44 research outputs found


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    目的研究13-甲基十四烷酸(13-methyltetradecanoic acid, 13-MTD)对脑缺血后脑水肿的影响及其机制。方法线栓法制备大鼠大脑中动脉闭塞模型,于插入栓线前30 min分别尾静脉注射13-MTD 40、80、120 mg·kg-1(M40、M80、M120),阴性对照组给予等体积脂质体。于缺血6、12、24 h,以Longa神经功能缺失评分观察神经功能缺失症状;TTC染色观察脑梗死体积大小;AutoCAD图像分析软件计算脑水肿程度;脑干湿重测定脑含水量;伊文思蓝(EB)检测血脑屏障通透性;RT-PCR检测损伤侧脑组织AQP4 mRNA表达;免疫组化法检测损伤侧脑组织AQP4蛋白表达。结果 13-MTD可明显改善脑缺血大鼠神经功能缺失症状,使脑梗死体积明显缩小,使脑含水量和脑水肿程度明显减轻,EB渗出减少,明显改善缺血侧脑组织AQP4表达。结论 13-MTD能通过调控AQP4表达,减轻大鼠脑缺血后脑水肿。福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研资助项目(No JA15861

    One-dimensional Model Calculation for Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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    提出了多晶硅太阳电池的一维物理模型,并对其在AM1.5太阳光照下的电池的短路电流密度Jsc、开路电压Voc、填充因子FF和转换效率η进行了模拟计算,重点分析了多晶硅晶粒尺寸和电池厚度对n+/p结构的多晶硅太阳电池性能的影响。模拟中主要引入载流子的有效迁移率和有效扩散长度两个物理量。模拟结果表明,电池效率在厚度50μm以内随厚度的增加而增大,当厚度大于50μm以后趋于饱和;当晶粒尺寸在100μm以内时,电池特性随晶粒尺寸的增加而显著提高,晶粒进一步增大时效率趋于饱和,此时背面复合速率的影响变大。A one-dimensional physical model for n+/p polycrystalline silicon solar cells under AM1.5 is presented,and it is used to study the effects of the cell thickness and grain size on the four kinds of important properties Jsc,Voc,FF and η.Two physical quantities of carrier effective mobility and effective diffusion length are used for the calculation.The results show that the efficiency increases with the increasing of cell thickness and grain size when the cell thickness is less than 50 μm or the grain size is less than 100 μm,then the efficiency goes saturation.The back surface recombination velocity plays a great role when the grain size becomes larger than 100 μm.福建省科技重大专项资助项目(2007HZ0005/2007HZ0005-2

    Light-induced degradation of low-cost polycrystalline silicon solar cells

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    研究了多晶硅太阳电池的光致衰减现象,电池所用材料为国产的物理冶金法提纯的低成本多晶硅.实验发现,国产的低成本多晶硅材料制备的太阳电池在光照初期有一定的震荡式衰减,但衰减幅度小于10%,当经过长时间9 H的光照后,效率衰减变得不明显.初步认为造成此现象的可能机理是bOI缺陷对和fEIbS对分解-复合模型两种机制共同起作用,但以fEIbS对的分解-复合为主要机制.Light-induced degradation phenomenon of polycrystalline silicon solar cells is studied in this paper,which is made from low-cost materials refined by domestic physical metallurgical process.The study found that certiain shaking degradation of the efficiency was observed in early stage of illumination.But the degradation amplitude is less than 10%.After nine hours illumination,little degradation is observed.Such phenomenon may mainly come from the BOi pairs and FeiBs pairs,and the two kinds of mechanism of dissociation-recombination model play together.But the FeiBs pairs' is the main mechanism.福建省重大专题(2007ZH0005-2);国家自然科学基金(61076056);福建省教育厅科技规划项目(JB10115);闽江学院B类科研项目(YKY09003B

    Advances in Structure Controls and Modifications of PIMs Membranes for Gas Separation

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    自具微孔高分子(POlyMErS Of InTrInSIC MICrOPOrOSITy,PIMS)是近年来出现的一种新型有机微孔材料,由含有扭曲结构的刚性单体聚合而成,具有比表面积高、化学和物理性质稳定、微孔结构可控等优点,在均相催化、氢气储存等方面表现出巨大的应用潜力。因其优越的气体分离性能,PIMS气体分离膜更是吸引了众多研究者的关注,发展迅速。本文总结了PIMS的分类及其在气体分离膜中的应用,重点介绍了PIMS气体分离膜的结构调控与改性方面的研究进展,分析了PIMS的分子结构与气体分离性能间的内在关联,最后提出了目前研究中存在的一些问题并对其发展做出了简要的评述。Polymers of intrinsic microporosity( PIMs),as novel microporous organic polymers polymerized by rigid monomers that have sites of contortion,have great application potential in homogeneous catalysis and hydrogen storage due to their high specific surface,chemical and physical stability and pore size controllability.Particularly,PIMs composed of polymer chains attract more attention in gas separation membranes due to their superior gas separation properties and good solubility.Here,the classification and applications of PIMs as well as the properties including stability,gas permeability and gas selectivity of PIMs gas membrane are introduced.The structure controls and modifications of PIMs gas membrane and the relationship between molecular structures and gas separation properties are described in detail.Finally,the problems existed in the present research are pointed out and a brief comment on the development is given.国家自然科学基金项目(No.21306155); 高等学校博士点专项科研基金(No.20120121120013); 中央高校科研业务费项目(No.2012121029)资助~


