5 research outputs found

    Population growth and temperature dependent model of cotton aphid, aphis gossypii glover (Homoptera: Aphididae)

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    本論文之研究目的,在於將不同溫度下之生命表資料,設計為電臘程式,模擬棉蚜之 族群增長,並以所獲得之各族群介值,輔助分析棉蚜族群在田間之變動。 資料來源:棉蚜蟲源由大里葫蘆瓜作物取樣採回。研究期間之參考文獻,利用聯合期 刊目錄查得,並經各單位之館際合作提供特有之期刊報告。 研究方法:利用生命表為工具,兼以族群統計學及溫度依變模式,探討不同溫度型態 對棉蚜發育、生殖、存活、壽命及族群增長之影響。田間則對棉蚜族群進行動態調查 。以室內及室外資料,對照瞭解棉蚜族群之增長。最後手求出之內在增殖率,溫度依 變二次方程式,模擬田間夏季及春季棉蚜族群增長。 研究結果:各定溫下求得之內在增殖率以25℃及27℃間為最適增長範圍。變溫幅 度對棉蚜之增長有影響,其中10℃之變溫實驗溫差較6℃之溫差不利棉蚜增長。利 用電腦模擬田間夏、春季棉蚜族群增長有相當符合之結果

    Host-parasitoid interaction of Aphis gossypii Glover Homoptera: Aphididae) and Aphelinus mali Haldemanymenoptera: Aphelinidae)

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    The systematic analyses and studies of host-parasitoid inter -actions of ~u2;Aphis~u1; ~u2;gossypii~u1; andAphelinus~u1; ~u2; mali~u1; were under- taken in this study by using the concepts and methods of Systems analysis. A series of experiments were conducted to determine the effect of parasitization by parasitoid ~u2;A.~u1;u2;mali~u1; on the demographic processes for host popu -lation of ~u2;A.~u1;u2; gossypii~u1;. The development and re- production of aphids after being parasitizedin different age intervals were compared with unpara- sitized aphids. The parasitizing effect of ~u2;A. ~u1;u2;mali~u1; become distinct at day 3 after parasitization. The effects of parasiti- zation on the development and reproduction of host aphids were related to the aphid age attacked: when the first and 2nd day old young nymphs had been parasitized by the parasitoid, the parasitized- aphids were killed by mummification before reached adult stage, however, the nymphs could develop to adult stage and to produce offsprings when had being parasitized in the older 3rd and 4th day old ages.本論文利用系統分析法 (Systems analysis) 的觀念與方法,對棉蚜 Aphisgossypii及蚜小蜂Aphelinus~u2;mali~u1;之寄主-寄生蜂交互作用 進行系統性的分析與研究。其方法與步驟為:蒐集資料以分析寄主棉蚜與 蚜小蜂~u2;A.~u1; ~u2;mali~u1; 之族群組成,配合動態模式之變化速率 觀念,找出影響此系統中兩者族群組成與數量變化之各交互作用,以建立 其系統模式,並以觀念模式圖表現此系統成員結構及其各交互作用,於室 內進行試驗以瞭解兩族群在生活史各期之表現,同時探討彼此間各交互作 用對兩者族群增長介值之影T,經由統計分析確立此系統之組成、作用與 關係,利用數學模式代表系統中寄主與寄生蜂作用關係,建立一具有寄主 日齡與寄生蜂日齡-齡期別之系統動態模式,比較試驗觀察及模擬預測之 結果,以驗正模式之正確與完整、並確立棉蚜與蚜小蜂兩族群在系統中之 作用與關係。封面 目錄 第一章 緒言 參考文獻 圖 第二章 寄主─寄生蜂系統之觀念模式建立 2.1 前言 2.2 基本寄主─寄生蜂系統動態之觀念模式 2.3 寄主棉蚜之生活史 2.4 蚜小蜂A. mail之生活史 2.5 棉蚜與蚜小蜂之初步寄主─寄生蜂系統觀念模式 參考文獻 圖 第三章 寄生作用對寄主棉蚜族群增長介值之影響 3.1 前言 3.2 材料與方法 3.2.1 寄主棉蚜與蚜小蜂之飼育 3.2.2 棉蚜若虫之發育 3.2.3 棉蚜之齡別生命表 3.2.4 寄生作用對棉蚜發育及繁殖率之影響 3.3 結果與討論 3.3.1 棉蚜之族群統計學介值 3.3.2 寄生作用對各齡若蚜之發育與生存的影響 3.3.3 寄生作用對棉蚜繁殖率的影響 參考文獻 表 圖 第四章 蚜小蜂A. mali之族群增長介值 4.1 前言 4.2 蚜小蜂屬(Aphelinus)之生物學 4.3材料與方法 4.3.1 不同日齡棉蚜對蚜小蜂 A. mali之影響 4.3.2 雌蜂之存活率、繁殖率、取食寄主率及子代性 4.3.3 蚜小蜂之生命表介值 4.4結果 4.4.1 不同日齡棉蚜對蚜小蜂發育、羽化及性比的影響 4.4.2 蚜小蜂之存活率、繁殖率及其子代性比 4.4.3 蚜小蜂之取食寄主率 4.4.4 蚜小蜂之生命表介值 4.5討論 參考文獻 表 圖 第五章 蚜小蜂對不同日齡棉蚜之寄生、取食反應及其對不同棉蚜密度之功能反應 5.1 前言 5.2 蚜小蜂對兩不同日齡棉蚜之選擇 5.2.1材料與方法 (1) 蚜小蜂對不同日齡棉蚜之寄生與取食 (2) 蚜小蜂分別在三種棉蚜密度下對兩不同日齡棉蚜之寄生與取食偏好 5.2.2 結果與討論 5.3 蚜小蜂對不同棉蚜密度之功能反應 5.3.1 功能反應之理論模式 5.3.2 不同功能反應型式對族群動態之影響 5.3.3 材料與方式 (1) 交尾雌蜂與未交尾雌蜂之功能反應 (2) 雌蜂在葉片及植株空間狀態下之功能反應 5.3.4 功能反應式之分析計算方法 5.3.5 結果 5.3.6 討論 參考文獻 表 圖 第六章 棉蚜與蚜小蜂A. mali之寄主─寄生蜂系統模式 6.1 前言 6.2 確立並簡化系統模式之組成、關係與作用 6.3 棉蚜與蚜小蜂之寄主─寄生蜂系統觀念模式圖 6.4 寄主─寄生蜂系統模式之數學式化 6.5 系統介量與作用函數之數學模式 6.6 模式之計算與驗正 6.7 結果與討論 參考文獻 表 圖 結論 中文摘要 英文摘要 附

