7 research outputs found


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    Effect of root temperature on the physiology of solution cultured lettuce.

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    萵苣"帥透"與"陛下"二品種處理根圈溫度25℃,30℃,35℃,高根溫處理使 地上部生長受阻,根生長與根長度在35℃處理後均受抑制,根部外觀偏褐 色,支根減少且根尖褐化或壞死;地上部乾重在35℃亦最低,生長停滯期 較25℃, 30℃處理者延長;根部生理活性隨根溫增加而升高,加速根部碳水 化合物消耗,使地上部往根部運移之還原糖,可溶性糖類增加.高根溫改變 植體內碳與氮之平衡, ;35℃處理者地上部全氮量,硝酸態氮均減少,並加 速蛋白質分解 ,致使可溶性蛋白質與游離胺基酸含量增加;另外,脯胺酸亦 隨根溫增加而累積,且植體內有轉運之現象,為逆境下出現之訊號物質;葉 片相對滲漏率以 35℃較嚴重,根部則差異不顯著.高溫處理對養液內大量 元素之吸收率有影響.二品種萵苣對養液中氮,鉀,鎂吸收皆隨根溫升高而 降低吸收率,磷,鈣則不受根溫影響.Cultivars lettuce "Celture" and "Majesty" were grown in nutrient solution with root-zone temperature maintaining at 25℃, 30℃, and 35℃ . Root length as well as relative growth rate of the root were inhibited by 35℃ root-zone temperature. The affected plants had less secondary roots and brown root tips. Shoot dry weight was the least with 35℃ treatment. A longer lag phase was observed on the growth curve with 35℃ as compared with 25℃ o Increasing root temperature resulted in higher root activityas datermined by TTC test, Higher activity lead to more carbohydrates consumption in the root. This, in turn, induced the export of reducing r in the root. The balance of carbon and nitrogen in plant tissue was disturbed by the supra-optimal temperature. Total nitrogen and nitrate-N declined with 35℃ root temperature, which protein degradated with 35℃. Proline content in tissue accumulated in root with the enhancement of root temperature. Translocation of proline between tissue was observed, which might be used as an index of environmental stress.The most severe with 35℃ treatment. In the root tissue, hundred percent leakage was detected due probably to the impact of high temperature treatment (35℃). Macroelements uptake by lettuce plants were also affected by the supra-optimal temperature. For both cultivar tested, the increasing root temperature reduced the absorption of N, K, and Mg, while levels of P and Ca were not affected

    Study on the Improvement of Production System in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    本研究論文之目的為探討不同穴格容積與育苗週數對甜椒穴盤苗品質之影響與壯苗指數評估應用、探討不同海拔高度育苗,改善中大甜椒穴盤苗品質之可能性、探討甜椒去除第一花序及去頂處理,改善甜椒大穴格苗品質及提前完成採收之可行性、建立甜椒立體式栽培與整枝方法之模式,並促進產量及改善品質。 ‘銘星’甜椒以128格、72格、35格及3吋軟盆等4種不同體積之育苗容器分別培育至6週、9週及12週,調查每週生長狀況。各種調查項目之相對生長率以3吋軟盆苗表現最佳,生長趨勢以大穴格優於小穴格苗,增加穴格體積對促進根部生長有直接影響。以10種相對與複合指數估算壯苗程度,大多以12週苗之壯苗指數值最高,其次為9週苗。進一步以路徑係數分析法分析各性狀與壯苗指數間之關聯性,結果顯示相對壯苗指數4、 5及複合壯苗指數2、5具有較高之決定係數 (R2;coefficient of determination), 分別為0.929、0.890、0.918及0.975。與壯苗指數相關係數 (r≥0.9) 較高之苗期性狀分別為葉面積、地上部鮮重、地下部鮮重及全株乾重等4項,其中葉面積、地上部鮮重、地下部鮮重對壯苗指數為正向之直接作用,全株乾重為負向的直接作用,其餘性狀的影響則為間接作用。利用簡單的相對壯苗指數4 (地上部鮮重/株高) ,或選擇1個以上之相對指數與數量性狀組成的的複合壯苗指數5 [(莖徑/株高) ×全株乾重×葉片數],以預測甜椒苗品質較為準確。在育苗方面應以增加葉面積、提高鮮重及全株乾重之技術為前提,進行苗圃之管理。至於不同穴格與苗齡之甜椒苗定植後之早期產量以6週及9週苗之表現較為穩定,單株產量平均約469-491g。由於12週苗定植前已帶有一小果,果實具強大積貯(sink),將影響光合產物分佈,導致新展枝葉之生長速度變慢,延遲開花,使產量與採果數顯著性降低,建議大苗育苗週數不宜超過12週。 不同海拔高度育苗對甜椒苗品質之影響以平地苗優於中海拔苗,並以35格/9週苗表現最佳。雖各項壯苗指數值以3吋盆/12週苗最高,但定植後之生育,如始花日數、始收日數、開花集中度、採收集中度及早期產量等皆以9週苗之表現佳。特別在第一花序之始花日數,不論是平地或中海拔地區,苗齡及穴格體積愈大,愈早開花。第一至第三花序開花集中日期以72格/9週平地苗所需日數最少,僅需6天,但12週苗則需16-18天,中海拔地區育苗並未明顯縮短開花日數。各處理間之採收日期集中度以平地之35格/9週苗最佳,僅需6天即完成採收前三果序,其餘處理則至少需10天以上,尤其是3吋盆/12週苗之大苗,不論在平地或中海拔地區育苗,至少需20天以上才能完成採收。顯示3吋盆/12週苗初期雖可以提早開花,但因定植後之生長勢變弱,所以延遲了第二及第三果位之成熟時間。各處理間仍以35格/9週及72格/9週之中海拔苗表現較穩定,比目前慣用之128格/6週苗約縮短田間生育日數15-23天。以石蠟切片法觀察育苗至2-8片本葉時花芽分化之階段與差異,發現不同育苗環境對花芽發育之程度確有影響,尤其是根部有較大之體積容量時,不論在平地或是山區育苗,均加快花芽創始 (initiation) 及發育 (development) 之速度,但中海拔地區育苗有促進花器發育之效果。 甜椒因開花節成性強,為控制生長勢,本試驗探討第一花序留果及去頂處理對早期產量與果實早熟性之影響。