558 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Bank's Performance Management System

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    随着网络技术以及信息技术的发展,银行的绩效考核也从原来的人工管理方式变为信息化的管理方式。银行对员工绩效考核的信息化也不断提高,银行对信息化建设的程度不断的提高,这就要求员工对于考核绩效的方式不断完善,提高员工对于考核进行绩效信息管理通过更加科学合理的考核方式不断的提高员工工作的积极性,本文的主要目的是实现银行绩效考核系统。 论文主要工作如下:介绍了员工绩效考核管理系统研究的背景与意义,详细的论述了国内外绩效考核的发展情况以及绩效考核的发展前景,并详细的论述了本文的组织结构。介绍了Java技术面对Java的数据库连接技术JDBC做了详细的分析,对前台设计及JSP技术以及对DB2数据库技术做了...With the development of network technology and information technology, the bank's performance appraisal also changed from the original artificial management way to information management style. The bank is constantly improved on the staff performance appraisal information, dramatization construction of continuously increase, which requires employees to continuously improve the performance appraisa...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323127

    The Research on the Project Management of the Model Change Time Compression in Factory A

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    换线时间的压缩,主要是针对换线前的材料、治具准备及人力安排,换线中的步序优化,以及换线后的当机、品质管控,做消除浪费、减少变异的分析及改善,最终在保证流程输出稳定的同时,压缩流程时间。 本论文主要是在面板业整体市场需求旺盛,但利润率低下的大环境下,结合A厂实际面临的因综合机台利用率漏失严重,而导致产能不足的实际情况,运用精益六西格玛的管理方法,对综合机台利用率漏失最为严重的换线时间进行压缩。整个过程按照精益六西格玛要求的定义、测量、分析、改善、控制五大步骤循序渐进。通过对全流程做浪费分析,找出可精简改善部分进行改善,同时对减少浪费、简化流程所引发的衍生效应做变异控制,确保不会因压缩、简化而产...The model change time compression is making analysis and improvement to eliminate waste and reduce variation and to compress the process time while guaranteeing the stability of the process output in the end. It is made mainly aiming at the materials and tools preparation and the staff arrangement before model change, the step sequence optimization during model change and the down time and quality...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程硕士(项目管理)学号:X201015306

    A Case Study on the Cost Management of S Construction Enterprise

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    随着我国加入WTO,国际国内建筑市场将逐步融合,这既给建筑企业带来了难得的历史发展机遇,同时又带来了新的挑战,使得建筑市场竞争更加激烈。建筑企业要想生存和发展,就必须走加强企业管理、降耗节能、内部挖潜的路子,通过降低成本,最终实现经济效益的最大化。本文首先以现代企业成本管理理论为背景,对成本与成本管理的概念以及相关成本管理理论作简要介绍。第二章从建筑企业成本影响要素入手,结合国内建筑企业的成本管理模式来分析其成本管理存在的问题。以建筑总承包企业S公司为案例,从投标、施工策划、分包、过程控制到完工结算等一系列环节来分析其成本管理现状及其存在的问题。第三章国际承包商成本管理研究。本部分主要分析中国...With China’s entry into the WTO, the international and domestic construction market will gradually integrate. It will bring about rare historic opportunities for construct enterprises development as well as new challenges, making construction market competition more severe. In order to survive and even further grow up, Construction enterprises have to improve enterprise management, save cost, and ...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X20041101

    Single- or Multiple-Active Site Catalysts and Propylene Polymerization Kinetics

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    在烯烃聚合催化剂研究中,催化机理及聚合动力学是主要的研究内容。这两方面的研究成果不仅可用来指导烯烃聚合工程放大,而且为新型高效催化剂开发奠定理论基础。对于Z-N多活性中心类型催化剂而言,聚合动力学研究集中在聚合过程建模及解析上。就单活性中心类型催化剂而言,由于相关聚合机理并不清晰,聚合动力学研究目的是为聚合机理提供佐证,并在此基础上,改进催化剂的催化效果。本工作选择国内自主开发的CS-1型聚丙烯催化剂(多活性中心类型催化剂)及本实验室开发的铁系催化剂(单活性中心类型催化剂)为研究对象,采用包括MonteCarlo模拟方法在内的聚合动力学研究手段进行动力学评价,分析聚合机理。首先,合成铁系丙烯聚...Catalysis mechanism and polymerization kinctics have been the hot issues in the research field of olefin polymerization catalysts. The research achievements not only insured the successful industrialization of catalysts but also established the academic groundwork for the exploiture of late-model catalysts. Olefin polymerization catalysts can be divided into two types: the single-active site catal...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程系_工业催化学号:2005130177