    Influence of temperature and host plant on the development, survivorship, and reproduction of Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae)

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    本研究在珍珠拔品種番石榴(Psidium guajava L.)、紫花霍香薊(Ageratumhoustonianum Mill.)及大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa L.) 三種寄主植物葉片上,分別進行10、15、20、25 及30℃五種定溫下生活史觀察試驗,以比較棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glove 在三種寄主植物上之成蚜體長、從出生至開始繁殖發育所需時間、發育期死亡率及每隻母蚜子蚜產數隨溫度改變之變化型態差異。在35℃三種植物上,棉蚜皆死亡,而在10℃番石榴上,所有個體皆於發育期內死亡。在紫花霍香薊及大花咸豐草上,於15-30℃溫度範圍內,棉蚜成蟲體長隨溫度增加而減小,在番石榴上,則於20-30℃溫度範圍內呈現此變化關係。在三種植物上,棉蚜從出生至開始繁殖發育所需時間都與溫度成正向變化關係,於25℃達最適溫,至30℃下降或減緩。在番石榴葉片上,於25℃最短為5.1 天,15℃最長為18.9 天;在大花咸豐草上,於25℃最短為6.1 天,10℃最長為22.8 天,在紫花霍香薊上,25℃為4.5 天,30℃下卻稍短為4.4 天,10℃最長為25.2 天。棉蚜未成熟期死亡主要在10℃發生,其死亡率分別為:番石榴之100%、大花咸豐草之10%及紫花霍香薊上之23%。部份成蚜個體在10 及15℃無法繁殖。棉蚜一生平均子蚜產數,在番石榴30℃只產5.8 隻,以25℃最高達36.5 隻;大花咸豐草30℃只產8.7 隻,20℃最高達35.1 隻;紫花霍香薊10℃只產9.4 隻,20℃最高達49.9 隻。綜合而言,棉蚜在紫花霍香薊葉片上之各種溫度下,有發育速率最快、發育時間最短、存活最高和子蚜產數最大之最佳表現。相對而言,在低溫10 及15℃部份,棉蚜整體表現以在番石榴葉片上最差;但在25℃及部份30℃表現則以在大花咸豐草上最差。本研究應用之數學方程式對發育速率及生殖率隨溫度變化關係有良好之模擬能力。 The development, survival, and reproduction of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera, Aphididae) were evaluated at five constant temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C, on three host plants, Psidium guajava L., Bidens pilosa L., and Ageratum houstonianum Mill. All cotton aphids died in the nymphal stage at 10 °C on P. guajava, and also at 35 °C on all three host plants. Adult body length decreased with increasing temperature from 15 to 30 °C on A. houstonianum and B. pilosa, and from 20 to 30 °C on P. guajava. The developmental periods to the age of the first larviposition ranged from 5.1 days at 25 °C to 18.9 days at 15 °C on P. guajava, from 6.1 days at 25 °C to 22.8 days at 10 °C on B. pilosa, and from 4.4 days at 30 °C to 25.2 days at 10 °C on A. houstonianum. The greatest mortality of immatures occurred at 10 °C, with 100.0% on P. guajava, 10.0% on B. pilosa, and 23.3% on A. houstonianum. Some adult aphids failed to carry out reproduction at 10 and 15 °C. The mean lifetime fecundity per female ranged from 5.8 nymphs at 30 °C to 36.5 nymphs at 25 °C on P. guajava, from 8.7 nymphs at 30 °C to 35.1 nymphs at 20 °C on B. pilosa, and from 9.4 nymphs at 10 °C to 49.9 nymphs at 20 °C on A. houstonianum. It appeared that the cotton aphid had the greatest growth, fastest development, and highest fecundity at most temperatures except at 10 °C on A. houstonianum. In contrast, the cotton aphid showed the poorest performances at 10 and 15 °C on P. guajava, and at 25 °C on B. pilosa. Mathematical equations used in this study adequately described the relationships of developmental rates and fecundities with temperature