調查結果顯示育苗穴格體積越大,有利定植後第一至第四花序集中開花日數,第一花序除花或留花處理對於單株採果數及早期產量之影響不顯著。每節位平均果重以第一花序“除花-去頂”處理組較佳,其次為“不除花-去頂” 處理、“不除花又不去頂”之對照組單果重最低,但總產量最高。再者,“不除花-去頂” 處理對集中採收日數之影響較大,35格/9週苗定植後自第一花序開始採收至第三花序完畢僅需13.4天,“除花-去頂”採收完前三花序則需20天。顯示第一花序之存在有利提早開花且加上去頂處理有利縮短採收時間,除花處理使第二花序開花時間延後,連帶影響採收日數。對於定植後之生育影響,穴格容積較大之成苗較小苗具有發展潛力,其苗期效應至少可延續至四個花序。 果實發育初期之細胞數量影響發育後的果實大小。觀察幼果期去頂處理對果實細胞數目之影響以35格/9週苗之細胞數含量最多,每觀察視景(0.0025mm2)中所含之細胞數約163×107個,較對照組之141.53×107個增幅約17%,成熟果亦以35格/9週苗含量高於其他處理。顯示去頂處理增加小果期之細胞分裂速度,尤其來自發育中種子之IAA,可能為促進著果與果實發育之最主要因子。 為增加早期產量,甜椒以雙層立體式袋耕栽培,並以一般性之單層栽培為對照組,分別調查不同栽培位置之植株生長變化及生理分析。立體式栽培對節數、株高、葉片乾重及葉片數等外觀表現無明顯影響,但葉片鮮重、葉面積、比葉重及葉果比等項目以下層栽培者較高。顯示下層之植株受到光線利用之限制其葉面積變大,葉果比12.3較上層之6.1具明顯差異。下層植株受遮蔭之影響始花期延遲,始果節位高,上下層總產量之差異來自於採果數。下層植株落花 (果) 之情形較嚴重,但上下層合計總產量仍高於一般之單層栽培。立體式栽培使植株之葉片澱粉含量明顯低於一般性之單層栽培,莖部可溶性糖及澱粉等光合產物,在上下層植株之間無明顯差異,但均較單層低,兩者在養份運移之利用有顯著不同。光合作用速率與氣孔導度以單層較佳,立體式栽培對上下層之光合作用影響無明顯差異,但上層植株之葉片氣孔導度最低。分析不同栽培位置果實之色澤、硬度及維他命C等品質,以上層果實品質較佳,維他命C含量明顯高於其他處理。 利用不同栽培密度,每袋定植4、6、8株與施行單或雙幹整枝,增加上下層之光截取量,觀察對甜椒生育之影響,結果顯示每袋定植4株/雙幹整枝者可提早開花,採果數比定植6或8株者多,且單果重較重。總產量以4株/雙幹及6株/雙幹整枝之處理最佳,上下層之間具明顯差異。葉面積指數以6株/雙幹最高,且持續呈直線上升趨勢。光線遮蔽率在0.7-0.8之間,顯示6株/雙幹之密度與整枝數組合使植株光合作用速率維持效率時間長,有效提高產量。建議立體栽培之栽培密度不宜超過每袋6株,產量可達到最佳之經濟效益。The purposes of this study were to explore the appropriate combination between plug size and seedling age for sweet pepper in order to enhancing growth and shortening the lag phase upon transplanting, and to examine the growth and development of these seedlings after transplanting. Furthermore, path analysis between seedling index and seedling characters of sweet pepper plug seedlings were employed to established suitable seeding index and physiological criteria for seedlings cultivation. This information could provide a useful reference for improving the seedling nursery and cultivation of sweet pepper. Six-week seedlings of ‘Andalus' Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grown in 128-plug were used as control. The seedlings were raised in 72-plug, 35-plug, 128-plug, or 3-inch soft pots, and horticultural characters of seedlings growing at different size of plug or pot were recorded up to 9-12 weeks. The highest relative growth rate was found in the seedlings growing in 3-inch pots, and seedling grown in large plug turned to have a higher growth rate than those grown in small plug. The combinations of plug size and seedling age were selected for further investigation, namely 72-plug at 9 weeks, 35-plug at 9 weeks, 35-plug at 12 weeks, and 3-inch pot at 12 weeks. Among the 4 seedling age, 12 weeks seedling was the highest, followed by 9 weeks seedling, regardless of 10 formula of seedling index. The results of path analysis revealed that the coefficient of determination (R2) of relative seedling index No.4 and No.5, and compound seedling index No.2 and No.5 was the highest among 10 sets of seedling index, e.g. 0.929, 0.890, 0.918, 0.975, respectively. There was a proportional relationship between all seedling traits and the seedling indexes. Among the all traits, the highest correlation (r≥0.9) was found in the leaf area, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, and plant dry weight. In particular, the leaf area, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight had the positive and direct effect on seedling index, but plant dry weight had the negative and direct effect on it, other traits had the indirect effect. Since the highest correlation coefficient was found in the simple relative seedling index No.4 (shoot fresh weight /seedling height) and the compound seedling