7 research outputs found

    Research on Gross National Well-being as a New Management Model: Based on the Exploration of Three Levers from Values, Goals and Instruments

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    幸福是一种至善,是人类社会发展的最终归宿。自上世纪70年代,不丹王国提出“国民幸福指数(GrossNationalHappiness,GNH)”理念,作为一种替代GDP的新发展衡量标准,“幸福”议题正日益纳入世界各国的发展话语系统,并逐步进入国家政策视野。当前,许多国家正致力于构建新的能够有效衡量民众幸福与社会进步的指标体系,并日趋演绎为一股“新全球化(幸福)运动”风潮,其意义在于,通过更好地理解幸福的内涵,探索更好的测量方法,明确追求幸福之于社会进步的重要性,为公共政策提供指导。这就意味着,相较于如何构建完善的国民幸福指数指标体系,形成对幸福的准确测量而言,对国民幸福指数的实践应用进行探索,...“Well-being (Happiness)” is a kind of supreme good, which is the final destination of the social development of the human being. Since the 1970s, the Kingdom of Bhutan put forward the concept of “Gross National Happiness (GNH)” as a new development measurement criterion to replace GDP and then the “happiness” issue is increasingly incorporated in the discourse system for the development of countri...学位:管理学博士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392010015351


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    A View on the Government's Quality Rules of Food Industry from the Perspective of Information Asymmetry Theory

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    食品行业市场机制中存在着严重的“信息不对称“问题,政府对食品行业进行质量规制的目的是通过使用不同的食品安全信息揭示策略,以减少食品质量安全管理上的信息不对称,最终实现食品质量安全。由此,本文立足“信息不对称理论“来分析其导致食品市场失灵的现象,通过探讨政府介入食品行业进行规制的必要性,进而系统性地阐释政府对食品行业进行质量规制的相应机制,并借鉴美国的食品质量安全信息披露制度来探讨我国的食品行业质量信息披露制度的构建。There are information asymmetry problems in the food industry's market mechanism.The government makes quality rules of food industry so as to lessen the information asymmetry of the food quality management by using different measures of food security announcement.Based on the information asymmetry theory,this paper analyzes the market malfunction cause by it,expounds the necessity of the food industry ruling carried by the government,and finally discusses the construction of the quality information announcement system of food industry in our country through taking American's food quality announcement system as a reference

    Good Governance in Democratization Transition:Practice of “Gross Happiness Index” in Bhutan and Its Enlightenment

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    传统以国民生产总值为核心的经济衡量指标体系因为忽视了人们对于幸福的诉求,而引致社会发展不平衡。不丹以“国民幸福指数“作为民主化转型中政府善治的实践标准,是对传统考量方法的纠正和补充。文章考察了不丹以国民幸福为价值核心的政府实践,剖析了不丹国民幸福导向下的政策制定机制和政府改革机制,梳理了不丹政府的善治模式。对于我国政府来说,民主是实现国民幸福的基本保障,民生是实现国民幸福的核心内容,提升政府执行力是追求国民幸福的关键所在。Traditional economical evaluation system with the core of Gross Domestic Product,which ignored people`s pursuit for happiness,has led to unbalanced social development.However,governmental practice in Bhutan with the orientation of Gross Happiness Index,provides supplement and correction for traditional system.This article investigated government reform in Bhutan,systematically analyzed its policy-making mechanism and government reform mechanism,and summarized the good governance mode in the country.Also,it is proposed that,as for the case with the Chinese government,democracy and people's livelihood are two basic guarantees for the realization of Gross National Happiness,and to promote government's implementation is the key to the pursuit of Gross National Happiness.国家社会科学基金青年项目:我国省级政府权力空间配置制度研究(12CGL085);国家社会科学基金一般项目(11BZZ047); 中国博士后科学基金项目(2012M520188); 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(10YJA790173

    Empirical Test for the Relativity between Public Services and Economic Development——A Case Study of Xiamen

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    在定量测度1981~2010年30年厦门市公共服务发展水平的基础上,采用grAngEr因果关系检验、建立协整回归方程等方法对厦门市公共服务与经济发展二者之间的相关性及其影响程度进行了实证检验,得出的基本结论是:厦门市公共服务水平与经济发展水平间存在着稳定的均衡关系,公共服务水平的提升对经济发展有着显著推动作用。To empirically examine the relativity between the public services and economic development of Xiamen and the affect degree of it,this paper uses the Granger causality test,cointegration regression equations,ect.based on the quantitative measurement of the public services development level of Xiamen for the past 30 years from 1981 to 2010.The inspection result shows that the public services and economic development of Xiamen have a steady equilibrium relationship,and the improvement of the public services level offers significant promotion for economic development.2011年度厦门市社会科学调研课题资助项