2 research outputs found

    Research on Air Pollution Simulation of Construction Project Based on Agent Technology

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    粗放型的工程活动模式,资源消耗多,给自然和社会环境都带来了极大压力。尽管工程项目的环境影响评价已经作为其顺利实施的必要审批条件多年,但现有评价方法仍以定性、静态为主,缺乏客观性,评价往往流于形式,工程建设带来的环境问题越来越突出。随着现代工程复杂性增加,需要以复杂性视角重新审视工程与环境之间的关系,用复杂系统的研究方法来评价工程环境影响,Agent技术是解决工程与环境交互的有力工具。 本文以系统生态学与复杂适应系统为理论基础,描述了工程生态系统的特性,并且从复杂适应系统基本特征和运行机制角度,对该系统的复杂适应性进行了定性分析;深入探讨了工程环境或社会评价问题与基于Agent的建模仿真方法之...Extensive mode of engineering activities has brought great pressure to the natural and social environment. Although the environmental impact assessment of project has been the necessary examination and approval condition for its successful implementation for years, the existing evaluation methods are mainly qualitative and static, lack of objectivity. The environmental problems caused by the const...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_土木工程建造与管理学号:2532014115180

    Research on the Relationship Between Spatial Distribution of Housing Price and Infrastructure Level

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    为了探究厦门市岛内普通住宅房价的空间分布与基础设施水平的关系,运用Arc GIS得出最邻近指数、全局的Moran I指数和局部聚类与异常值情况,揭示普通住宅的空间聚集和房价空间自相关现象;通过数据统计分析、克里金插值和趋势分析,得到厦门岛内房价多中心分布状态及其演变规律。实现了基础设施水平空间结构的地理表达及整体评价,并基于双对数回归模型和地理加权回归模型,揭示影响房价空间分异的各类基础设施因子的不同影响情况。In order to explore the relationship between spatial distribution of housing price and infrastructure level in Xiamen Island,this paper using Arc GIS to draw the adjacent index,global Moran's I index and Anselin Local Moran's I found that there was a phenomenon of spatial aggregation of common residence and housing prices showed spatial autocorrelation. A multicenter spatial distribution and evolution law of housing price in Xiamen Island were obtained through the Kriging interpolation and trend analysis. The infrastructure variables were selected to evaluate the level of infrastructure in Xiamen Island. The geospatial expression and the overall evaluation of the infrastructure level were realized. And based on the double logarithm regression model and geographically weighted regression model,the influence of different infrastructure factors on the spatial distribution of housing price was recognized. The orientation of infrastructure towards housing price was obvious. Schools and commercial districts had significant impact on housing prices.国家自然科学基金面上项目(G71271180