9 research outputs found

    Discovery and structural characterization of a therapeutic antibody against coxsackievirus A10

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    9月20日,《科学》子刊《科学•进展》(Science Advances)刊出了我校夏宁邵教授团队发表的题为“Discovery and structural characterization of a therapeutic antibody against coxsackievirus A10”的研究论文。该研究首次发现手足口病重要病原体柯萨奇病毒A组10型(CVA10)不同类型病毒颗粒共有的优势中和表位,揭示了病毒颗粒及其与优势中和抗体复合物的精确三维结构,阐明了中和抗体的功能与作用机制,为新型疫苗和治疗药物的研制提供了重要的理论基础。 该研究首次揭示并描绘了CVA10的病毒颗粒及其优势中和表位的精确特征,发现了具有良好应用潜能的治疗性中和抗体,为新型疫苗和特异性治疗药物的研究提供了关键基础。 我校夏宁邵教授、程通副教授和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校纳米系统研究所Z. Hong Zhou(周正洪)教授、美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校颜晓东博士为该论文的共同通讯作者。我校博士生朱瑞、徐龙发博士后、郑清炳工程师、李少伟教授和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校崔彦祥博士后为该论文共同第一作者。【Abstract】Coxsackievirus A10 (CVA10) recently emerged as a major pathogen of hand, foot, and mouth disease and herpangina in children worldwide, and lack of a vaccine or a cure against CVA10 infections has made therapeutic antibody identification a public health priority. By targeting a local isolate, CVA10-FJ-01, we obtained a potent antibody, 2G8, against all three capsid forms of CVA10. We show that 2G8 exhibited both 100% preventive and 100% therapeutic efficacy against CVA10 infection in mice. Comparisons of the near-atomic cryo–electron microscopy structures of the three forms of CVA10 capsid and their complexes with 2G8 Fab reveal that a single Fab binds a border region across the three capsid proteins (VP1 to VP3) and explain 2G8’s remarkable cross-reactivities against all three capsid forms. The atomic structures of this first neutralizing antibody of CVA10 should inform strategies for designing vaccines and therapeutics against CVA10 infections.This work was supported by grants from the National Science and Technology Major Projects for Major New Drugs Innovation and Development (2018ZX09711003-005-003), the National Science and Technology Major Project of Infectious Diseases (2017ZX10304402-002-003), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31670933 and 81801646), and the National Institutes of Health (R37-GM33050, GM071940, DE025567, and AI094386). We acknowledge the use of instruments at the Electron Imaging Center for Nanomachines supported by the University of California, Los Angeles and by instrumentation grants from NIH (1S10RR23057 and 1U24GM116792) and NSF (DBI-1338135 and DMR-1548924). 该研究获得了国家自然科学基金、新药创制国家科技重大专项、传染病防治国家科技重大专项和美国国立卫生研究院基金的资助

    中国宗族在乡村政治中的表达 : 历史的检视与经验的观察

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    To Construct Chinese System of Anthropology ——Interview of Professor ZHU Bing--xiang from Wuhan University

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    我们这个时代需要一种新的思想。中国文化提供了一种深刻的、和谐的理念,一种深度的人文关怀的思想,所以中国文化具备这个资格,有条件可以用来构建新的人类学理论——人类学中国体系,来丰富世界人类学思想宝库。"和谐"思想可以进入人类学成为构建人类学中国体系的中心思想。田野工作是构建人类学中国体系的方法论原则。要构建人类学中国体系,中国的人类学家必须关注人类、关注社会、关注环境、关注民生。 Our day needs new ideas. The Chinese culture can be employed to construct a new anthropological theory because it carries a profound and harmonious notion with humane care. The theory is called Chinese system of anthropology and it will contribute greatly to the world anthropology. "Harmony" is the core of the system and field work is the principles of methodology. To establish such a system, the Chinese anthropologists must care and concern about the mankind, the society, the environment and the life of the people


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    On the Discourse of China in Anthropology ——A Recording of The 6th Summit Forum on Anthropology

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    就“人类学的中国话语”主题,学者们各抒己见,认为中国人类学要有自己对于田野材料的理论提升即“话语权”,就必须做好研究,进行系统的学科建设,以及跨学科整合。Centering on the theme of "the Discourse of China in Anthropol- ogy", scholars have voiced their own opinions and agreed that China needs to make researches and systematic discipline construction if it were to have its own theories on fieldwork, or discourse power


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