13 research outputs found

    Analysis of the nutrient distribution features and affecting factors in the Jiulongjiang estuary

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    根据2009、2010年“丰水期“和“枯水期“四航次九龙江河口混合区的调查资料,且结合历史资料对营养盐含量及分布特征、周日变化特征进行了统计和相关分析,研究了九龙江流域营养盐输入海洋的变化过程,探讨九龙江河口营养盐伴随潮汐变化,以及河口混合过程中的生物地球化学行为。调查期间溶解无机氮、硅和磷含量的平面分布呈现出由径流冲淡水高值向河口外海端递减的变化趋势;在涨潮时,河口区感潮段高溶解无机氮、硅、磷营养盐的陆源冲淡水与低溶解无机氮、硅、磷营养盐外海水相遇,随着外海水的侵入,外海水的作用逐渐加强,在稀释混合过程中呈现出无机营养盐逐步降低的变化趋势,退潮时则相反;营养盐在这复杂的河口过程中往往表现出在水动力的作用下稀释混合是主要过程,无机氮和活性硅酸盐在河口稀释混合过程中呈现保守性特征,活性磷酸盐在河口转移(补充)过程的行为复杂化,呈现缓冲作用为主。Based on the historical data and the data from four surveys in the wet season and dry season of 2009 and 2010 in the Jiulongjiang estuary,the concentration and distribution of nutrient were discussed in the mixing process.Furthermore,the daily variation of nutrient concentration with the tide was also discussed.The results showed that:(1) the concentration of total dissolved inorganic nitrogen,silicate and phosphate all decreased gradually from the river runoff to seawater;(2) in high tide,in the mixing process of the runoff with high nutrient concentration and the seawater with low concentration of nutrient,the concentration of nutrient decreased due to seawater.On the contrary,during the ebb,the concentration of nutrient increased due to the runoff;(3) in the mixing process in Jiulongjiang estuary,nitrogen and silicate were both conservatively diluted,but phosphate was buffered because of the complicated transfer and complement of phosphate.国家海洋局公益性项目(200805064);国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费项目(海三科2009021);海三科200900


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    根据2003~2008年每年丰水期、枯水期和平水期于厦门海域开展的海洋环境调查的资料,研究了该海域水体无机氮和活性磷酸盐含量区域分布和时间变化趋势.结果表明,调查期间该海域水体无机氮和活性磷酸盐平均含量都较高,分别为0.50、0.031 mg/dm3.其营养盐含量的区域分布相差较大,其中九龙江口水体无机氮含量最高,年均含量为0.52~1.37 mg/dm3;厦门西港水体活性磷酸盐含量最高,年均含量为0.039~0.061 mg/dm3;而大嶝海域水体无机氮和活性磷酸盐含量最低,年均含量分别为0.06~0.22、0.007~0.016 mg/dm3.调查期间全海域水体无机氮含量呈逐年增加趋势,活性磷酸盐含量在2003~2005年间呈上升趋势,而2005~2008年则有小幅度的下降.厦门海域水体N/P原子比较高,调查期间全海域年均值为27.4~47.5,且呈逐年增加趋势.无机氮含量的明显增加趋势及越来越严重的N/P比失衡,势必对该海域海洋生态系统尤其是浮游植物群落演替产生不良影响.此外,研究还发现厦门海域水体无机氮含量与盐度呈高度负相关(r=-0.96,n=30).这有力地证明了九龙江径流输入是厦门海域无机氮的最主要来源

    Nitric oxide effect on the growth of Skeletonema costatum at different water temperature and pH

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    选用厦门海域中常见的赤潮藻中肋骨条藻,进行不同水温、PH条件下一氧化氮(nO)对该藻生长影响的实验,初步研究了水温、PH和一氧化氮含量与中肋骨条藻生长之间的关系.结果表明:水温为25--30℃和PH为8.20--8.30时,一氧化氮对中肋骨条藻生长的促进作用最为明显.因此,一氧化氮的这种促进作用将可能增加赤潮发生的机率,增加对该因子的监测将可能提高对赤潮预警预测的准确性.The effect of nitric oxide(NO) on Skeletonema costatum growth were studied at different water temperature and pH.When water temperature was at 25--30℃ and pH at 8.20--8.30,the cultivation experiment showed the growth of Skeletonema costatum was mostly promoted when nitric oxide was added.Since the factors used in the experiment are similar with those in the sea when red tides occurres,it suggestes that NO increases the chance of red tide occurrences.The additional monitoring of NO concentration should improve the accuracy prediction of the red tide occurrence.福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(2006J0259

