15 research outputs found
The Study on the Exchange Rate Regimes in ASEAN-5
在国际经济、金融联系日益紧密的今天,汇率问题一直是世界各国关注的焦点。尤其是最近十多年,人民币汇率事件多次升温,已经成为我国处理与美国等主要贸易伙伴关系的重点难点问题。妥善解决汇率问题才能为经济发展扫清障碍,推动一国内外经济健康发展。而选择与本国政治、经济条件相适应,尤其是与现存制度系统相融的汇率制度是妥善解决汇率问题的前提。 东南亚国家是中国的近邻,尽管在社会制度、经济规模等方面与中国差异甚大,但作为发展中国家,双方仍然存在众多相似之处。东南亚国家,尤其是东盟的五个创始成员国,其经济开放及市场制度建立与完善,起步早于中国20年,且取得了较好的发展成绩。研究东盟五国汇率制度的演变,可以为中国...The exchange rate of any country is a multilateral phenomenon, and any rate change would invoke multilateral repercussion. In a world where the international political and economical relations become strengthening, the exchange rate has been one of the focus that attract the attention of all coutries, especially in developing ones. China’s RMB exchange rate problem, mostly reflecting the multiple ...学位:经济学博士院系专业:南洋研究院_世界经济学号:2552007015376
The Comparison of the Temasek Holdings and the Khazahnah Nasional Berhad—the investment and its insight
淡马锡和国库控股是分别属于新加坡和马来西亚的两只主权财富基金(SWf)1。淡马锡建立于1974年,以利润为导向,运营业绩不凡,34年来股东总回报率2超过18%,其多元化投资形成了以亚洲为中心,There are more and more SWFs in our world which become larger and larger,cast significant influence on the world economy.While the Temasek Holdings and the Khazanah,as two outstanding SWFs in the ASEAN,have been expanding quickly for recent years.Their experiences,investment strategies,especially the methods when dealing with trouble are of great worth to us
New Study of Five ASEAN Countries’Exchange Rate Regime
自2005年马来西亚汇率制度改革以来,东盟5国均转向浮动类型的汇率制度。各国货币延续之前缓慢升值态势直到2008年全球经济危机爆发。在应对危机以及危机前后本币持续升值的走势中,东盟5国汇率制度产生了新的特征,本文分析其利弊及对中国汇率制度改革的启示。Since the exchange rate regime reform in Malaysia in 2005,all the ASEAN-5 countries turned to floating regimes ,their currencies continued the appreciation until the global crisis in 2008.In encountering the crisis and the currency appreciation before and after the crisis,the exchange rate regimes of ASEAN -5countries show new characters.The paper analyzed its pros and cons with related countermeasures
Relationship between prospective memory and vigilance: Evidence from ERP
Manganese Doped Iron Oxide Theranostic Nanoparticles for Combined T-1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy
Photothermal therapy (PTT) is a noninvasive and convenient way to ablate tumor tissues. Integrating PTT with imaging technique could precisely identify the location and the size of tumor regions, thereby significantly improving the therapeutic efficacy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used in clinical diagnosis due to its superb spatial resolution and real-time monitoring feature. In our work, we developed a theranostic nanoplatform based on manganese doped iron oxide (MnIO) nanoparticles modified with denatured bovine serum albumin (MnIO-dBSA). The in vitro experiment revealed that the MnIO nanoparticles exhibited T-1-weighted MRI capability (r(1) = 8.24 mM(-1) s(-1), r(2)/r(1) = 2.18) and good photothermal effect under near-infrared laser irradiation (808 nm). Using 4T(1) tumor-bearing mice as an animal model, we further demonstrated that the MnIO-dBSA composites could significantly increase T-1 MRI signal intensity at the tumor site (about two times) and effectively ablate tumor tissues with photoirradiation. Taken together, this work demonstrates the great potential of the MnIO nanoparticles as an ideal theranostic platform for efficient tumor MR imaging and photothermal therapy