35 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity of amphioxus in China Seas and strain breeding in the laboratory

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    头索动物文昌鱼进化地位特殊,具有脊索动物门祖先的原始特征,是进行脊椎动物起源和演化、胚胎发育和比较基因组学研究的重要材料,具有重要的科研价值,同时文昌鱼还是一种有养殖前景的经济物种。目前对文昌鱼的研究主要集中在进化和发育生物学方面,对其分类学、遗传多样性和育种方面的研究则相对滞后。 将材料运用于科学研究之前,首先必须对其进行正确的物种鉴定。本文根据形态特征鉴定了采集于粤东海域的短刀侧殖文昌鱼,并测定了其线粒体基因组全序列,结合已报道的其它8种文昌鱼线粒体基因组数据,对文昌鱼属的分类进行了探讨。文昌鱼线粒体基因排列顺序、系统发育树和遗传距离均表明9种文昌鱼应分为3个属,侧殖文昌鱼属、鳃口文昌鱼...Cephalochordates (amphioxus) occupy a special position in animal evolution, and they have original features like the ancestor of chordates. They are important materials for the study of origin and evolution of the vertebrate, embryonic development and comparative genomics. Amphioxus is seafood that has the prospects of being aquacuture species. Present study of amphioxus mainly concentrated in evo...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院_动物学学号:2162010015387

    Establishment of full-sib families of Branchiostoma japonicum and the relationship between early development patterns and larvae survival rates

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    2011年3月9日—5月19日,以厦门海域采集的野生个体和实验室繁育的日本文昌鱼成体为亲本,尝试性地建立了全同胞家系;采用温度和光照诱导的方法,对雌、雄亲本进行人工催产,获得了34对亲本的全同胞家系受精卵。在家系培育过程中发现致使胚胎和仔鱼死亡的几种主要原因,以及日本文昌鱼早期发育的两种模式。通过加强养护管理,提高仔鱼存活率,缩短幼体变态所需时间,最终建立了7个完成变态的全同胞家系。在这些家系中,从受精卵到完成变态后不久的亚成体存活率最高为32.4%,最低为1.67%,而变态最快历时24 d,最慢历时42 d。虽然在全同胞家系建立过程中,幼体死亡率高,家系间的胚胎和幼体生长发育状况差异大,但实验结果表明日本文昌鱼全同胞家系建立完全可行,为其优良品系选育建立了基础。One general requirement of individual laboratory animals is that they have known genetic backgrounds.However, ensuring such genetic similarity is difficult, and can be facilitated by breeding a full strain for experimentation.To this end, the authors bred 34full-sib families of amphioxus larvae/embryos.Due to the high mortality of the embryos and larvae, only seven full-sib families of juvenile amphioxus Branchiostoma japonicum were obtained.Among them, the highest and lowest survival ratios were 32.4% and1.67%, respectively, whereas the shortest metamorphosis and longest larva duration were 24 d and 42 d, respectively.These results demonstrate the feasibility of establishing full-sib families of amphioxus, and provide fundamental data needed for the future breeding of amphioxus strains.国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”)项目(2008AA092602); 国家自然科学基金项目(30830023); 深圳市科技研发资金项目(JSF201006290026A

    Analysis of Amphioxus Geographic Populations in the West Pacific Ocean Based on COX I Gene

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    文昌鱼是进化发育研究的重要模式动物,目前实验材料均采自野外。因此,对其进行正确的物种鉴定和地理种群的遗传分化分析十分必要。该研究扩增并测定了COXⅠ基因部分序列,结合nCbI数据库中的COXΙ序列信息,对太平洋西岸文昌鱼的种类和地理种群分化情况进行了分析。结果表明,马来文昌鱼(brAnCHIOSTOMA MAlAyAnuM)、白氏文昌鱼(b.bElCHErI)和日本文昌鱼(b.JAPOnICuM)这3个种之间的遗传差异很大,再次证实3个物种的有效性,同时提出应当审慎对待nCbI数据库中文昌鱼的种名标注;太平洋西岸文昌鱼属brAnCHIOSTOMA的3种文昌鱼群体遗传多样性均处于较高水平,同一物种的不同地理种群间没有出现明显的遗传分化,反映了海洋动物的基因交流较容易,不同海域隔离较弱。Amphioxus(lancelet) is an important model animal in the field of Evo-Devo study.However,the specimens for laboratorial experiments are usually sampled directly from the field.Thus,it is necessary to correctly identify species and evaluate the genetic diversity of geographic populations.In the present investigation,we amplified and sequenced COX Ⅰ gene of amphioxus collected from various localities of the West Pacific Ocean and downloaded all available sequences of the gene from NCBI.Based on those sequences data,we constructed NJ tree to decide the taxonomic status of those amphioxus and performed AMOVA analysis to estimate genetic diversities among geographic populations and individuals.The current results supported the validity of the three amphioxus species,Branchiostoma malayanum,B.belcheri and B.japonicum.We also proposed that some amphioxus species names recorded in NCBI sequence database might be inaccurate.Genetic analysis on the geographic populations of amphioxus species suggested that each examined amphioxus species have a high level of genetic diversity.However,the genetic divergences among geographic populations of the same species are indetectable,indicating a frequent gene flow among them.国家自然科学基金重点项目(30830023);教育部高校博士学科点专项科研基金(20070384041

