38 research outputs found

    第750回 千葉医学会例会・第2回 磯野外科例会 67.

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    Background Perturbations of blood sodium are the most frequently encountered electrolyte disorder in sick children, and may influence fluid therapy. We examined the frequency of blood sodium perturbations, and factors and outcomes associated with hyponatremia in children admitted to a rural Kenyan hospital and investigated the risk factors associated with deaths in hyponatremic children. Methods Plasma sodium levels and other laboratory parameters were measured in children admitted to a rural Kenyan hospital. Clinical measurements were collected using standard forms and entered into a computer database. The proportion of children admitted with hyponatremia was determined. Logistic regression models were used to investigate factors associated with hyponatremia, and death in those with hyponatremia. Results Abnormal plasma sodium occurred in 46.6% (95% confidence interval (95%CI) 43.5-49.6%) of 1026 pediatric admissions. Hyponatremia occurred in 44.4% (95%CI 41.4-47.5%) and hypernatremia in 2.1% (95%CI 1.3-3.0%). Malaria (40.8%) was the most common underlying primary diagnosis in hyponatremic children. Malaria, hyperglycemia, wasting, high creatinine levels and preserved consciousness were associated with hyponatremia. Pallor and seizures were associated with increased mortality in hyponatremic children. Conclusions Sodium disturbances are common in pediatric admissions to a County hospital in rural Kenya. Seizures and pallor were predictors of mortality in hyponatremic children.</p

    The Impact of Neotectonics on the Environmental Evolution and Soil Erosion of Loess Plateau

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    新构造运动是黄土高原区域环境变迁的主导性因素。 2 .5 Ma以来青藏高原的阶段性强烈隆升 ,导致了东亚季风气候的形成和加强 ,黄土高原乃至整个西北地区气候向干旱化趋势演化。黄土高原及其周边地区的阶段性隆升或沉降与气候演化的共同作用 ,导致了黄土堆积沉积的跳跃式阶段性扩展。黄土高原的地貌演化可以黄河水系的诞生为界限 (1.6 7~ 1.43Ma B.P.)划分为二个阶段 :古湖泊低地阶段和高原河流阶

    The eco-environment deterioration and its counter-measures in the Loess Plateau

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    Effects of phosphorus application methods on phosphorus loss on sloping land under simulated rainfall.

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    采用模拟降雨的方法研究了 3种施肥方法对P素流失形态与流失过程的影响 .结果表明 ,P肥在土壤中的混匀程度越高 ,则越容易导致生物有效P(BAP)的流失 .混施条件下 ,径流中水溶态P(DP)与BAP含量、DP/BAP与BAP/TP(总P)比值均较高 ;其次为穴施 ;条施条件下DP、BAP含量最低 ,DP/BAP与BAP/TP比值也相对较低 ,与对照间的差异不明显 .施肥方法对径流中TP含量影响较小 .从减少P素肥料流失的角度来讲 ,3种施肥方法作用大小顺序为 :条施 &gt;穴施 &gt;混施


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    Climatic Change、Vegetation Evolution and Low Moisture Layer of Soil on the Loess Plateau

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    2 .5Ma B.P.以来 ,受地球轨道要素周期性变化和青藏高原阶段性强烈隆升的影响 ,黄土高原地区气候存在着干期与湿润交替出现的现象 ,但总的趋势是向干旱化方向演化。黄土高原第四纪以来草本植物一直较为繁茂 ,木本植物仅在少数几个时期处于优势地位。现代黄土高原人工林草植被普遍存在着土壤干层问题。土壤干层的形成是气候干旱化过程中必然出现的现象 ,它是导致植被演替的直接原因之一。人工植被激发并强化了土壤干层的形成。土壤干层的形成是气候干旱化和人工植被选择不当两个方面综合作用的结果 ,但有望通过有关人工措施使其危害得到缓