111 research outputs found
Exploration of the Practical Training Program for Materials Science and Engineering Students
实践教学是材料专业人才培养的重要环节,实践教学体系是提高实践教学质量的重要保障。厦门大学材料学院紧紧围绕应用型、复合型、创新型人才培养目标,注重学生“五种能力“的培养,改革和创新材料科学与工程专业的实践教学体系,促进了学生的创新能力与实践能力的提高。Laboratory experience is vital to the students for the specialty of Materials Science and Engineering.We have devoted to produce talented scientists,highly qualified engineers and competent administrators through providing excellent education programs,innovative laboratory experiences,up-to-date facilities,leading-edge researches,and important industrial partnerships.The students are offered five levels laboratory and field trainings during their college study to improve their capability on solving practical problems and creating novel techniques and materials
The Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Health Status in Chinese Elderly
目的探讨中国老年人健康状况及其影响因素。方法利用2010年第六次全国人口普查数据及相关资料,评价个人微观环境和社会宏观环境因素对老年人健康的影响。结果中国60岁以上老年人平均健康得分为(3.240±0.798)分,性别、年龄、婚姻状态、生活来源、居住地与老年人健康状况相关,老年健康状况与地区gdP呈现正相关,与地区卫生总费用和基层医疗机构床位数正相关。结论老年人的健康水平总体较好,加大卫生投入尤其是基层卫生投入是提高老年人健康的关键。Objective The purpose of the present study was to investigate the health status and influencing factors in Chinese elderly.Methods Using the data and related information of the sixth nationw ide population census in 2010 to evaluate the impact of individual micro-environment and social macro environment factors on the health status of the elderly.Results The average health score of age over 60 in Chinese elderly w as 3.240 ± 0.798,gender,age,marital status,source of income,and place of residence w ere associated w ith the health status of the elderly.The region's GDP show ed a positive correlation w ith the health status of the elderly.It w as also found that the health status of the elderly w as positive correlation w ith the total expenditure of regional health and the number of beds in grassroots medical institutions.Conclusion The overall health status of the elderly is good.The key to improve the health status in Chinese elderly is increasing health investment,especially in grassroots medical institutions
用自行制备的碳纳米管(CNTs)作为促进剂,制备一类共沉淀型CNTs促进Co-Cu基催化剂.实验发现,该类催化剂对CO加氢制低碳醇显示出异常高的转化活性和生成C2~4-含氧产物,尤其是丁醇(BuOH)和二甲醚(DME)的选择性;在Co3Cu1-11%CNTs催化剂上、5.0 MPa,573 K、V(H2)/V(CO)/V(CO2)/V(N2)=46/46/5/3,GHSV=10 000 mL(STP).h-1.g-cat.-1反应条件下,所观测到的CO转化率达到38.0%,是相同反应条件下不含CNTs的参比体系(Co3Cu1)上观察值(25.3%)的1.50倍;BuOH和DME成为两种最主要的产物,其C-基选择性分别达到45.0%和14.8%,两者的质量百分数合计占C1~4-含氧产物总量的~83%,展示其作为油品添加剂或代用合成燃料的应用前景.实验结果表明,对于CNTs促进的Co3Cu1体系,原料气中适量CO2的存在对CO的转化和含氧产物(尤其是BuOH)的选择生成有显著促进作用
Application of 5S management method on the materials science & engineering experimental teaching and personnel training
将5S管理方法引入材料科学与工程实验室建设与实验教学管理中。通过建立5S推行组织、确定试运行实验室的方法学习5S管理模式,以点带面,建立逐步在整个实验教学中心、在学生培养中推行5S管理的方法。The 5S management method is introduced into material science and engineering laboratory construction and experimental teaching management.By establishing an implementation organization, determining the test run laboratory, the 5S management mode is studied.And then fan out from point to area, it's gradually set up in the whole experiment center.It's also implemented during the personal training of the students in the university.教育部“十二五”国家级实验教学示范中心:厦门大学材料科学与工程专业实验教学示范中心(教高厅函[2012]13号); 教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划:厦门大学材料科学工程(教高厅函[2013]38号); 教育部第二批高等学校特色专业建设点:材料科学与工程(教高函[2007]31号); 福建省本科高校专业综合改革试点:材料科学与工程专业(闽教高[2012]41号
梅毒螺旋体47 ku抗原的分段表达及抗原表位分析
通过大肠杆菌表达系统表达了梅毒螺旋体47 ku膜蛋白及其N端和/或C端缺失的重组蛋白共15个,经亲和层析纯化,并通过免疫印迹和酶联免疫实验检测这组蛋白与梅毒病人血清的反应性.结果发现所有包含D结构域的重组蛋白的免疫反应性显著高于不含D结构域的蛋白,提示D结构域中可能包含47 ku膜蛋白上的一个免疫优势表位
Construction an Opening Materials Science and Engineering Experimental Platform for all Students in the University
厦门大学材料科学与工程实验教学中心是2012年教育部批准建设的国家级专业实验教学示范中心。该实验教学中心针对不同学科、不同层面的学生,开设面向本专业的A类专业实验课程、面向校内相关理工科专业的B类材料基础实验课程以及面向全校各专业的C类材料通识实验课程。通过分层次、分体系的实验课程设置,教学科研协同发展和校企联合培养的实验教学模式,以及智能化管理系统的建设,实现实验室对全校师生的开放,全面提高实验中心的辐射示范作用。Materials science and engineering experimental teaching center of Xiamen University is an national professional teaching demonstration center, which was approved to construct by the education Ministry in 2012. According to the knowledge background and different requirement of the students in the university the experimental teaching center offers three level experimental courses: Course A is for the students in material college, which contains many specialized materials experiments; Course B is for the students major in science and engineering in the university, which contains basic materials experimental courses; Course C is for all students in the university, which contains general study materials experimental courses. Through the three level course settings and relevant teaching methods, as well as a controlled, visualized and intelligent management system, the center orderly opening to the students comes true. It is benefit to improve the role of radiation and demonstration of the center
Experimental Study on Thermal Conductivities and Diffusivities of Gas Hydrate
By improving the Hot Disk thermal constant analysis system, a new thermal properties measurement method of natural gas hydrate was established. The thermal conductivities of structure I hydrate (methane), structure H hydrate (methane-methylcyclohexane) a
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