    Pollution assessment of heavy metals in the sediment of Jiulong River Estuary

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    选择九龙江河口水域的沉积物为对象,以地质累计指数法、生态危害指数法对该水域沉积物重金属的污染程度及潜在生态危害进行评价,并利用主成分分析法分析其可能的来源。地质累积指数结果表明,九龙江河口水域沉积物中zn、Cr均属无污染,大部分站位的Cu、Pb、Hg、AS为无污染或轻度污染,大部分站位的Cd则为轻度或中度污染;生态危害指数结果表明,九龙江河口水域沉积物重金属的潜在生态危害顺序为Cd>Hg>AS>Pb>Cu>Cr>zn;总体上九龙江河口水域的沉积物重金属污染属于中等生态危害;该水域重金属可能来源于有机质的降解以及工业排污和生活污水对沉积物的污染,其中前者为主要的可能来源。By the Index of Geoaccumulation and the Potential Ecological Risk Index,a pollution assessment of seven heavy metals(Hg,Pb,Cr,Zn,Cu,Cd,and As) was made of the sediment in Jiulong River Estuary.The results of pollution assessment by Index of Geoaccumulation revealed Zn and Cr in this area belonged to none pollutants while Cu,Pb,Hg,and As in most stations were non or light pollutants.However,Cd in most stations was assessed as light or moderate pollutant.The assessment result of ecological risk revealed this area belonged to moderate potential ecological risk.The order of ecological risk was as the following,Cd>Hg >As>Pb>Cu >Cr>Zn.Principal component analysis was applied to estimate the possible sources of heavy metal pollution in this area.Results showed that degradation of organic matter and industrial wastewater were the main sources of heavy metal contamination,but the former was more important than the latter.国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费项目(海三科2009023);国家海洋局公益性项目(200805064

    Toxic effects of red tide caused by Karenia mikimotoi on marine organisms

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    近年来,米氏凯伦藻(kArEnIA MIkIMOTOI)已成为我国海域主要的有毒赤潮藻。仅2012年在我国浙江和福建海域就连续爆发了12起米氏凯伦藻赤潮,造成大量养殖鲍死亡,经济损失超过20亿元人民币。本研究通过收集国内、外最新报道,探讨了米氏凯伦藻赤潮对各类海洋生物,主要包括海洋浮游动物、贝类、鱼类以及哺乳类毒性作用的研究进展。研究发现,溶血毒素是米氏凯伦藻赤潮引发海洋生物大量死亡的主要原因;直接接触活的米氏凯伦藻细胞是导致浮游动物死亡的主要途径;米氏凯伦藻产生的溶血毒素和鱼毒素,可溶解鱼类的鳃组织,从而造成鱼类死亡。然而,关于米氏凯伦藻产生的溶血毒素是否会在贝类体内累积、在贝类体内的迁移和转化规律、米氏凯伦藻赤潮对鲍鱼死亡的致死途径与致死机制、溶血毒素在生物链传递过程中是否会发生改变、这些毒素对人类健康的影响机制与综合作用等问题还不了解,这些问题亟待深入的研究。米氏凯伦藻溶血毒素的研究报道还处于起步阶段,毒素以何种方式导致红细胞破裂、不同红细胞膜上组分的差异和毒素的溶血活性是否存在对应关系等问题也都需要开展进一步的研究。Red tide Caused by Karenia mikimotoi has become the main toxic algae bloom in China sea in recent years.For example,12 red tide events caused by Karenia mikimotoi continuously happened in Chinese Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces in 2012,resulting in a mass death of aquaculture animals,making economic loss of more than 2 billion Yuan.Toxic effects of Karenia mikimotoi on various types of marine organisms including of marine zooplankton,shellfish,fish and mammalian were discussed here based on summarizing domestic and foreign latest research progresses.The results showed that hemolytic toxin from Karenia mikimotoi was the main reason causing death of marine organisms.Directly contacting with live Karenia mikimotoi was the main way leading to zooplankton death; Karenia mikimotoi could produce hemolytic toxin and ichthyotoxin,which could lyses gill tissue of fish,then caused the fish death.However,the accumulation,migration and transformation law of Karenia mikimotoi hemolytic toxin in shellfish,the lethal way and the mechanism of Karenia mikimotoi causing abalone death,whether the hemolytic toxin change when transferring in the food chain and whether the toxins can damage human health and so on are not clear and need further research.Researches about Karenia mikimotoi hemolytic toxin are still in the primary stage,questions like how toxin lead to red blood cells rupture,whether hemolytic toxin in the red cell membrane has specific binding sites,is there any corresponding relationship between hemolytic activity and erythrocyte membrane,should be further explored.福建省自然科学基金资助项目(No.2012Y0048); 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资助项目(海三科20140014); 国家重点基础研究计划项目(973课题2010CB428704

