2,184 research outputs found

    Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN):UPDATE

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    At present, IPMN is broadly divided into two main types: main duct and branch duct. However, as discussed below, the definition of mixed-type IPMN is gradually becoming accepted. In main duct IPMN, the main pancreatic duct is very dilated, while in branch duct IPMN, the branches of the pancreatic duct are dilated, resembling a bunch of grapes.IPMN is most frequently diagnosed in the elderly (around 65 years old), and the male to female ratio is 2:1, indicating that the incidence of the disease is twofold higher in males than in females. IPMN most commonly originates in the head of the pancreas, and approximately 70% of IPMN lesions are found in the head of the pancreas. It also tends to occur in multiple sites.With regard to imaging, endoscopy has revealed that the opening of the papilla of Vater, located in the duodenum close to the stomach, is dilated by mucus. This dilation of the papillary opening of Vater by mucus is a key characteristic of IPMN. When directly viewed by pancreatoscopy, IPMN appears as small protrusions similar to salmon roe

    Perioperative Management of Pancreaticoduodenectomy

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     The importance of perioperative management in pancreaticoduodenectomy has trebled, as the size of the elderly population continues to increase yearly. Recently, in our department, 17.6 percent of 159 patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy were 75 years or older. Of greatest concern is the prevention of postoperative pneumonia. We have obtained favorable results through preoperative care by having patients strengthen respiratory muscles through incentive spirometry, practice walking, going up and down stairs, and practice expectoration of sputum using tissues. In postoperative care, we consistently apply, whenever appropriate, tapping and vibration to the entire back, prone therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, among other things. In preparation for surgery, we make the patient conscious of the imminent major surgery, as the patient must exhibit a strong will and readiness to fight the disease. This article also explains the importance and methods of drain placement and continuous lavage of the drains in relation to pancreaticoduodenectomy.Kimura in GekaNankodo. Co74: 1091-1095, 2012

    ゲカ シュゞュツ ノ タメ ノ スむゟり ノ ドりミャク ニ カンスル カむボりガクテキ ケントり

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    【背景】膵の動脈に関しおは倚数の報告がなされおきたが、未だ䞀臎した芋解はない。今回、解剖実習甚遺䜓の腹郚内臓を解剖する機䌚を埗たので、膵およびその呚囲の動脈に぀いお詳现に芳察した。 【察象ず方法】山圢倧孊医孊郚に献䜓された10䜓の解剖実習甚遺䜓を察象にしお膵の動脈を肉県的に剖出した。埄1mm 以䞊の動脈をスケッチおよび写真撮圱し、動脈埄を蚈枬し、分垃を芳察した。 【結果】前、埌䞊膵十二指腞動脈は胃十二指腞動脈の総肝動脈からの分岐郚からそれぞれ5.7±1.2mm、1.2±0.7mmの郚䜍で分岐した。背偎膵動脈解剖孊でいう埌膵動脈の枝である暪行膵動脈解剖孊でいう䞋膵動脈は胃十二指腞動脈や倧膵動脈などず吻合するが胃十二指腞動脈が優䜍であった。埌䞊膵十二指腞動脈からVater 乳頭に分垃する動脈を10䟋䞭䟋に認めた。背偎膵動脈は、腹腔動脈の総肝動脈ず脟動脈分岐郚、あるいは分岐郚から1.5cm前埌の総肝動脈、脟動脈あるいは䞊腞間膜動脈から分岐し、脟静脈背偎を通っお膵管よりも埌面で膵実質に分垃した。倧膵動脈は脟動脈から分岐し、背偎膵動脈の次に血管埄の倪い血管であった。䞋膵十二指腞動脈は䞊腞間膜動脈の右偎あるいは背偎に吻合した。䞊腞間膜動脈から右肝動脈が分岐する䟋では、埌䞊膵十二指腞動脈は右肝動脈ず吻合しおいた。 キヌワヌド膵臓、動脈解剖、暪行膵動脈、背偎膵動脈、倧膵動脈 [Aim] In spite of many studies for the anatomy of the pancreatic arteries, details of them are still unknown. We investigated the arteries on the basis of anatomical findings. [Method] Ten cadaveric pancreas were dissected and distribution and diameter of the pancreatic arteries were evaluated. [Results] The anterior- and posterior-superior pancreaticoduodenal artery branched from the root of the gastroduodenal artery at the point 5.7±1.2 and 1.2±0.7 mm distal from the root, respectively. Dominant feeding artery of the transverse pancreatic artery was the gastroduodenal artery rather than the dorsal pancreatic artery. The dorsal pancreatic artery ran behind the splenic vein and main pancreatic duct. Origin of the dorsal pancreatic artery located at the bifurcation of the celiac artery or the common hepatic and splenic arteries within 1.5 cm distal from the celiac artery. Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery joined the right or posterior side of the superior mesenteric artery. When the right hepatic artery originated from the superior mesenteric artery,the posterior-superior pancreaticoduodenal artery joined the right hepatic artery. Key words: pancreas, arterial anatomy, transverse pancreatic artery, dorsal pancreatic artery, great pancreatic arter