index No.5 (stem diameter /seedling height), we suggested that the simple relative seedling index No.4 and/or more than one of seedling index in combination of the compound seedling index No.5 could be used as the evaluating criteria for plug-seedling. In addition, culture practices for enhancing the leaf area, shoot fresh weight, and plant dry weight were also required for improving the quality of plug-seedling. The longest days from the transplanting to flower initiation in first inflorescence were found in the seedlings grown at 128-plug for 6 weeks, i.e. 38 days. However, the flowering days from first to third inflorescence in the seedlings grown at 128-plug for 6 weeks were 17.3 days, whereas 15.5 and 37.3 days were found in the seedlings grown at 3-inch pots for 12 weeks and 35-plug for 12 weeks, respectively. Therefore, growing-seedling stages for larger container such as 128-plug or 35-plug should not longer than 12 weeks. ‘Andalus' sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were sowed and grown in plug or pot at different altitudes to evaluate the effects of plug size and altitude on horticultural traits. The result show that plant height, stem diameter, and dry and fresh weight of seedlings grown at low altitude were higher those that of middle altitude. The seedlings of 35-plug at 9 weeks and 3-inch pot at 12 weeks performed the best horticultural traits at low altitude and middle altitude, respectively. The results of analysis by the relative seedling index 4 and multiple seedling index 5 indicated that the there were significant difference among the treatments, as well as between low altitude and middle altitude. Earlier the starting date of flowering was found in the larger plug size or bigger seedling age. Highly concentrated flowering period was observed in the seedlings of 72-plug at 9 weeks grown at low altitude, it only took 5.7 days for first three inflorescence to complete flowering, whereas 15.5 to 18 days for 12-weeks seedlings. The fruits of 3rd inflorescence could be harvested completely in 6.3 days after the first harvesting in the treatment of 35-plug at 9 weeks, while the other treatments took more than 9.8 days to complete harvesting. Especially the treatment of 3-inch pot at 12 weeks, it took more than 20 days regardless of the altitude of cultivation area. The result indicated that the seedlings from 3-inch pot at 12 weeks can bloom earlier than other treatments, but the maturity of first and second inflorescences prolonged due to its slow growing after transplanting. The seedlings from 35-plug and 72-plug at 9 weeks grown at mid-altitude performing better and stable horticultural traits, the growing duration were 15-23 days shorter than the common used 128-plug at 6 weeks. The timing of flower bud initiation were affected by the seedling nursery environment. In spite of the sweet pepper seedling cultivated at middle or low altitude of, the seedlings with bigger root area had the earlier flower initiation and development. Greenhouse-grown sweet pepper is the main cultural system in Taiwan as a conventional long-season crops, and main growth duration from planting to harvesting takes at least 5-6 month. The cost of maintain and fungicide payment occupies the most production cost. In order to regulating the time of bloom and fruit harvesting, farmers used to remove the first inflorescence or fruit, making it a big lose in early yield amount 10-20%. In this study, two different treatments of removing the first fruit and