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    利嘉野生動物重要棲息環境位於臺東縣卑南鄉境內國有林山區,面積為1,022 ha,海拔介於300-1,865 m之間。本研究於該區內共設置66個500m2樣區,針對胸徑大於1cm之木本植物進行調查,評估八項環境因子,以雙向指標種分析法 (TWINSPAN) 進行植群分類之探討,並使用降趨對應分析 (DCA) 以瞭解植群分化與環境因子的相關性。結果顯示調查範圍內共記錄有45科97屬145種木本植物,其中瀕臨絕滅種2種、易受害種3種、低危險種1種,物種組成以樟科佔最多。植群分類共分出六個群叢,分別為山黃麻—豬母乳群叢、交力坪鐵色—山龍眼群叢、銳脈木薑子—錐果櫟群叢、臺灣杜鵑群叢、假長葉楠—長葉木薑子群叢及大葉溲疏—臺灣赤楊群叢。DCA分析結果,海拔、地形位置及含石率為影響植群組成最主要的環境因子。Lijia Major Wildlife Habitat, occupying 1,022 ha., is located at elevations between 300- 1,865m in the national forest within Beinan Township, Taitung County. Sixty-six plots of 500m2 are sampled in this area. To investigated the woody plant stems are greater than 1cmdbh. Eight environmental factors are measured and estimated for each plot. The aims of this study are to classity the major vegetation types and to analyze their connection with the environmental factors. Plant communities are classified by using TWINSPAN (two-way indicator species analysis), and species-environment relationships are examined by using detrended correspondence analysis DCA (Detrended correspondence analysis). According to the research, 145 species of woody plants belonging to 45 families and 97 genera are recorded in the plots. Among them, 2 species are endangered, 3 species are vulnerable, and 1 species has a low level of risk. The plant communities are classified into 6 major associations, namely the Trema orientalis - Ficus fi stulosa ASS., Drypetes karapinensis - Helicia formosana ASS., Litsea acutivena - Cyclobalanopsis longinux ASS., Rhododendron formosanum ASS., Machilus japonica - Litsea acuminata ASS., and Deutzia pulchra - Alnus formosana ASS. The results of DCA indicated that elevation, topographic position, and stoniness are significantly relative to the vegetation composition

    Melatonin relieves neuropathic allodynia through spinal MT2enhanced PP2Ac and downstream HDAC4 shuttling-dependent epigenetic modi?cation of hmgb1 transcription

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    [[abstract]]Melatonin (MLT; N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) exhibits analgesic properties in chronic pain conditions. While researches linking MLT to epigenetic mechanisms have grown exponentially over recent years, very few studies have investigated the contribution of MLT-associated epigenetic modification to pain states. Here, we report that together with behavioral allodynia, spinal nerve ligation (SNL) induced a decrease in the expression of catalytic subunit of phosphatase 2A (PP2Ac) and enhanced histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) phosphorylation and cytoplasmic accumulation, which epigenetically alleviated HDAC4-suppressed hmgb1 gene transcription, resulting in increased high-mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1) expression selectively in the ipsilateral dorsal horn of rats. Focal knock-down of spinal PP2Ac expression also resulted in behavioral allodynia in association with similar protein expression as observed with SNL. Notably, intrathecal administration with MLT increased PP2Ac expression, HDAC4 dephosphorylation and nuclear accumulation, restored HDAC4-mediated hmgb1 suppression and relieved SNL-sensitized behavioral pain; these effects were all inhibited by spinal injection of 4P-PDOT (a MT2 receptor antagonist, 30 minutes before MLT) and okadaic acid (OA, a PP2A inhibitor, 3 hr after MLT). Our findings demonstrate a novel mechanism by which MLT ameliorates neuropathic allodynia via epigenetic modification. This MLT-exhibited anti-allodynia is mediated by MT2-enhanced PP2Ac expression that couples PP2Ac with HDAC4 to induce HDAC4 dephosphorylation and nuclear import, herein increases HDAC4 binding to the promoter of hmgb1 gene and upregulates HMGB1 expression in dorsal horn neurons