2,435 research outputs found

    The function and mechanism of ENO1 in glioma cell model

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    神经胶质瘤是一种发生在脑和脊髓的胶质细胞癌变的肿瘤。胶质瘤占脑和中枢系统肿瘤的30%,占脑恶性肿瘤的80%,年发病率约为3-8人/10万人口。ENO1是糖酵解中催化磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸和磷酸甘油酸相互转化的限速酶,在多种肿瘤中,ENO1表达水平均上调。 本研究通过对以WBP2为诱饵的pull-down/MS结果分析得到ENO1为可能与WBP2相互作用的蛋白质。体外表达并纯化了ENO1蛋白质,并通过Pull-down实验证实了ENO1和WBP2间存在相互作用,即二者能够在体外结合。在过表达WBP2的神经胶质细胞瘤U251细胞系中,ENO1的mRNA水平亦升高,而ENO1的蛋白质也升高。在WBP2表...Glioma is a kind of glial cells cancerous tumors which starts in the brain and spine. Glial tumors account for 30% of the brain and central nervous system tumors, 80% of malignant brain tumor, which annual incidence is about 3 to 8 in100000 population. ENO1 is a catalytic enzymes in glycolysis, it catalyzes the conversion between glyceric acid phosphate and phosphoenolpyruvic acid. ENO1 is overexp...学位:理学硕士院系专业:药学院_化学生物学学号:3232013115338

    Study on the Lethal Effect of · OH on Typical Algas in Water Bloom

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    我国饮用水源地富营养化加剧,高藻频发,藻类大量繁殖引起的水源污染, 严重地威胁饮用水水质和城市供水。因此饮用水安全问题已成为一项重大的民生 问题,而除藻技术的研发是保障饮用水安全的重要一环。目前虽已有多种较为成 功的藻类控制方法,但都有各自的局限性,还需要寻找更加安全高效的除藻方法。 本研究依托国家科技支撑计划项目,基于大气压强电离放电协同气液混溶技术产 生羟基自由基(OH)的方法,对OH对高藻水源水中的典型水华藻铜绿微囊藻、 针杆藻和四尾栅藻的杀灭效果进行实验室阶段的研究。研究的主要内容和初步结 论如下: (1)分别利用荧光染色法、测定光合活性...Eutrophication of drinking water sources like lakes and reservoirs has caused frequent algae blooms. Excessive amount of algae is responsible for undesirable taste and odor, toxin generation, disinfection-by-product formation and filter-clogging in water plant, while have seriously threatened water quality and the supply of drinking water. Therefore, the safety of drinking water has become a m...学位:工学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境工程学号:3312012115163

    The Research on Allocative Efficiency of Education Resources

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    传统的教育资源配置效率评价只是针对教育资源的投入和产出进行分析得出技术效率的高低,很少有考虑到需求的影响。而本文利用结构方程模型综合考虑了教育资源的投入、产出、技术效率、经济偏好以及受益率,设定潜变量之间的关系并进行验证,进而将产出、受益率和经济偏好作为教育资源的需求与教育资源供给进行对比,得出我国各省教育资源的配置效率。 由于技术效率并不能直接从别处搜集数据而来,因此本文首先利用DEA方法对各级教育的投入产出效率进行评价,并将其纳入观测变量,进而对整个结构方程模型进行综合评价,得出以下几点结论: 一、高等教育的DEA效率得分东部最高,西部次之,中部最低,中部虽然表现较差,但正在以较快的速...The traditional efficiency of the allocation of educational resources mostly focused on inputs and outputs, rarely taking the needs into account. This paper used the structural equation model taking five latent variables which are inputs, outputs, technologies, economical preferences and benefits into analysis. Then we can compare the demand getting from the outputs,benefits and economical prefere...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_统计学学号:1542009115168