topping were employed when plant bearing three inflorescences. The objective was to study the controlling and shortening the harvesting period of sweet pepper for more effective production system. The seeds of “Andalus” sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were sowed and grown in 128-plug as control, the other seedlings were raised in 72-plug and 35-plug with seedling growth period extended to 9 weeks, then transplanted into cultural bag. The results indicated the bigger the plug size, more concentrated flowering period on first four inflorescences of transplants was resulted. There were no significant differences in the numbers of fruit per plant and early yield in the treatment of “1st inflorescence removed and topping”. Highest fruit weight and mean weight per node were found in the treatment of “1st inflorescence removed and topping”, and followed by the treatment of “1st inflorescence remained and topping”. However, the lowest fresh weight per fruit was observed in the control of “1st inflorescence remained and without topping”, but with the highest total yield. Furthermore, best performance among treatments of “1st inflorescence remained and topping” in shortening the harvesting period was found in the transplants raised in 35-plug at 9 weeks, it took 13.4 days for complete fruit harvesting from 1st to 3rd inflorescence, while 20 days in the treatments of “1st inflorescence removed and topping”. Our results revealed that the 1st inflorescence removed could delay the flowering of 2nd inflorescence, and resulted in extending the periods of fruit harvesting. First inflorescence remained might improving the early yield, while removing first inflorescence or topping fasten the early harvest dates. First inflorescence remained could shorten the days from transplanting to flowering from 19.9 to 13.4 days, and the the dominance lasting at least till 3rd inflorescence. Topping at young fruit stage could enhance the cell division, and the IAA in the seeds might be the key for improving the fruit setting and fruit development. The objectives of this study were to establish the two layer of vertical culture system for improving the production of sweet pepper, and to examine the effects of planting density and pruning on flowering and yield of sweet pepper cultivated in vertical culture system. The results indicated that there were no significant differences among culture systems in the parameters of plant node, plant height, leaves number, and leaves dry weight, but the leaves fresh weight, leaves area, specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf/fruit ratio were higher in upper layer of vertical culture system than in lower layer. This could be attribute to the limitation of sunlight in the lower layer, resulted in the increasing the leaf/fruit ratio, delaying the flower initiation, higher the node of initial fruit, and increasing the flower abscission. The results showed that lower the total soluble sugar and starch contents of sweet pepper leaf were found in the lower layer of vertical culture system, while higher the macroelements as well as microelements contents in the lower layer of vertical culture system. The total soluble sugar contents in the upper and middle part of sweet pepper leaf cultivated in the vertical culture system were significantly lower than those in single layer of controls. Although there was no significant difference in the total soluble sugar and starch contents of sweet pepper stem between upper and lower