    Distribution of total organic carbon contents and influencing factors in Taiwan Strait and adjacent waters in summer

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    依据2006年7~8月对台湾海峡及邻近海域环境调查资料,分析了总有机碳(TOC)含量的空间分布特征,并讨论影响其分布的主要因素.结果表明,2006年夏季台湾海峡及邻近海域的TOC含量范围为0.54~3.68 Mg/dM3,平均值为1.20 Mg/dM3.TOC含量平面分布呈现由近岸向离岸逐渐降低、由北向南先降后升的趋势.在垂直方向上,随深度的增加TOC含量均值由1.35 Mg/dM3降至1.07 Mg/dM3,至底层时略有升高,为1.10 Mg/dM3.TOC含量高值区主要出现在盐度32以内的区域,这表明径流输入是导致近岸TOC含量较高的主要因素,一方面通过直接输入,另一方面通过浮游植物繁殖间接增加,从而形成近岸TOC含量高值区.叶绿素A含量与TOC含量呈较弱的正相关,表明浮游植物活动对TOC的增加有一定贡献,海流运动以及浮游动物对叶绿素A的摄取可能是导致叶绿素A与TOC含量呈较弱正相关的主要因素.而在东山-南澳附近局部海域,上升流是影响TOC含量分布的主要因素.Based on the survey in Taiwan Strait and adjacent waters in July and August 2006,the spatial distribution of total organic carbon(TOC) is analyzed and factors influencing the distribution pattern are also discussed.The results showed that in Taiwan Strait and adjacent waters in summer of 2006,the TOC content was 0.54--3.68 mg/dm3 and its average concentration was 1.20 mg/dm3.The content of TOC decreased from nearshore to offshore while it first decreased from north to south and then increased.It also decreased with depth from 1.35 mg/dm3 to 1.07 mg/dm3 but slightly raised to 1.10 mg/dm3 at the bottom water layer.In the nearshore zone of salinity higher than 32,TOC concentration was high due to directly runoff input and indirectly the growth of phytoplankton.The chlorophyll a concentration was low correlated positively with that of TOC because of current movement,phytoplankton growth and zooplankton uptake.However,upwelling was the main controlling factor in sea waters along the coast of Dongshan and Nan'ao.国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(海三科2009025;海三科2009007);福建908专项资助项目(FJ908-04-07;FJ-01-01-HS);国家908专项资助项目(908-ZC-I-03

    The chemical composition of marine aerosol over Zhongshan Station in Antarctica and its sources discrimination in 1998

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    从1998年3月7日至1999年3月2日历时12个月,在南极中山站连续采集52个海洋气溶胶样品,提供全部样品的13种化学元素铜、铅、锌、镉、铁、铝、锰、铬、钒、钾、钠、钙、镁含量的实测值.研究表明中山站气溶胶化学成分的含量具有季节性变化的特征.通过富集因子、相关分析、因子分析等方法判别中山站气溶胶化学成分的来源.Fifty two aerosol samples of 6~7 d duration were collected from March1998 through March1999 at the Zhongshan Station in Antarctica. The content of 13 chemical elements is presented:Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Fe,Al,Mn,Cr,V,K,Na,Ca and Mg. The study results demonstrate that the content of elements in marine aerosol at the Zhongshan Station appeared to be characteristics of seasonal variation, which were related to features of meteorological element. Meanwhile sources of the elements in the marine aerosols are discriminated using methods of enrichment factor, correlation analysis and factor analysis.国家自然科学基金资助项目(49976022)

    Chemical composition of marine aerosolin Western Pacific East Indian Ocean Southern Oceanand Prydz Bay and its source discrimination

