
Research on Gross National Well-being as a New Management Model: Based on the Exploration of Three Levers from Values, Goals and Instruments


幸福是一种至善,是人类社会发展的最终归宿。自上世纪70年代,不丹王国提出“国民幸福指数(GrossNationalHappiness,GNH)”理念,作为一种替代GDP的新发展衡量标准,“幸福”议题正日益纳入世界各国的发展话语系统,并逐步进入国家政策视野。当前,许多国家正致力于构建新的能够有效衡量民众幸福与社会进步的指标体系,并日趋演绎为一股“新全球化(幸福)运动”风潮,其意义在于,通过更好地理解幸福的内涵,探索更好的测量方法,明确追求幸福之于社会进步的重要性,为公共政策提供指导。这就意味着,相较于如何构建完善的国民幸福指数指标体系,形成对幸福的准确测量而言,对国民幸福指数的实践应用进行探索,...“Well-being (Happiness)” is a kind of supreme good, which is the final destination of the social development of the human being. Since the 1970s, the Kingdom of Bhutan put forward the concept of “Gross National Happiness (GNH)” as a new development measurement criterion to replace GDP and then the “happiness” issue is increasingly incorporated in the discourse system for the development of countri...学位:管理学博士院系专业:公共事务学院_行政管理学号:1392010015351

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