10 research outputs found

    Status quo and trends of Taiwan IT and electronic industry development

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    台湾资讯电子产业在亚洲乃至世界占有举足轻重的地位,这是其长期发展的结果。当前,台湾资讯电子业主要优势在于硬件制造,大部分是OEM,而技术总体依靠引进,研发相对落后。台湾资讯电子产业的发展,一方面要发挥既有优势,另一方面也应积极开拓新的领域,提升产品制造技术,催生新的增长点,创造台湾品牌,并加强两岸产业协作,共同应对国际竞争。Taiwan IT and electronic industry plays very important role in Asia and the world,which is the result of long-term development.Presently,the advantage of Taiwan IT and electronic industry lies in hardware manufacture,most of which is OEM,whose technology depends on importing foreign techniques on the whole and whose research and development is relatively backward.The development of Taiwan IT and electronic industry,on the one hand,should take their own advantage,on the other hand,should actively develop new field,should promote manufacture technology level of the products and should create new growth point to create Taiwan brands and to strengthen industrial cooperation across the Taiwan Strait to mutually win the international competition


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    The Current Stage and Development Trend of Information and Electronic Industry in Taiwan

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    从产业链角度探讨台湾资讯电子产业发展现状,认为台湾资讯电子业虽然成就突出,但存在依赖代工、研发不足等劣势,指出台湾业者必须保持现有优势,并以此为平台,在研发、软件业、品牌以及两岸经济一体化等方面着力,才能真正提升资讯电子业的国际竞争力。from the angle of industry chain, this paper discussed the current stage of information and electronic industry in Taiwan and thought that although its achievement was quite outstanding, there existed some disadvantages, such as relying on supplanting labor, lack of research and development and etc. this paper pointed out that the Taiwan trader had to keep this advantage, based on this, stress on the research and development, software industry, brand and the cross-straits economic integrality. Then the international competition ability of information and electronic industry can be really promoted

    The Rise of the Modern Remittance Mail Industry and the Market and Historical Environment

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    侨批业是近代经营华侨汇款和信件的一个特殊行业,其兴起有特殊的社会历史条件。近代大规模的华人移民、数额巨大的汇款是侨批业兴起的前提条件,缺一不可,而华侨自身特殊因素为其兴起提供了可能,近代邮政和银行服务不足则直接刺激了侨批业的兴起。The remittance mail Industry was a special industry in modern times dealing with overseas Chinese remittances and letters. It rose out of special social and historical conditions. The modern mass Chinese emigration and huge amounts of remittances from overseas Chinese were the prerequisite and the special factors concerning overseas Chinese made it possible,and the deficiency of the modern postal service and banking services directly stimulated its rise.国家社科基金青年项目“跨国网络与民族国家——近代侨汇业与邮政及银行业关系研究(1912-1958)”(批准号:08CJL029)之阶段性研究成

    Foliar Anatomical Structures and Ecological Adaptabilities of Dominant Plants in the North Shaanxi Loess Plateau

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    以陕北黄土高原地区7种优势植物为材料,比较了它们沟间地和沟谷地植株叶片解剖结构的差异,以揭示该地区优势植物对干旱强光照环境的生态适应性。结果表明:(1)7种植物各自具有抵抗黄土高原干旱强光照环境的特殊解剖结构:白羊草(Bothriochloa ischaemum)叶上表皮具有发达的泡状细胞,叶内具有花环结构;长芒草(Stipa bungeana)叶上表皮下陷形成气孔窝,表皮下具有2至多层的厚壁组织;猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)叶具有贮水组织、分泌组织和环栅型叶肉细胞;铁杆蒿(Artemisia sacrorum)叶肉全特化为栅栏组织;茭蒿(Artemisia gi-raldii)具有双栅型叶肉细胞和分泌结构;达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza daurica)叶具有发达的粘液细胞;杠柳(Perip-loca sepium)叶表皮具厚蜡质层。(2)与沟谷地植物叶片结构相比,干旱强光照的沟间地植物叶片厚度、叶上表皮角质层厚度、栅栏组织厚度、贮水组织厚度增加,上表皮细胞体积、韧皮部面积增大,而木质部面积、木质部面积/韧皮部面积缩小。(3)叶片变异系数可反映植物适应环境的潜在能力,7种植物综合变异系数..

    Effect of efficient inoculants on coastal saline soil phytorehabilitation by Sesbania cannabina in the Yellow River Delta

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    A plot experiment was conducted to monitor the effects of dual-inoculation of efficient Sesbania rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the salt reducing effect and soil nutrition in moderate saline-alkali soil of the Yellow River Delta hinterland to explore the application prospects for microbe-plant associations during saline- alkali soil rehabilitation. The results showed that the up-ground biomass increased by 28.6% and below-ground biomass increased 51.3% in dual-inoculating planted soil > Sesbania planted soil > unplanted soil. The soil salt content of Sesbania planted soil was maintained at 0.9-2.0, which was 67%-79% lower compared to unplanted soil. The salt content in dual inoculating planted soil was 20%-25% lower than that in planted soil. The dual inoculation treatment increased available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in soil greater than the Sesbania planted soil. These results indicate that dual-inoculation of efficient Sesbania rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improved the ability of green manure crops to fertilize and rehabilitate saline-alkali soil

    Creativity Competence: Part III of the 5Cs Framework for Twenty-first Century Key Competences

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    The Research Design of the 5Cs Framework for Twenty-first Century Key Competences

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