153 research outputs found

    Simulation and Experimental Study on Piezoelectric on/off Valve Jet Dispensing

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    喷射点胶技术起源于喷墨打印技术,它具有点胶速度快、分配胶点一致性好及不受空间限制等优点,是高速、高质量和低成本的流体点胶方式,并且被认为是未来点胶行业的发展方向。国外对喷射点胶技术研究已经走向成熟,并推出了实用性产品,而国内在近几年才开始这方面的研究,直到现在还在理论研究和实验阶段,所设计的喷射点胶设备常常因为喷射频率低、胶点一致性较差、应用的流体材料有限等缺陷,而不能形成成熟的产品。 首先,本实验室利用压电陶瓷的电致伸缩特性,再结合电磁开关阀控制腔体内气压变化的原理,设计和制作了一种压电开关阀式按需喷射点胶设备,它由压电叠堆致动器、位移放大机构、阀杆、喷嘴以及加热器等部件组成,该装置具有结...Jet dispensing technology derive from ink-jet printing, fast speed、good repeatability and adaptable etc are its advantage, it’s a way of high speed、high quality and low cost fluid dispense, and considered to be next generation dispensing technology. In aboard, research on jet dispensing technology is very mature, and has practical product already, but it develops in China recently, and so far theo...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械电子工程学号:1992009115246

    Research about the System of the Scope for the Heritage under the View of the Comparative Law

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    作为继承客体的遗产,其范围的确定不仅涉及被继承人及遗产债权人的利益,且关乎其他继承制度的设计。囿于当时立法环境和立法技术,现行法关于遗产范围的规定不能反映现实之需,与公众继承习惯亦不相符。借鉴他国立法经验,尊重民情,重塑我国遗产范围制度。The determination of the scope of the heritage which was defined as the object of the inheritance refers to the design of other inheritance system as well as the right of the ancestor and the creditor hereditatis.However,the provisions about the scope of the heritage in the lei vigente can not reflect the current situation and does not fit people' s habit of inheritance due to the limitations of the legislation environment and the legislation technique.We should borrow ideas from the other countries,respect the public feelings situation of the national,and rebuild the system of the scope for the heritage.教育部社科基金项目《家庭自治与国家干预:现代家庭立法发展方向研究》(05JA820037)的阶段性研究成

    Family Autonomy,Governmental Intervention and Legislation of Marriage Systems in China

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    分析了家庭自治和国家干预在中国婚姻制度立法中的体现,指出了家庭自治和国家干预在中国婚姻制度立法领域的现实问题,提出了家庭自治和国家干预指导下的中国婚姻制度的完善和修正措施。This paper analyzes the manifestation of family autonomy and governmental intervention in the legislation of marriage systems in China,points out the realistic problems,and puts forward some measures for improving and amending the current marriage system under the guidance of family autonomy and governmental intervention


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    目的 :观察布地奈德吸入联合刺五加注射液静脉滴注治疗神经性哮喘的疗效并探讨其作用机制。方法 :6 8例神经性哮喘患者随机分为 3组 ,分别用布地奈德气雾剂吸入联合刺五加注射液静脉滴注 (联合治疗组 )、单纯布地奈德气雾剂吸入 (布地奈德组 )和单纯刺五加注射液静脉滴注 (刺五加组 ) ,治疗 2周。观察治疗前后 3组患者的临床症状和肺功能变化。结果 :3组患者临床症状和肺功能均较治疗前显著改善 ( P<0 .0 5或P<0 .0 1) ,以联合治疗组改善最为明显 ( P<0 .0 5或 P<0 .0 1)。结论 :布地奈德气雾剂吸入联合刺五加注射液静脉滴注治疗神经性哮喘安全有效


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    Biological mechanism underlying the formation of greasy fur

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    腻苔是一种临床常见的病理性舌苔,主湿浊、痰饮、食积等,在中医临床诊断与治疗中有重要的临床意义与辨证价值,研究腻苔形成的现代生物学机制有重要的理论; 和实践意义。文章从舌表面脱落细胞学、微生态学、相关蛋白与基因表达及物质代谢等方面对腻苔形成的生物学机制进行了综述,并对腻苔与肠道微生态的关系,腻; 苔与现代医学疾病的关系进行了阐述,以期从现代生物医学角度对腻苔形成的物质基础、发生机制、变化规律及与相关疾病的关系作相关阐明,为疾病的中医诊断与; 治疗提供借鉴和帮助。Greasy fur is a common pathological tongue coating and is mainly seen in; the clinical practice in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), such as in; the dampness turbidity, the phlegm and fluid retention, the dyspepsia or; food accumulation, and so on. Greasy fur shows important clinical; significance and differentiation value in TCM diagnosis and treatment,; there is also great theoretical and practical significance in the; studying of the modern biomedical mechanism underlying the formation of; the greasy fur. Here we summarized the formation mechanism of the greasy; fur from the aspects of the shedding cytology of the tongue surface, the; microecology, the expression of the relative genes and proteins and the; metabolism. The relationship between the greasy fur and the intestinal; microecology, and between the greasy fur and the diseases were also; discussed in this paper. Through summarizing these related research; literatures, we want to elucidate the material basis, the occurrence; mechanism and the changing rules of the greasy fur from the perspective; of the modern biomedicine, and to elucidate its relationship with some; related modern medicine diseases, thus to provide references and; assistance for the disease diagnosis and treatment in TCM clinic.国家重点研发计划重点专项; 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划; 国家自然科学基金项


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