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    能源的内在本质—— 物质性、社会性以及信息性解释了能源系统和社会系统之间不可避免的强烈的相互作用。讨论了能源的本质,并提出了社会能源系统在电力方面的概念和内涵。提出了一种基于 ACP 方法的用于构建和研究社会能源系统的一般方法,以美国某大学的校园电网作为算例进行了研究。最后,分别从社会科学和自然科学两方面讨论了社会能源的技术路线,并提出了对未来的展望

    A Boltzmann model for calculating the microscopic ablation morphology of C/C composites

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    Study on sea level variability in off shore Fujian

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    利用福建沿海几个主要验潮站数据与法国空间局(CNES)AVISO多卫星融合资料分析了福建近海及其周边海域海平面的时、空变化特征及主要模态,并简要分析福建近海海平面变化趋势.得到如下结论:近54a(1960~2013年)福建沿海相对海平面上升约2 mm/a,福建沿海海平面变化存在显著的季节变化和2~3a及6~8a的年际变化特征,这与ENSO和长周期天文分潮的变化周期较为吻合;对比同期卫星高度计资料和潮位站资料(1993~2012年)发现,卫星高度计与潮位站分析结果基本一致;卫星高度计和潮位站分析结果表明,福建沿海区域海平面近20a平均线性变化趋势约为4 mm/a.Based on the observations of tide gauge stations and the sea level anomaly( SLA) data obtained from the Archiving,Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic( AVISO),the seasonal and inter-annual variations and the long-term trend of the SLA in off shore Fujian were investigated. The results show that the sea level has a significant seasonal variations with regional characteristics in this areas. There was an obvious trend in the sea level rising at an average rate of 2 mm / a during the period of 54 years in 1960 ~ 2013,observed by 4 tide gauge stations along the Fujian coast. Characterized by remarkable seasonal and inter-annual variations in periods of 2 ~3 years and 6 ~ 8 years,the sea level changes are consistent with those of ENSO cycles and long period astronomical tides,respectively. The results obtained from satellite altimeter measurements are in good agreement with the observations of tide gauges. The analyses,with data from the satellite altimeter and the gauge stations,show a rate of 4 mm / a sea level rising in off shore Fujian during the period of 1993 ~ 2012.国家自然科学基金资助项目(41076002;41276007);; 国家海洋局“气候变化对海洋经济可持续发展影响”资助项目;国家海洋局东海分局青年科技基金资助项目(201514);; 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(厦门大学“校长基金”)资助项目(2013121047

    Analysis and evaluation of the soil and dust contamination by heavy metals in different functional zones on Xiamen

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    以厦门岛内城市表层灰尘和土壤为研究对象,系统考察了不同功能区(商业区、风景区、工业区、居住区)表层灰尘和土壤中典型重金属Cr、Cu、Cd和Zn的; 质量比水平和分布情况,采用单因子污染指数法和综合污染指数法评价其污染程度,并分析它们的相关性及可能来源。用综合污染指数法得出土壤重金属污染强度从; 大到小依次为工业区(7.8)、商业区(4.9)、风景区(3.8)、居住区(3.5),灰尘的污染强度顺序为工业区(4.5)、商业区(3.9)、居住; 区(2.2)、风景区(2.1)。单因子污染指数法结果表明,各功能区土壤及灰尘都受到了重金属污染(P_i>1),且与综合污染指数法得到的污染强度顺; 序类似,在土壤方面,商业区所有元素,风景区除Cr外,工业区除Pb、Cd外,居住区的Cu、Pb、Zn都达到了重度污染(P_i>3);对于灰尘,商业; 区和工业区的Cu、Zn均达到了重度污染。相关性分析结果表明,各功能区的元素间无负相关关系,表明各元素间没有显著的抑制关系。从总量上看,土壤比灰尘; 中重金属质量比更高。最后对比分析了我国其他城市与厦门市的土壤重金属质量比。This paper aims to investigate and assess the pollution levels and; distribution status in-situ of major heavy metals, including Zn, Cr, Cd,; Pb and Cu in the topsoil and dust spreading from twenty-five sampling; spots located in the different land functional zones of Xiamen, Fujian.; Xiamen City as an ecological unit can be divided into four zones, such; as, the commercial, residential, industrial and scenic zones. For the; research purpose, we have collected samples for analysis from each zone; randomly via the multiple-sub-sampling technological principle. And,; next, we have done the pretreatment activities for the total 50 samples; in a mixed way for solution of aqua regia and hydrofluoric acid to be; digested in a microwave dissolver. In the process of analysis, we have; managed to determine the pollution content rates of the heavy metals in; the samples via an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) through; testing the heavy metal contamination rates with a single factor; pollution index method and the Nemerow comprehensive pollution index; method. As a result of the above mentioned analysis and examination, it; would be possible for us to do the regression analysis and determine; their likely-to-be origins in combination with the assessment of the; correlativity among the five heavy metals, confirming that the content; rates of Zn, Cr, Cd, Pb and Cu at the topsoil level from the commercial,; residential, industrial and scenic zones account for 7.8, 4.9, 3.8 and; 3.5, respectively, and those in the dust stand for 4.5, 3.9, 2.1 and; 2.2, correspondingly. However, the single factor metal pollution index; proves to be mostly greater than 1 (P_i>1), which signifies that almost; all the sampling points have been somehow contaminated by the said heavy; metals. Taking the top-soil pollution for example, the contamination of; all the five heavy metals involve the commercial zone, with the; exception of that of Cr in the scenic zone, and the pollution indexes of; Cu, Cr, Zn in the industrial zone. What is more, the pollution index; rates are all greater than 3 in the industrial zone, which means severe; contaminations. Besides, in the dust pollution, the commercial and; industrial zones prove to be severely contaminated by Cu and Zn; over-content rate. In the dust, the commercial and industrial zones have; all been suffering from the severe contamination of Cu and Zn. Moreover,; the correlation analysis of the data implies certain positive; correlation among the elements with no negative correlations, indicating; no conspicuous inhibitory action. All in all, the content rates of the; aforementioned heavy metals in the topsoil are significantly higher than; those in the settled dust. Thus, the data we have gained and shown above; on Xiamen Island-city have been made and evaluated through careful; comparison with those in other cities.厦门大学海洋科学基地科研训练及科研能力提高项目(国家基金委项目


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    【中文文摘】在近 10-20年当中.从思想观念、生活方式乃至城市面貌发生了巨大变化。面对“旧貌换新颜”的古老城市,我们无法发出自信与轻松的微笑,因为这些城市积淀多年的原有历史文化风貌离我们越来越远。走入了向往“现代化”的误区。急功近利的开发破坏了城市的历史风貌、文脉传承。形成了“城市败笔”,它们将给城市曾经拥有的辉煌过去、现代业绩抹上极不光彩的一笔。留下难以弥补的遗憾。文中8位学者剖析了几座典型城市产生“败笔”的原因及其后果,我们不禁要思考城市的现代化建设和历史风貌保护确乎是一对永远无法调和的矛盾吗?恳请政府有关部门.开发商、设计人员以“败笔”为戒,理清建设思路、放宽视野、切勿盲从“现代化”的诱惑.不要让古老的城市在向“现代化”挺进的过程中失去更多令世人骄傲的文化遗产。亡羊补牢,为时不晚


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    应用透射法对中能区F同位素与C靶的反应总截面进行了测量 .发现17F的反应总截面比其邻近同位素的反应总截面稍有增强 .用Glauber模型和BUU模型对F同位素进行了差异因子d的分析 .17F的差异因子d比其附近同位素稍有增强 .分析结果表明17F可能存在质子皮结构