layer of vertical culture system, there was a trend for lower the soluble sugar and starch contents of stem in vertical culture system than that in single layer of controls. There was no significant difference in the leaf photosynthesis rate between upper and lower layer of vertical culture system, whereas the stomata conductance of sweet pepper leaf in the upper layer was significant lower in the upper layer of vertical culture system. In the parameters of fruit quality, such as color, firmness, and vitamin C contents, there was a trend for better performance in upper layer than that in the lower layer of vertical culture system. The results of effects of plant density and pruning on the growth, flowering and yields of sweet pepper cultivated in vertical culture system showed that earlier flowering, as well as higher LAI value and shielding percentage in the treatment of combination of 4 or 6 plants per bag with 2 stalk per plant than those of 8 plants per bag. The results revealed that the combinations of 4 or 6 plants per bag with 2 stalk per plant provided a suitable canopy arrangement, more effective photosynthesis rate and higher fruit weights. Since the planting density with over 6 plants per bag could reduce photosynthesis rate, 4 or 6 plants per bag with 2 stalk per plant was recommend in the vertical culture system for better production of sweet pepper.目 錄 中文摘要•••••••••••••••••••••••i 英文摘要•••••••••••••••••••••••iv 緒言•••••••••••••••••••••••••ix 第一章、前人研究 一、根域限制對蔬菜作物生長之影響•••••••••••1-1 二、苗齡對穴盤苗生育之影響••••••••••••••1-3 三、甜椒花芽發育及影響落花(果)之因子•••••••••1-4 四、整枝方法與栽培管理對果實生育及產量之影響•••••1-7 第二章、苗齡與穴格容積對甜椒穴盤苗品質及定植後生長發育之影響 中文摘要•••••••••••••••••••••••2-1 英文摘要•••••••••••••••••••••••2-3 前言•••••••••••••••••••••••••2-5 材料與方法••••••••••••••••••••••2-8 結果•••••••••••••••••••••••••2-12 討論•••••••••••••••••••••••••2-27 結論•••••••••••••••••••••••••2-33 參考文獻•••••••••••••••••••••••2-34 附錄•••••••••••••••••••••••••2-36 第三章、海拔高度、穴格尺寸及苗齡對甜椒穴盤苗品質之影響 中文摘要••••••••••••••••••••••••3-1 英文摘要••••••••••••••••••••••••3-2 前言••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-3 材料與方法•••••••••••••••••••••••3-6 結果••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-9 討論••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-26 結論••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-31 參考文獻••••••••••••••••••••••••3-32 附錄••••••••••••••••••••••••••3-35 第四章、第一花序除花及去頂處理對促進甜椒果實早熟之影響 中文摘要••••••••••••••••••••••••4-1 英文摘要••••••••••••••••••••••••4-2 前言••••••••••••••••••••••••••4-5 材料與方法•••••••••••••••••••••••4-7 結果••••••••••••••••••••••••••4-11 討論••••••••••••••••••••••••••4-26 結論••••••••••••••••••••••••••4-31 參考文獻••••••••••••••••••••••••4-32 第五章、立體式栽培對改進甜椒生產模式之研究 中文摘要••••••••••••••••••••••••5-1 英文摘要••••••••••••••••••••••••5-3 前言••••••••••••••••••••••••••5-5 材料與方法•••••••••••••••••••••••5-8 結果••••••••••••••••••••••••••5-13 討論••••••••••••••••••••••••••5-36 結論••••••••••••••••••••••••••5-43 參考文獻••••••••••••••••••••••••5-4


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    果菜類蔬菜生產為減少農藥使用及避免環境對作物生長之影響,常於設施內進行栽培。為增加單位面積產量,縮短栽培期及增加複種指數等優點,嘗試以上下二層之立體式栽培,為一種土地精耕且集約栽培蔬菜之方法,在有限之耕地創造出最大的土地潛力,較傳統式單層栽培可增加產量,並紓緩溫室土地不足使用之情形,極具發展潛力。   近年來為解決設施栽培連作所導致之土壤酸化及病害問題,業者引進介質袋,配合養液滴灌或微噴灌等方式,以瓜類、番茄或甜椒等蔬菜輪作栽培,進行產期調節,對於提高產量、品質及延長產期方面已有良好之成效,因此袋耕栽培法(bag culture)已逐漸取代土耕成為設施栽培果菜之重要方法。   茄科重要蔬菜如番椒(Capsicum annuum L.)品種有未完熟之青椒或彩色甜椒,甜椒可週年生產,但夏季高溫多雨,不適平地栽培,一般多移往埔里、信義或仁愛等山區生產。番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)栽培品種之果實種類中如牛番茄或小果番茄,牛番茄可週年生產,但由於台灣夏季期間之颱風豪雨影響,為穩定生產及提高品質,多數栽培者採用設施栽培,為於有限空間內為提高單位面積產量,降低生產成本,設施內立體化為必然之趨勢