    Development and application of the novel analytical methods and shipboard instruments for the determination of trace ammonium in seawater

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    氮在海洋生物地球化学中占据着核心位置,是海洋生物生长所必须的营养元素之一,也是许多海域初级生产力和碳输出的主要控制因子。氮循环与大气二氧化碳浓度的变化乃至全球气候变化密切相关,对其他元素的循环尤其是碳循环和磷循环有重大影响。大洋海水中铵氮浓度较低(nmol/L量级),已有的铵氮分析方法或灵敏度较低,或难以应用于现场分析,或受制于海水基底的干扰,不能满足痕量分析的需求。为克服上述不足,本论文研发了灵敏度高、稳定性好、自动化程度高、易于操作的痕量铵氮分析新方法及船载式仪器,并应用于现场测定。主要内容和结果如下: (1)基于铵氮-邻苯二甲醛(OPA,o-phthalaldehyde)-亚硫酸盐反应...As one of the essential nutrient elements for phytoplankton in marine environment, nitrogen occupies a central role in ocean biogeochemistry. Nitrogen is the main controlling factor of primary productivity and carbon output in many sea areas. Nitrogen cycle has a close relationship with the concentration changes of carbon dioxide in atmosphere and the global climate change. Nitrogen cycle exerts a...学位:理学博士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境科学学号:2262011015365


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    Research on Culturaanges of Nuo Opera from Its Ranges of Performance Space

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    傩戏这一古老的传统文化形式至今还保留在我国许多地方,其表层目的是驱鬼逐疫、除灾呈祥,而内涵是通过仪式活动达到阴阳调和、风调雨顺、五谷丰登和天下太平。根据理查德.谢克纳对戏剧表演空间范围的划分,傩戏可分为埃及式、巴厘式、墨西哥式等几种表演空间范围。同时,从傩戏表演空间范围的变化可以看出其文化的变迁。Nuo Opera,an ancient form of traditional culture,is still lived in many places in our country.Its surface objective is to expel the ghosts and plague,to eliminate disasters for luck and safety,while its deep meaning is,through ceremonies,to pray for the harmony of Yin and Yang,favorable weather,a good harvest,and a peaceful world.According to the division of the ranges of opera performance space by Richard Schechner,Nuo Opera can be divided into several ranges of performance space such as Egyptian style,Paris style,and Mexican style and so on.Meanwhile,the cultural changes of Nuo Opera can be made clear from the changes of its ranges of performance space

    Differential Proteome of Brain, Gill and Liver from the Paralichthys olivaceus induced by Cadmium Chloride

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    研制连续监测流动水体中重金属污染程度及其危害性等相关分析技术是当前环境科学研究中重点课题之一,其分析技术可分为两大类,即理化监测和生物监测。理化监测技术只能反映瞬时、局部的污染状况,无法真实客观地反映出污染源对人类和生物体的危害程度,因而赋予拓展生物监测技术的科学价值和重要意义。本学位论文选用了蛋白质组分析技术,以牙鮃脑﹑鳃和肝等组织为研究材料,旨在组织蛋白质表达差异水平的基础上建立一套简单、高效且高灵敏度,并适合于连续监测流动水体污染程度的新颖分析技术,所获得的实验结果能更加真实地反映流动水体中的重金属污染程度和危害性。由于动物组织的高度异质性,目前没有一种广谱性蛋白质提取方法适用于各类动物...One of key projects in the environmental sciences is to establish an analytical technology for monitoring contamination and endangered level of poisonous heavy metals in flowing water continuously, which is divided into two area involving in the monitoring with physical and chemical methods and with biological methods. However, the contamination status in local is only measured in front, which can...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:20012602