    A Study on Domestic Bank M&A under the Situation of Market Exit

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    在无论是数量上还是规模上都创历史最高水平的第五次并购浪潮中,金融并购,尤其是银行并购一直是并购的热点。金融管制的逐渐放松和国际竞争的日益加剧,促使跨行业、跨地区的大规模金融并购不断涌现,进而形成银行、保险、证券和信托等多种业务活动综合在一起的金融巨头。 中国银行业的改革正在如火如涂地进行,在此期间,有的银行独占鳌头,有的银行却在物竞天择的市场竞争中被淘汰出局。与国际银行并购相比,我国的银行并购市场经过十多年的发展,已经取得了一定的成绩,但仍处于发展的早期,表现为以强并弱或弱弱式的并购,并购的过程也是一些实力弱小、经营有问题的银行退出市场的过程。本论文主要对市场退出下的国内银行并购进行研究,并...The global industry is experiencing the 5th consolidation wave which has seen M&A cases unprecedented in both number and size. It has impacted international finance, especially the banking industry. The finance deregulation and the intensified competition have fueled finance M&As which are cross-sector, cross-national, and large in scale. As a result, financial conglomerates, which operate...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:20044203

    Research on Small Cell Virtualization Technology for Wireless Heterogeneous Networks

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    5G随着无线移动通信系统中数据流量的指数增长而到来。各个组织对5G所提的愿景大致相同,主要包括高频谱效率,高能效和低成本三大方面,具体的又有对速率、时延、峰值速率和用户移动性的KPI参数设定。为了满足5G网络的愿景,网络的密致化和异构性特点越来越突出,并造成网络中有限的频谱资源协调越来越困难,干扰变得更加复杂,且会产生巨大的信令风暴。为了解决这些问题,5G中提出了:全频段技术(Full-BandTechnology),密集组网技术(DenseNetworkingTechnology),新型多址技术(NewMultipleAccessTechnology),大规模天线技术(MissiveMIMO...5G generated as the data traffic in the network exponential growth. Each organization has a similar vision for 5G, mainly including high spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency and low cost. There are also some KPI parameters for rate, delay, peak rate and user mobility. In order to meet the vision of the 5G network, the denseness and heterogeneity of the network are becoming more and more prominen...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:2332014115325


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    On The Thought of Marx’s Human Nature

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    人性问题是马克思人学思想的基础和核心问题,对于时代和社会而言它不仅是一个重要的理论问题,更是一个重要的现实问题。马克思在唯物史观的指导下,引入具体性、实践性的观点理解和阐述其人性观,从而改变了以往哲学家的抽象的、片面的人性观。本文比较全面地阐述马克思人性观的内容,并对人性与人的本质两个概念进行了区别,以廓清当前理论界对马克思的人性和人的本质的某些不恰当的理解。本文共有以下章节:引言简述我国理论界对马克思的人性观的研究现状,及本课题对于我国当代社会的指导意义。第一章简要概括马克思的人学思想在马克思的整个思想体系中的地位和基本情况,简述马克思的人性观的形成和发展过程,对马克思人学思想中的一些容易混...The problem of human nature is a base and core problem of Marx’s homonology, face to times and society, it is not only an important theory problem, but an important reality problem. Marx understood and elaborated the thought of human nature with materialism methodology and viewpoint, quoted concrete and practicality in the thought of human nature, so change before philosopher’s abstract and one-si...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_马克思主义哲学学号:20010500

    The Cloning and Analysis of Salt-tolerant Gene from Mangrove

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    植物受盐碱和水分胁迫时,细胞质中积累大量有机渗透调节剂,如甘露醇、海藻糖、甜菜碱和脯氨酸等,而将细胞质中的无机渗透调节剂(主要是K+)挤向液泡,使胞质与细胞(液泡)外环境维持渗透平衡,这样就避免了细胞质高浓度无机离子对酶和代谢的毒害。除维持细胞的正常膨压外,甜菜碱还具有无毒渗透保护剂的作用,能够稳定复杂蛋白质高级结构,从而使得许多代谢过程中的重要酶类在渗透胁迫下继续保持活性。 甜菜碱是以胆碱为底物经两步酶催化氧化生成,催化第二步反应的是甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(betainealdehydedehydrogenase,BADH)。甜菜碱脱氢酶是一个限速酶,甜菜碱的增加与它的活性有关,因此BADH基因的...Cell accumulates organic osmotic regulators in the cytoplast (Mannitol, trehalose, betaine and praline, for example), while inorganic osmotic regulators in the vacuole from the cytoplast (one and most of them is K+), when the plant was stressed by salt or water. That will keep osmotic balance between the cytoplast and outsides (vacuole), avoiding the ion poison to the enzymes and metabolize when h...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_发育生物学学号:2012005130205