775 research outputs found


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    Abstract in Chinese: 企业伦理模式是企业在长期经营实践中所形成的价值共识和文化积淀的产物,是企业伦理个性特征的表现结构。其形成要素极为复杂,是企业内外部因素交互作用的结果,既受到企业所处时代的经济体制、社会经济发展的阶段和政企关系等外部条件的深刻影响,也与企业发展的历史阶段、企业经营管理者的伦理观念等内在变量密切相关。Abstract in English: The model of business ethics is the product of value consensus and cultural accumulation which are shaped in the long term management practice. With complicated forming factors, the model is the outcome of the interaction between internal and external factors. Namely, it is deeply influenced by the external factors, such as the economic system, the stage of social and economic development and government-enterprise relationship, and it is also closely related with the internal variable quantities, such as the historical stage of enterprise development and the ethical ideas of business managers. [pp. 295-296


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    Abstract in Chinese: 企业社会责任是提升企业竞争力的要素之一,反映着企业的道德水平。中华人民共和国成立以来,中国企业的社会责任观呈递进状态。主要经历了三个阶段,即计划经济时代的政治义务等同于社会责任、改革开放初期到二十世纪末现代社会责任意识的觉醒和新世纪以来企业社会责任的清晰与自觉。Abstract in English: Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the core elements of enterprise competitiveness and it reflects the moral level of corporations. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese enterprises experienced three progressive eras. In the era of planned economy, Corporate Social Responsibility is the same as political obligation. From the beginning of reform and opening to the end of twentieth Century, the consciousness of modern Corporate Social Responsibility was awaked. In the new era, Corporate Social Responsibility is performed more consciously. [pp. 327-328


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    1临床资料病人,男,42岁,10多年前因反复浮肿于外院就诊,行肾穿刺病理活检,予泼尼松龙(亦名强的松龙)静脉滴注后,续予泼尼松(亦名强的松)60Mg,PO,Qd,肿消退,自行停用泼尼松,此后未复查尿常规、肾功能。2003年1月查肌酐3 411.5μMOl/l,尿素86.60MMOl/l,血红蛋白59g/l,入院诊断为“慢性肾功能不全尿毒症期、慢性肾炎、重度贫血“,给予对症治疗及规律血液透析4个月后,于2003-04-30在

    Differential Proteome of Brain, Gill and Liver from the Paralichthys olivaceus induced by Cadmium Chloride

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    研制连续监测流动水体中重金属污染程度及其危害性等相关分析技术是当前环境科学研究中重点课题之一,其分析技术可分为两大类,即理化监测和生物监测。理化监测技术只能反映瞬时、局部的污染状况,无法真实客观地反映出污染源对人类和生物体的危害程度,因而赋予拓展生物监测技术的科学价值和重要意义。本学位论文选用了蛋白质组分析技术,以牙鮃脑﹑鳃和肝等组织为研究材料,旨在组织蛋白质表达差异水平的基础上建立一套简单、高效且高灵敏度,并适合于连续监测流动水体污染程度的新颖分析技术,所获得的实验结果能更加真实地反映流动水体中的重金属污染程度和危害性。由于动物组织的高度异质性,目前没有一种广谱性蛋白质提取方法适用于各类动物...One of key projects in the environmental sciences is to establish an analytical technology for monitoring contamination and endangered level of poisonous heavy metals in flowing water continuously, which is divided into two area involving in the monitoring with physical and chemical methods and with biological methods. However, the contamination status in local is only measured in front, which can...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:20012602


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