexation and the principal problems exists in enterprise annexation,on this basis,put forward the preliminary thought concerning establishing the law system of enterprise annexation of our country


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    The Charge System of Background Music and the Spirit of Interest Equilibrium in Copyright Law

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    正在我国兴起的背景音乐收费制度是著作权法利益平衡精神的又一实例。文章从背景音乐收费制度的含义和运作模式出发,具体分析了公共场所播放背景音乐所产生的公共利益与私人利益的划分及利益平衡格局。The charging system of background music, which arises in our country presently, is an example for the spirit of interests equilibrium in Copyright Law. This article starts with the meaning and moving pattern of the charge system of background music and analyzes the division between public interests and personal interests and its situation of interests equilibrium which is produced by playing background music in public concretely


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    On the General Personal Rights

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    【中文摘要】一般人格权是具有“一般条款”性质的“框架性权利”。法律确立一般人格权的根本目的在于补充人格权的立法漏洞。一般人格权的理论基础是人格伦理主义和绝对权法定主义之排除,其权利主体仅限于具有“伦理意义”的自然人,而法人不是伦理意义上的人,不具有伦理人的尊严,因而不应享有一般人格权。一般人格权是一种开放性的权利,具有“一般条款”的性质,对于一般人格权的内容的确定,属于一项补充法律漏洞的作业。无论是在立法中,还是在理论研究中,一般人格权的具体内容是无法也不应该事先确定的。 【英文摘要】General Personal Rights are a kind of framework rights, which is something like general clauses. It aims to make up the insufficiency of the current law to write General Personal Rights in law. General personal rights are theoretically based on the conception of ethical personal rights and the exclusion of statutable absolute rights.The subject of the general personal rights is natural person. A legal person does not have dignity as a natural person does, therefore, a legal person does not own General Personal Rights. General Personal Rights are a kind of open and general rights. To write General Personal Right s in law is a kind of work to make up the insufficiency of current law. The detail content of General Personal Rights cannot and should not be fixed in advance , no matter from the angle of legislation or theory study


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    经过选择树脂体系的比例,阻燃剂、抗氧剂、偶联剂和辐射交联剂的用量,加工制得辐射交联无卤阻燃电缆材料,其各项指标均满足“九五”重点科技攻关项目即辐射交联电线电缆新材料研究及产品开发的指标要求。同时,进行了材料的流变学性能研究。材料的氧指数为40,抗张强度为 11.5MPa,断裂伸长率为 370%

    Preparation, Structure and Performance of Water-Soluble Phosphine Rhodium Complexes

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    作者简介:袁友珠(1963-),男,研究员.[中文文摘]概述了烯烃氢甲酰化水溶性铑膦配合物催化剂分子设计的发展和水平 ,讨论有关水溶性铑膦配合物的结构、性能和在氢甲酰化催化反应中的应用 ,内容包括水溶性铑膦配合物催化剂和负载型水溶性铑膦配合物催化剂的设计、制备及其催化剂失活机理 ,并藉以说明水溶性配体和催化剂的合成、两相催化的应用开拓以及新型催化体系的设计乃将是今后研究的重点。[英文文摘]The development of biphasic catalysis involving water soluble phosphine rhodium complexes catalyzed olefin hydroformylation was discussed, as illustrated by the synthesis, structure stability and deactivation mechanism of water soluble phosphine ligand coordinated rhodium complexes and supported aqueous phase catalysts. With this discussion, it is shown that for the biphasic catalysis system, the molecular design of novel ligand and water soluble complexes associated with the exploration of new cataly remains as key issues in the near future.国家自然科学基金(29792075;29873037);国家重点基础发展规划(G2000048008)资助项


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    该项目主要内容包括干旱区绿洲水文过程特点的分析:分析了干旱区水文气象特点、土地利用特点以及水量引用、输送(散流)、转化、消耗等水文过程;绿洲散耗性水文模型的建立:在散耗型流域概念基础上,构建了绿洲散耗性水文模型的理论体系和实现框架,提出并建立了干旱区绿洲散耗性水文模型;模型的应用与分析:利用所建立的散耗型水文模型,对喀什、阿克苏、巴州、克州与和田等绿洲的水文循环过程进行了模拟,分析了现状条件下绿洲内水分运动、转化、消耗、利用的规律,结合绿洲水土资源管理规划、重大建设工程的立项与地下水开发利用等问题进行情景分析的模型模拟。 成果类别: 应用技