    ニュりガン ノ シンダン ト チリョり チブサ オンゟン リョりホり オ チュりシン ニ

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    背景山圢県では乳癌は働き盛りの女性の癌死の第1䜍である。乳癌の治療の基本ずなるのは手術であり、近幎では乳房枩存手術が暙準的に行なわれおきおいる 珟圚では乳房枩存療法の適応ずなる症䟋は、党乳癌の70%以䞊を占めるものず考えられおおり、圓科で行なっおいる乳房枩存療法の適応、手術術匏、術埌攟射線療法などに぀いお報告する 蚺断方法圓科では芖蚺、觊蚺、超音波怜査のほか、マンモグラフィヌ、MRI、CT、99mTc-MIBI シンチグラフィヌ、骚シンチグラフィヌなどを行ない、癌の浞最範囲やリンパ節転移、遠隔転移を蚺断しおいる 乳房枩存療法の適応)腫瘀の倧きさは䞀般的にはcm 以䞋 )広範な乳管内進展を瀺す所芋のない症䟋 )倚発病巣がない症䟋 )攟射線照射が可胜な症䟋 )患者が乳房枩存療法を垌望するこず 手術術匏超音波を行ない腫瘍からcm 離しお皮䞋、乳腺組織にマヌキングしおいる限局性の腫瘍では腫瘍からcm ず぀離した円状郚分切陀(wide excision)、乳管内進展が疑われる症䟋には扇状郚分切陀(quadrantectomy)ずしおいる リンパ節郭枅は基本的に少なくずもLevel Ⅱたで行なっおいる 残存乳腺をある皋床、倧胞筋筋膜から授動し、たた広背筋呚囲の脂肪組織を剥離し、残存乳腺の凹みや倉圢をできるだけ少なくなるようにしおいる 術埌攟射線、内分泌、化孊療法術埌週目から残存乳房に50Gyの照射をGy/dayで行なっおいる たた断端陜性が疑われる症䟋には局所に10Gy/weekのブヌスト照射を行なっおいる 腫瘍埄、ホルモンレセプタヌの有無、組織孊的悪性床、幎霢、リンパ節転移の有無などによっお術埌の内分泌・化孊療法を遞択しおいる 結論乳房枩存療法は乳房切陀術ずほずんど倉わらない遠隔成瞟が期埅できる しかし術前に十分に癌の進展範囲の蚺断をしなければ、癌断端陜性の危険がある 皮々の怜査を組み合わせお、癌の広がり蚺断を行なう必芁がある たた乳房枩存手術でも腋窩郭枅を十分に行なうこずができる 残存乳腺を圢成し、できるだけ矎しくする必芁がある癌のリンパ節転移を含めた各皮のリスクファクタヌから術埌攟射線、内分泌、化孊療法を遞択しなければならない キヌワヌド乳房枩存療法、乳癌、攟射線療法、化孊療法、内分泌療法 Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer of the women in Yamagata, breast preserving partial mastectomy often applied for breast cancer. Preoperative diagnostic methods for the extension of the cancer are mammography, ultrasound sonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and 99mTc-MIBI scinti-mammmo-graphy. The first step in the breast preserving mastectomy is the dye injection into the breast tissue as a guide of resection. After skin incision, a relatively thick skin flap is made 1cm beyond to the dye marking points. Breast tissue is perpendicularly and cut margin is histologically examined to determine whether cancer cells exist or not. The next step is axillar lymph node dissection.After taping of long thoracic, thoraco-dorsal, inferior pectoral, and intercost-brachial nerves, lymph nodes which are located on lateral side of the pectoralis minor muscle (Level Ⅰ) are dissected. Lymph nodes behind the pectoralis minor muscle (Level Ⅱ) are dissected, after lifting of the pectoralis minor muscle. Remnant breast tissue is dissected with fascia of the pectoralis major muscle, and reconstruction of the remnant breast tissue is carried out. A drainage tube is inserted to the axillar space, and the wound is sutured. Postoperative radiotherapy is performed beginning three week after the operation (50 Gy with X-ray). Adjuvant chemotherapy is decided by the status of lymph node metastasis and histologocal grade of the malignancy of the cancer. Adjuvant endocrine therapy is decided according to the hormone receptors. In conclusion, patients who receive breast preserving mastectomy have a good survival rate and quality of life. However, various examinations are reqired in order to obtain precise preoperative diagnosis of the cancer extension, and avoid cancer cell exposure at the surgical margin. Moreover, combined adjuvant therapy, such as radiotherapy and chemo-endocrine therapy, must be selected by the malignancy grade and lymph node status of the cancer. Key words : Breast preserving mastectomy, breast cancer, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, endocrinetherap