    Identification and expressional analysis of green fluorescent protein genes in amphioxus

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    通信作者(Corresponding author),王义权(1957 -), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向:动物分子遗传与进化。E-mail: [email protected][中文文摘]近年在隶属头索动物亚门的文昌鱼体内发现有内源性绿色荧光蛋白存在,并发现文昌鱼荧光蛋白的发光现象在不同发育时期以及个体间有较大的差异。为了进一步揭示GFP基因在文昌鱼中的进化模式,探索其可能执行的功能,该文首先对白氏文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)GFP基因作了全面鉴定,并对其不同发育阶段胚胎及成体不同区域中的荧光信号进行了实时观察记录,进而对GFP基因在绿色荧光表达强烈的两个特定时期做了绝对定量检测。研究结果表明,文昌鱼基因组中至少有12个内源性GFP基因,在个体发育的不同时期,内源性荧光出现的位置有所变化,而且在变态后的个体之间出现荧光的情况差异较大,荧光蛋白基因的表达由多个GFP同源基因共同参与,这些基因在不同的发育时期表达量有较大的差异,提示不同的GFP基因在特定发育阶段可能行使各自的功能。[英文文摘]Endogenous green fluorescent proteins (GFPs) have recently been found in amphioxus, where different characteristics of light production in different development stages and between different individuals have manifested. We identified the GFP genes in an amphioxus species Branchiostoma belcheri and monitored real time fluorescence signals of GFPs during different developmental stages to provide an insight on the GFP function in amphioxus. We found there are at least 12 endogenous GFP genes in amphioxus genome, and fluorescent expression changes in body position during different developmental stages. Additionally, GFP expression after metamorphosis development differed significantly among different amphioxus individuals, suggesting that there are multiple GFP homologous genes responsible for fluorescent expression. Expression levels of these genes varied significantly during different developmental stages,indicating that different GFP genes may have their unique functions in the development of amphioxus during specific phases of growth.国家自然科学基金项目(30830023;31071110


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    水质生物监测是水生态环境质量管理的重要内容,构建实用性强的生物指数有助于推动中国的水质生物监测工作。根据江苏、浙江、辽宁、江西和湖南等省份的溪流与河流湖泊共计839个底栖动物数据,将中国已有的底栖动物科级分类单元水质敏感性分值打分表扩充和修订至159个科。采用统计法分别构建了符合中国可涉水水体(溪流等)和不可涉水水体(河流、湖泊等)底栖动物分值指数(Chinese Macroinvertebrate Score Index,CMSI)和底栖动物平均分值指数(Average Chinese Macroinvertebrate Score Index,ACMSI)及水质评价等级体系。CMSI和ACMSI与总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数和溶解氧之间Pearson相关性显著,表明研究构建的CMSI和ACMSI是可以反映水质变化的。建议通过实践进一步验证CMSI和ACMSI的可靠性和实用性

    zijiRECQ5β 解旋酶DNA 退火特性的动力学研究

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    报道了聚乙烯对苯二酸酯(简称PETP)固体核径迹探测器时裂变碎片记录性能的实验研究.在改变温度、蚀刻时间和蚀刻液浓度等条件下测量了裂变碎片径迹平均直径的变化。实验结果表明:蚀刻液温度的变化对裂变碎片径迹的影响最大;而浓度和蚀刻时间的影响不大.同时用低能16O重离子辐照PETP探测器,并得到了它的标定曲线.The characteristics of polyethyleneterephthalate (PETP) solid state nuclear track detector on registering fission fragment tracks are studied. The variations of average diameter of fission fragment tracks with etching temperature, etching time and etchant concentration were measured. It is shown that among the three factors the influence of etching temperature on fission fragment tracks is the greatest. The PETP detectors were irradiated with low energy 16O heavy ions and the calibration curve was obtained.国家自然科学基金!19405006;;中国科学院“八·五”重大项