
Emotion that Spans the Ocean: The Ethnic Chinese Migration from Southeast Asia to Europe


[中文文摘]在上世纪内,因东南亚国家时事风云变幻,先后有大约20万华人华裔从东南亚移居欧洲,他们构成了欧洲外来移民群体中一个独具特色的次级群体。本文追溯该群体的迁移历程,剖析其群体特征,并以其穿行在多元化世界的生活状况为个案,结合流散族群理论,探讨与当代某些跨境移民共生的跨国主义文化特点。 [英文文摘]In the 20~(th) century about two hundred thousand ethnic Chinese had migrated from Southeast Asia to Europe due to the change of political situations.They have formed a socially visible subgroup among the Chinese immigrants in Europe.After tracing its migration processes and describing its collective characteristics,this paper is to explore the implications of the long-distance nationalism together with the diaspora theory and practices

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