59 research outputs found


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    The Determinants of The Firm's Cash Holdings in NYSE

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    隨著2007年美國次貸危機爆發而引起的金融海嘯,對全球經濟造成了巨大的負面衝擊,至今仍還未完全恢復。在後金融海嘯時代下,企業從外部資本市場可獲得的融資往往較為困難,資本市場的流動性短缺成為常態,因此導致企業本身的資本累積更為重要。在此情況中,許多企業傾向於持有大量的現金及約當現金。 本研究旨在探討1992年至2012年間的美國企業之現金影響因子,並檢視各個現金持有影響因子對現金比率之影響方向,並把樣本分別以企業規模大小、有無財務限制和年度進行實證分析。 本研究實證指出在全體樣本的迴歸結果,可以發現影響美國企業現金持有比率的影響因子主要有:企業規模、負債比率、總資產報酬率、淨營運資金比率、研究發展費用佔淨銷售額比率、併購佔總資產比率、資本支出比率、市值對淨值比率與股利發放情形,只有現金流量比率不具顯著性。實證結果支持動機理論、融資順位理論和資訊不對稱理論,並符合預期之變動方向

    [[alternative]]The Nursing Situations of Respiratory Care Centers in Taiwan

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    [[abstract]]本研究的目的在描述臺灣地區呼吸照護中心護理情境。研究分兩階段進行,第一階段採訪談法和文獻回顧,修正德懷術第一回合問卷的編製,第二階段執行正式德懷術。德懷專家由18位呼吸照護中心資深護理人員組成,共進行三回合問卷,回收率均達100%,研究歸納出呼吸照護中心護理情境有九類50項,重要性和常見性均屬高度者七類14項,重要性高度而常見性中度者八類26項,重要性高度而常見性低度者四類10項。研究結果有助於呼吸照護中心護理人員了解其個案的專科特性及需求,並提供其日後執業能力分析的參考,也有助於日後規劃護理教育模組課程時設計情境的參考。[[abstract]]This study is to explore the practing situations of nurse staff serving in the respiratory care centers. The entire research was proceed with two phases. Firstly, I adopt interview and literatures-review to modify the first-rounded questionnaires of Delphi Technique. Afterward, perform the Delphi Techinique process. There are 18 senior nurses of the respirtory care centers had participated in this 3-rounded questionnaires and the returning proportion has reached 100%. The results indicated that: totally 9 categories including 50 items of nursing situations in the respiratory care centers. The situations which valued highly in both importance and occurring among all have 7 categories and 14 items, while the ones valued highly in importance but moderate occurring situations have 8 categories including 26 items, the ones valued highly in importance but low occurring situations have 4 categories and 10 items. The conclusion could assist not only for the nurse staff to understand the characteristics and necessities of this respiratory nursing field but also for the managers to process competencies analysis. Furthermore, it could facilitate designing the nursing situations of modular curriculum