247 research outputs found


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    An Empirical Analysis on the Influence Factors of the Subjective Well-being in the Domestic Elderly

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    本文的研究基于以下背景:(1)随着物质财富的不断积累和文明程度的日益提高,幸福的内涵逐渐丰富起来,人们逐渐将焦点从解决温饱问题转向追求精神层面的富足。幸福关系到每一个个体的生存与发展,实现幸福生活是生命个体的终极目标,也是实现“中国梦”的本质要求;(2)随着全球老龄化进程的加快,人口老龄化已经成为中国面临的重大社会问题之一,超过我国十分之一人口比例的老龄群体的生活问题应该引起广泛关注。因此,研究老年人主观幸福感的影响因素,提出增加老年人幸福感的政策建议,对于促进家庭和社会的和谐发展具有重要的意义。本文使用2011-2012年中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查数据(CLHLS),通过描述统计、因子分析...The study is based on the following backgrounds:(1)With the prosperity of material wealth and civilization, the meaning of happiness has become richer. Gradually, people put focus from solving the problem of food and clothing to pursuing the spiritual wealth.Happiness is related to the survival and development of every single citizen. Realizing the happy life is not only the ultimate aim of the in...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_政治经济学学号:1532014115212

    Applications of Pd complexes in catalysis and shape-controlled synthesis of nanoparticles

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    金属有机化学是有机化学和无机化学交叠的一门分支课程,其研究对象主要是金属配合物,是指一类含有金属—碳等化学键的化合物。金属配合物在许多领域都有着非常重要的作用。在催化领域里,其影响尤为显著。比如,使用一氧化碳或者烯烃作为单体来合成聚合物的反应,大部分是由金属配合物类型的催化剂来完成的。全世界所有的聚乙烯和聚丙烯的合成均是由金属有机催化剂,尤其是Ziegler-Natta催化剂来合成。同时,从反应机理的研究上来讲,有机化合物分子是如何通过与金属中心配位来完成活化和催化转化也是极为重要和具有挑战性的研究课题。所以,金属配合物不仅一类重要的催化剂,同时也是认识金属催化过程和机理的关键点。 本文分为...Organometallic chemistry combines the aspects of inorganic and organic chemistry. It is the study of chemical compounds containing bonds between carbon and a metal. Organometallic compounds have been playing important roles in multidisciplinary fields. Catalysis by organometallic compounds have drawn a great deal of attention and achieved enormous success. For example, the synthesis of carbon mono...学位:博士后院系专业:化学化工学院_无机化学学号:201117002

    Study on Legal Problems of Independent Guarantee

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    独立担保是适应当代国际经济贸易发展的需要,在商业和银行业实践中发展起来的一种新型的信用担保方式。独立担保具有独立性、不可撤销性、无条件性和单据化等特点。相对于传统的从属性担保,它具有更强的债权保障功能,因此在国际经济贸易中得到了广泛应用,并已经成为国际经济贸易活动中主要的信用担保方式。目前包括我国在内的世界上绝大多数国家对这种新型的担保方式还没有做出明文规定,各国的判例和学理对此也有不同的见解,有关独立担保的法律法规、国际惯例和国际公约也都不是非常完备和成熟,因此,系统地研究这一问题既具有理论意义也具有实践意义。本文共分为四个部分:第一部分是独立担保的基础法律问题研究,主要介绍了独立担保的起源...The independent guarantee has been widely used in the fields of international fiancé and trade, developing in business and practice. It is different from collateral guarantee as a new style of human guarantee. The independent guarantee has some particular advantages in protection of creditor’s rights and thus been stayed dominant place in guarantee of international fiancé and trade. At present,...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:20030818

    Application of plea bargaining in China

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    辩诉交易制度是美国刑事司法所特有的,是英美等国家处理大量刑事案件,提高诉讼效率的一项重要制度。分析辩诉交易制度的理论基础和适用条件,有利于讨论辩诉交易制度在我国适用的可行性,提出构建我国辩诉交易制度的思路。Plea bargaining is a special judicial system of America.It's important to improve procedural efficiency.There are many criminal cases in America which be solved by this system.Studying the theoretical basis and suitable conditions for the system of plea bargaining is significant to its application in China.It's helpful to set up a schematic design of China


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    Emotion that Spans the Ocean: The Ethnic Chinese Migration from Southeast Asia to Europe

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    [中文文摘]在上世纪内,因东南亚国家时事风云变幻,先后有大约20万华人华裔从东南亚移居欧洲,他们构成了欧洲外来移民群体中一个独具特色的次级群体。本文追溯该群体的迁移历程,剖析其群体特征,并以其穿行在多元化世界的生活状况为个案,结合流散族群理论,探讨与当代某些跨境移民共生的跨国主义文化特点。 [英文文摘]In the 20~(th) century about two hundred thousand ethnic Chinese had migrated from Southeast Asia to Europe due to the change of political situations.They have formed a socially visible subgroup among the Chinese immigrants in Europe.After tracing its migration processes and describing its collective characteristics,this paper is to explore the implications of the long-distance nationalism together with the diaspora theory and practices

    Analysis of fatty acid synthesis pathway of Schizochytrium and Rhodomonas based on high-throughput sequencing and functional verification of malonyl-CoA:ACP transacylase

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    裂壶藻能合成丰富的ω-3多不饱和脂肪酸,广泛应用于工业发酵生产多不饱和脂肪酸,但目前对于裂壶藻的脂肪酸合成途径等生物学问题还不明确。此外,温度对裂壶藻脂肪酸含量积累的影响尤为重要,工业上一般采用两步发酵法对裂壶藻进行发酵培养,但是两步发酵法中的降温过程会极大增加成本。因此,本研究以实验室分离得到的裂壶藻为实验材料,通过基因组测序技术系统分析裂壶藻基因组,并把脂肪酸合成关键酶-丙二酰CoA:ACP转酰基酶基因(malonyl-CoA:ACPtransacylase,MCAT)电击转入裂壶藻中,试图获得更多关于裂壶藻的信息和筛选出一株高产脂肪酸的裂壶藻藻种以满足工业发酵的需求。 红胞藻富含异黄素...Schizochytrium sp. is a marine microalga that has been established as a candidate for commercial production of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). At present, there are still some problems unclear in the research of Schizochytrium sp., which including the lipid synthesis pathway. In addition, temperature is one of the most important environmental factors that significantly affect the f...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋生物学学号:2232013115141


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