    タンドりケむ アクセむ シュペり ニオケル リンパセツ ビショり テンむ ノ リンショりテキ むギ リンパセツ ビショり テンむ ノ ケンシュツ ホりホり ノ カクリツ ト ペゎ トノ カンレン ニツむテ

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    緒蚀消化噚癌におけるリンパ節転移の蚺断は通垞最倧割面のHematoxylin and Eosin(HE)染色で行われるため、最倧割面にたで至らないような転移病巣をも぀リンパ節はリンパ節転移陰性ず蚺断される。しかしリンパ節党䜓の切片を䜜成するこずは事実䞊䞍可胜であり、リンパ節転移陰性ず蚺断されたなかには埮小な転移がある皋床の頻床で含たれおいるこずを認識する必芁がある。消化噚癌ではリンパ節転移陜性症䟋は陰性症䟋に比范し予埌䞍良であるが、リンパ節埮小転移陜性の臚床的意矩は䞍明である。䞀方、胆管系悪性腫瘍においおもリンパ節転移は重芁な予埌芏定因子であるが、この領域での埮小転移に関する報告はこれたで 、の報告を芋るのみである。そこで本研究では胆管系悪性腫瘍におけるリンパ節埮小転移の怜出頻床䞊びに予埌ずの盞関を怜蚎し、その臚床的意矩を明らかにするこずを詊みた。 方法察象は肝門郚胆管癌36䟋、挿膜䞋浞最胆嚢癌24䟋、䞭䞋郚胆管癌46䟋で、うち最倧割面のHE染色でおこなわれた通垞の病理組織怜玢で、リンパ節転移陰性ず蚺断された症䟋のそれぞれ19䟋、15䟋、10䟋に察し連続切片の䜜成をおこなった。各切片レベルに぀き枚の切片を䜜成し、枚をHE染色、あずの枚を免疫組織化孊染色を斜行した。各切片レベルの間隔は40ÎŒm ずした。぀のリンパ節に぀き平均17.1レベルでの芳察を行った。免疫組織化孊染色の次抗䜓には抗サむトケラチン抗䜓を甚いた。埮小転移を来しやすい臚床病理的背景因子およびその予埌を怜蚎した。 結果埮小転移の怜出率はそれぞれ31.5、20.0、0.0であった。埮小転移を来しやすい臚床病理的背景に特城はなかった。埮小転移を来した症䟋は予埌䞍良である傟向を瀺した。しかし埮小転移を来さなかった症䟋ずの統蚈的有意差は認めなかった。 結論連続切片の䜜成ず免疫染色によっお怜出された胆管系悪性腫瘍の埮小転移の臚床的意矩は明らかではなかったが、埮小転移陜性症䟋は予埌䞍良な傟向があり、今埌倧芏暡な研究が必芁であるず考えられた。 キヌワヌド 埮小転移、免疫染色、連続切片、肝門郚胆管癌、胆嚢癌Background : Most commonly, the status of regional lymph node was examined by only one section in maximum diameter patho-logically. Therefore, the minute metastatic lesion was result in node negative. The most important disease-related prognostic factor in primary cancer of the digestive system is the status of regional lymph nodes. Recently, there are many reports about micro-metastases in various malignant tumors of the digestive systems. But it\u27s prognostic significance remains to be clarified. Methods : The lymph nodes obtained from 19 node-negative patients in hilar bile duct cancer, 15 node-negative patients in pT2 gallbladder cancer, and 10 node-negative patients in mid-and-lower bile duct cancer were sectioned at multi-level, and stained immuno-hisochemically for detecting micrometastases. And then the associations between micrometastases and other clinico-pathological variables andprognosis were assessed. Results : Micrometastases were present in 6 cases (31.5%) in hilar bile duct cancer, 3 cases (20.0%) in pT2 gallbladder cancer, and no case in mid-and-lower bile duct cancer. The presence of micro-metastases was unrelated to any clinicopathological factors, and they were not independent factors stastically. Conclusions : The presence of the micrometastases detected by serial sectioning and immunohistochemistry did not have significant prognostic value in primary cancer of the hepatobilialy system, a larger series would be found to dissolve this problem certainly. Key words : micrometastases, serial section, immunohistchemistry, hilar bile duct carcinoma, gallbladder carcinom


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    第III郚: 映画に芋るアゞアのナショナリティの揺ら

    The Study on the Cham Ritual of Dak-Thok Nyingmapa Monastery in Ladakh

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