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    1999年11月至2000年4月,在中国第16次南极科学考察往返航线上的海域,采集了22个海洋气溶胶样品,用原子吸收分光法测定了样品中的Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Fe、Al、Mn、Cr、V、K、Na、Ca、Mg等13种元素的含量.研究表明气溶胶重金属微量元素的分布具有明显的地理区域性.应用元素富集因子、相关分析和因子分析等方法研究了西太平洋、东印度洋、南大洋、中国南极中山站邻近海域气溶胶中各元素的来源.Twenty two aerosol samples were collected during the Sixteenth Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition from Nov. 1999 to Apr. 2000. These samples were analyzed by AAS for 13 chemical elements, i.e. Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Fe,Al,Mn,Cr,V,K,Na,Ca and Mg. The results show that the spatial variability of the heavy metal trace elements in aerosol in the studied area display a significant geographical pattern. Source discrimination of the elements in the marine aerosol was discussed using the methods of enrichment factor, factor analysis and correlation analysis.国家自然科学资助项目(49976022

    The chemical composition of aerosol over Zhongshan Station in Antarctica and its sources discrimination

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    从1998年3月7日至1999年11月23日历时21个月,在南极中山站连续采集89个海洋气溶胶样品,本文提供全部样品的13种化学元素Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Fe、Al、Mn、Cr、V、K、Na、Ca、Mg含量的实测值.研究表明中山站气溶胶化学成份的含量具有季节性变化的特征.通过相关分析、因子分析、富集因子等方法判别不同时间段中山站气溶胶化学成份的来源.Eighty nine aerosol samples of 6~7 days duration were collected from Mar. 1998 through Nov. 1999 at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica. This article present the content of thirteen chemical elements: Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Fe,Al,Mn,Cr,V,K,Na,Ca,Mg. This study have demonstrated that the content of elements in aerosol at Zhongshan Station appeared to be characteristics of seasonal variation, which were related to features of meteorological element. Meanwhile discussion of sources discrimination of the elements in the marine aerosols during defferental time duration using methods of factor analysis, correlation analysis and enrichment factor.国家自然科学基金资助项目(49976022

    Simultaneous Determination of Bisphenol A,Octylpheonl and Nonylphenol by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Environmental Water

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    建立了高效液相色谱-荧光检测法同时测定环境水体中双酚A(bPA)、辛基酚(dP)和壬基酚(nP)的方法。比较了液液萃取(llE)和固相萃取(SPE)两种前处理方法,并设计了供复杂样品使用的净化柱。水样经萃取后,用轻柔氮气吹干,甲醇溶解,采用PHEnOMEnEX lunA C18色谱柱,以乙腈-水为流动相进行梯度洗脱,在激发波长275nM、发射波长300nM下进行荧光检测。结果表明,bPA、nP、OP的仪器检出限(S/n=3)分别为1μg/l、2μg/l和1μg/l。SPE法操作简单快捷,虽然nP、OP的回收率低于llE法,但仍能满足对环境样品的测定要求。净化柱净化效果较好,能够进一步去除基质干扰,满足特别复杂水样的前处理。方法基于不同样品处理的浓缩倍数不同,三种物质的检出限在0.001~0.004μg/l之间。环境水样中bPA、nP和OP的加标回收率分别为86.2%~104%、61.6%~109%和81.5%~100%,相对标准偏差(rSd)分别为2.9%~6.4%、2.4%~5.6%和2.7%~6.9%。Methods for the simultaneous determination of bisphenol A(BPA),octylphenol(OP) and nonylphenol(NP) in environmental water have been developed by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) with a fluorescence detector.Effect of two pretreatment methods including liquid-liquid extraction technique with dichloromethane and solid phase extraction technique with C18 were compared and a specially designed glass cleanup column would be used for samples with complex matrix.The extracts of the water samples were evaporated with a stream of nitrogen and the residues were dissolved in methanol.For the HPLC determination,a Phenomenex Luna C18 column(150×2.0 mm i.d.,5 μm) was employed and the mixture of acetonitrile-water was used as the mobile phase with a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min under fluorescence detection with excitation and emission wavelengths of 275 nm and 300 nm,respectively.The results showed that the instrument detection limits(S/N=3) of BPA,NP and OP were 1 μg/L,2 μg/L,1 μg/L,respectively.Although the recoveries of the targets obtained by SPE were lower than those by LLE,the former had the advantages of simple and fast operation and still met the requirements of the determination.The clean column showed a better purification effect on further removing the interference of impurities to meet sample processing.Due to the different enrichment factors of two sample pretreatment methods,the method detection limits of three targets were in the range of 0.001-0.004 μg/L.Recoveries of sea water samples were 86.2%-104% for BPA,61.6%-109% for NP,and 81.5%-100% for OP,with the RSDs of 2.9%-6.4%,2.4%-5.6% and 2.7%-6.9%,respectively.海洋公益性行业科研专项经费(No.201105022); 国际极地年中国行动计划项目支持; 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务资助项目(海三科2009025