19 research outputs found

    地域在住高齢者の摂食嚥下障害に対する理解と予防への意識に及ぼす影響と満足度に関する研究 : 口腔機能と嚥下機能および身体の衰えを包括的に調査する「食べること健康チェック」の活用

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     我々は,地域在住高齢者を対象に口腔機能・嚥下機能・全身の衰えを捉える包括的な調査「食べること健康チェック」を実施した。本調査が,オーラルフレイルの進行でみられる摂食嚥下障害の理解と予防への意識にもたらす影響と「食べること健康チェック」に対する参加者の満足度を高める上で改善すべき項目を抽出するために質問紙調査を実施した。 老人クラブに所属の地域在住高齢者36名を対象にした質問紙調査の結果,96%の対象者が「食べること健康チェック」に参加することで摂食嚥下障害の理解が深まったと回答し,対象者全員が摂食嚥下障害を予防したいと回答した。Customer Satisfaction ポートフォリオ分析の結果,重点改善項目に「所要時間」が挙げられた。 「食べること健康チェック」は,地域在住高齢者の摂食嚥下障害の理解を深め,予防への意識を高めた。さらに,継続的な参加を促すためには,本調査の「所要時間」の検討が必要であることが示唆された


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    A study of leg recovery motion and sprint speed in male elementary school students: which motion should be learned, forward swing of the thigh or flexion of the knee in the recovery leg

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    Although sprint running has been studied by many investigators, the running techniques taught by a coach have not been researched in detail. The purpose of the present study was to clarify how sprint running is taught to male elementary school students by a coach, focusing on how the motion of the recovery leg affects that of the support leg and running velocity, and whether the forward swing of the thigh or flexion of the knee joint of the recovery leg is most important. Thirty-four 5th and 6th grade elementary school children performed 50-m sprints, and their motions were recorded using a video camera (60 fps). The step length, step frequency, running velocity, relative velocity of the center of mass, and the angles and angular velocity of the thigh, leg and knee were calculated. The main results were as follows: 1.We found a significant positive correlation between running velocity and the relative velocity of the recovery leg around the support phase. 2.Sabsequently to maximize the angular velocity of thigh recovery, a minimum angle of the recovery knee was obtained. These variables showed a significant positive correlation. 3.The time instant to reach the maximal forward swing velocity of the recovery leg was similar to the time instant to reach the maximal backward swing velocity of the support leg. When recovery leg and support leg velocity reached maximal, both leg were intersected

    Three component seismic array observation at galleries in Nakatatsu mine, Fukui, Japan

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    We carried out seismic array observation in mining tunnels of Nakatatsu mine, Fukui, Japan. This observation site is located at about 20 kilometers away from the earthquake fault of Nobi earthquake (1891, M8.0). The major purposes in this observation are: 1) detection of small-scale heterogeneity around the fault; and 2) development of technique to explore structure by using seismic array data. Eighty seismometers which have three components with natural frequency of two hertz were deployed. The observation continued from September 2009 until the middle of February 2010. The sensors were connected to the recording system by cables. The data were converted to digital data by 24bit delta-sigma converter with maximum sampling interval of 1 ms and extracted from memory to storage by self-triggering algorithm in the system. The recording time is 16 – 64 sec. More than 100 earthquakes were recorded in the observation. We were able to obtain seismograms of not only local earthquakes but also distant earthquakes. The good environment for observation with hard rock site and low artificial noise allowed us to obtain high quality data. Some records of the earthquakes have adequate S/N ratios up to hertz. In addition, many scattered phases which could be generated by small-scale heterogeneity in the mid- to lower crust in this area were observed with sufficiently large amplitude


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    We carried out seismic array observation in mining tunnels of Nakatatsu mine, Fukui, Japan. This observation site is located at about 20 kilometers away from the earthquake fault of Nobi earthquake (1891, M8.0). The major purposes in this observation are: 1) detection of small-scale heterogeneity around the fault; and 2) development of technique to explore structure by using seismic array data. Eighty seismometers which have three components with natural frequency of two hertz were deployed. The observation continued from September 2009 until the middle of February 2010. The sensors were connected to the recording system by cables. The data were converted to digital data by 24bit delta-sigma converter with maximum sampling interval of 1 ms and extracted from memory to storage by self-triggering algorithm in the system. The recording time is 16 – 64 sec. More than 100 earthquakes were recorded in the observation. We were able to obtain seismograms of not only local earthquakes but also distant earthquakes. The good environment for observation with hard rock site and low artificial noise allowed us to obtain high quality data. Some records of the earthquakes have adequate S/N ratios up to hertz. In addition, many scattered phases which could be generated by small-scale heterogeneity in the mid- to lower crust in this area were observed with sufficiently large amplitude