18 research outputs found

    Cervical cancer screening: evolution from Paptest to molecular markers

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    published_or_final_versionPathologyDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph

    Pathobiological study of gestational trophoblastic disease

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    published_or_final_versionMedicineMasterDoctor of Medicin

    六ストロークディーゼル機関の性能予測 : 第2報, 予測計算と急速圧縮膨張装置を用いたモデル実験

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    The performance of a six stroke diesel engine which has been proposed by the authors was experimentally investigated using a cyclical rapid-compression-expansion machine. The ignition delay and the maximum heat release rate in the first and second combustion processes were measured under the various conditions of wall temperature of the engine cylinder. An optical fiber probe connected to a photo sensor was installed into a combustion chamber to measure the ignition delay and to obtain the luminosity of soot exidation in the second compression process. The experimental data were compared with the numerical predictions from the 1st report. As a result, the soot oxidation phenomenon in the second compression process was numerically and experimentally confirmed. It was clarified that the experimental data of the wall temperature effect on ignition delay qualitatively agreed with the numerical prediction

    Anomalously supercooled H₂–D₂ mixtures flowing inside a carbon nano tube

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    H₂ and D₂ molecules condensed in a carbon nano tube (CNT) and their nonequilibrium flow through nano pores offer a key test to reveal mass molecular transport and separation of purely isotopic molecules that possess the same electronic potential but a two-times difference in mass inducing differently enhanced nuclear quantum effects (NQEs) such as nuclear delocalization and zero-point energy. Taking advantage of the non-empirical quantum molecular dynamics method developed for condensed H₂–D₂ molecules that can describe various kinds of condensed phases and thermodynamic states including uneven density and a shear flow, we investigated condensed isotopic H₂–D₂ mixtures flowing inside nanoscale adsorbable CNTs. We found that, in any mixture, the more delocalized H₂ molecules are more supercooled than the less delocalized D₂ molecules in a two-dimensional liquid film adsorbed around the CNT well, and that the stronger supercooling of the H₂ molecules than the D₂ molecules in an equilibrium state becomes more enhanced under the nonequilibrium flow due to the isotope-dependent flow-induced condensation, demonstrating the anomalous condensed-phase quantum sieving under the nonequilibrium flow and its dependence on the mixing ratio and temperature. The differently enhanced NQEs of the purely isotopic molecules essentially influence the condensed adsorption and their flows occurring in the nanoscale CNT, which should be distinguished from a dilute gas adsorption. The predicted properties and obtained physical insights in this paper will help in experimentally controlling condensed H₂–D₂ mixtures, and open a new strategy and innovative design of nanoporous materials for adsorptive separation of condensed-phase mixtures under a nonequilibrium flow not of a dilute gas mixture in an equilibrium state


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    "水産仔稚魚の初期餌料生物であるワムシ培養水へのコバルト塩の添加効果を検証した。硫酸コバルト7水和物を0.1mg/Lの濃度となるように培養水に添加し、ビタミンB12無添加淡水クロレラ濃縮液Chlorella vulgarisを至適量給餌しながら、塩分濃度25psu、高純度酸素通気、25℃、光照射時間L:遮光時間D=13:11の条件下でL型ワムシBrachionus plicatilisを5日間バッチ培養した。その結果、培養4日目にはコバルト塩添加区の増殖が無添加区より高くなった。また、培養最終日のコバルト塩添加区の培養水中には、無添加区の約3倍量に当たる75.6pg/mLのビタミンB12が検出された。コバルト存在下では光照射により培養水中に動物プランクトンの増殖因子であるビタミンB12が生成し、これを吸収することによりワムシ増殖が活性化されたのではないかと思われる。ワムシ培養水中のビタミンB12生産者は、細菌ではないかと推察される。この結果より、高価なビタミンB12に替わって安価なコバルトを使うワムシ生産法の開発が可能ではないかと期待される。The effect of cobalt (Co) supplementation to rotifer culture water was investigated using freshwater Ch/ore/la in terms of newly vitamin B12 (VB叫production. Marine rotifer Brachionus p/icatilis was batch-cultured for five days with 02 feeding at 25℃ in 25 psu seawater under the photo period of L. D= 13: I I. Rotifers were fed with VB12-free Ch /ore /la vul garis with and without cobalt (II) sulfate heptahydrate (CoS04·7出0) supplementation. When the Co compound was supplemented to the culture water of rotifer, the Co-supplemented group showed higher population growth than without Co-supplemented group until the fourth day after the onset of culture. Three times higher amount of V恥 was finally detected in the culture water in Co-supplemented group than without Co­supplemented group. From these experimental results, we can conclude that the Co supplementation promoted the population growth of rotifer due to the higher productivity of VB12 in the Co­supplemented group.


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    [18F]MNI-659は有用なPDE 10A選択的PET薬剤であり、臨床でハンチントン病等の評価に利用されている。[18F]MNI-659合成は、18F-をTosyl前駆体に直接フッ素化するワンポット反応で行うが、当施設では合成収率がやや低く(約10%)、使用する原料の量にも大きく依存する。そのため、高収量で効率的な標識合成法として[18F]フルオロエチル化による[18F]MNI-659の合成法を検討した。[18F]MNI-659は[18F]フルオロエチルブロマイドとHydroxyl前駆体から[18F]フルオロエチル化反応により合成した。[18F]フルオロエチル化は、ツーポット反応ではあるが、反応液中に不純物が混入しないため、分離精製が容易になり、不純物混入割合がより低くなった。また合成に使用する前駆体の量もワンポット反応に比べて約3分の1に抑えることができ、収率も向上した(25%以上)。[18F]フルオロエチル化により効率的に[18F]MNI-659を合成することができた。第57回日本核医学会学術総