24 research outputs found


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    [[abstract]]營造業在國家社會經濟建設中佔有相當地位,而在營造市場開放的同時,為輔導營造業健全發展,建立永續經營環境,發展營建技術,提昇競爭力,實為政府主管機關責無旁貸的責任,業者更應努力改善體質,使具有優質競爭優勢,共同創造營造業之永續發展。 本研究藉由訪談營造業員工及主管,了解職業災害發生類型及原因,並探討如何後品質管控降低職業災害發生率。研究結果指出:一、營造與製造業性質烔異,推行品質管理活動較為困難,但仍必須全面推行品質管理活動,才能創造競爭優勢;二、業者在執行品質管控的過程之中,應從現行管理制度著手,先行調整內部組織,藉由品質管理中持續改進的精神,提高績效良好的競爭優勢;三、在導入全面工程品質控管時,應考量每次的工程與建案性質不同,其作業程序下的合理性、時效性,以及作業環境的安全防範是否有影響,避免僅提高整體組織的「效率」,未達成施工品質應有的「效果」,變成只為改變而改變的不合理現象;四、由於全面實行品質控管,文件及相關資料數量會不斷增多且相形重要,因此數位化的作業、統計技巧的應用,以及網路資訊的使用,更可提昇品質控管的效率;五、廠商經由品質控管的執行,均認為對組織能有正面效益,降低了「成本」,提高了「成效」;注重了「品質」,提高了「價值」。 The construction industry has a considerable position in the country's social and economic construction. While creating an opening market, it is the responsibility of the government authorities to establish a sustainable business environment, to develop more construction technology, and to enhance competitiveness for the construction industry. Owners in the construction industry should strive to create a competitive advantage to be sustainable. The purpose of this study was to understand the types and causes of occupational disasters by interviewing employees and supervisors, and explored how quality control can reduce the incidence of occupational disasters. The results have shown that: 1) the construction and manufacturing industries are very different in nature. It is more difficult to implement quality control management, but it is still necessary to fully implement quality control management in order to create competitive advantages. 2) When implementing the quality control management process, the owner should start from the current process of quality control. Its internal organization should be adjusted first in order to achieve the competitive advantage with a good performance through the spirit of continuous improvement in quality management. 3) when introducing comprehensive quality control, the nature of each project should be considered. The rationality, timeliness, and safety precautions of the work environment have be careful monitored. Efficiency of an organization and effectiveness of the construction quality should be both considered. 4) Due to the full implementation of quality control, the number of documents and related materials would continue to increase and become more important. Therefore, the uses of digital operations, statistical techniques, and network information would improve the efficiency of quality control. 5) Through the implementation of quality control, manufacturers believe that they can have positive results, cost reduction, effectiveness improvement, quality emphasis and value advancement


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    评述了半导体量子阱内子带间光跃迁的主要特性以及量子阱红外探测器的物理问题和器件结构特点。介绍了国外在此领域研究的最新进展, 讨论了有关子带间跃迁和量子阱红外探测器研究的若干发展趋势。图11参1


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    介绍了低维系统物理与器件研究领域内最近兴起的一个十分引入注目的交叉学科课题:超导体/半导体/超导体双异质结结构中电子在超导体/半导体界面处的相互作用行为,包括超导邻近效应(proximity effect)及Josephson场效应晶体管(JOFET)的探索研究,此外,还讨论了此领域内一个重要物理问题----Andreev反射


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    报道了GaAs/AlGaAs非对称耦合双量子阱pin结构在不同温度下的光荧光谱,观察到宽阱与窄阱重空穴激子峰荧光强度随温度上升而较快下降的不同变化关系,结果表明窄阱电子的热发射是导致窄阱光荧光强度随温度上升而较快下降的主要原因。同时观测到宽阱轻 空穴激子峰强度特殊的温度依赖关系,并分析了其物理机制