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    提出了单晶硅N~+/P/P~+太阳电池的物理模型,采用数值模拟方法对其在AM1.5太阳光入射下的电池特性进行了模拟计算,分析了基区少子扩散长度和基区厚度对短路电流密度和转换效率的影响,着重分析了基区少子寿命对转换效率等电池特性的影响。模拟结果表明,在综合考虑了各种损耗机制的前提下,转换效率等电池特性都随基区少子寿命和少子扩散长度的增加而增大,并且从电池输出特性与基区少子寿命的关系曲线上可以方便地获得少子寿命所对应的短路电流密度、开路电压、填充因子和转换效率的值,为实验提供有力的理论依据和参考。A physical model of front-illuminated N~+/P/P~+ mono-crystalline silicon solar cells was presented;the various losses were also taken into account at the same time in the model.The effects of the thickness and minority diffusion length in base region on short-circuit current density and efficiency were studied with numerical simulation.Especially, the effects of minority cartier lifetime in base region on the characteristics of the solar cells were studied.It is found that all characteristics of solar cells increase with the increasing of minority carrier lifetime.It is very easy to get the values of short-circuit current density,open-circuit voltage,fill factor and efficiency from the corresponding curves.This will be a theoretical guide for the study of solar cells.福建省科技重大专项(2007HZ0005/2007HZ0005-2);; 福建省半导体照明工程技术研究中心资助项目(2006H0092

    Research and Development of Heterojunction Phototransistors

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    回顾了异质结光晶体管(HPT)在近年来的重要进展,综合分析了HPT的工作原理以及影响其性能的主要参数。综述了不同材料制作的HPT的研究现状,得出了目前限制HPT发展的主要因素及当前应重点解决由于基区表面复合等效应导致的增益下降和由于结电容的充放电限制的响应带宽等问题的结论。The main progress of heterojunction phototransistors(HPT)are reviewed.And the principle,key parameters are presented.Based on the present researches of HPT applied for optical receiver with different materials,it reveals that some problems should be solved such as the decline of the gain resulted from the base surface recombination and the response bandwidth limited by the charge and discharge of junction capacitance

    Double Treatments of Multi-crystalline Silicon Texturing

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    采用两步化学腐蚀法在多晶硅材料的表面制备了绒面结构,其中两步腐蚀法包括酸-碱两步腐蚀法和酸-酸两步腐蚀法。通过表面形貌SEM和反射谱的测试,详细地研究了不同腐蚀条件和腐蚀溶液制备绒面的形貌和光学特征。实验发现,当腐蚀速率较快时,多晶硅的绒面形貌会出现大量的晶界和针孔效应,并分析了其形成原因。同时,采用酸-碱两步腐蚀法的效果优于酸-酸两步腐蚀法的效果。最后,用PECVd在绒面上沉积SInX减反射膜,使表面的反射率在600~800nM范围内降到3%左右,达到了良好的减反射效果,得出了最优的绒面制备方案。Multi-crystalline silicon wafers were textured by double chemical treatments,which include acid-alkali and double acid treatments.By using SEM and reflectance spectrum,detailed study of surface morphology and optical properties of different etched surfaces was carried out.The results show that a large number of grain boundary delineation and pinholes will produce when the etching rate is too fast,and the reason is also discussed.And the results of acid-alkali treatment are better than that of double acid treatment.With PECVD AR coating of silicon nitride film,the reflectivity of texturing is reduced to be about 3% in the wavelength of 600--800 nm.Excellent preparation schemes are achieved.国家自然科学基金项目(61076056);福建省重大专题项目(2007ZH0005-2);闽江学院B类科研项目(YKY09003B


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    主要引入载流子的有效迁移率和有效扩散长度两个物理量,对多晶硅的少子寿命进行数值模拟。在此基础上建立了多晶硅太阳电池的一维物理模型,采用数值模拟方法对其在AM1.5太阳光入射下的电池输出特性J_(SC)、V_(OC)、ff和η进行模拟计算,着重分析了晶粒尺寸和基区少子寿命对多晶硅太阳电池性能的影响。模拟结果表明,晶粒尺寸和少子寿命是影响多晶硅太阳电池性能的两个关键因素。当少子寿命较低时,晶粒尺寸对电池效率的影响不大,此时电池效率的提高受限于少子寿命;当少子寿命增大时,电池效率随晶粒尺寸的增大显著提高。同时,从模拟结果可得到电池效率与少子寿命和晶粒尺寸之间的定量关系。A physical model of polycrystalline silicon solar cells was presented.Using this model to study the effects of the grain size and minority carrier lifetime in base region on the four important properties J_(sc),V_(oc),FF and η by numerical simulation.Two physical quantities carrier effective mobility and effective diffusion length are used for the calculation.The results showed that grain size and minority carrier lifetime are two important effectors on the properties of polycrystalline silicon solar cells.There is little impact of grain size on efficiency when minority carrier lifetime is low,then the efficiency is influenced by minority carrier lifetime.When minority carrier lifetime is increased, the efficiency increased with the increasing of grain size.And from the simulation results,we can also get the quantitive relation between the efficiency,minority carrier lifetime and grain size.This will be a theoretical guide for the experiment of polycrystalline solar cells made from materials by physical metallurgy,which has low minority carrier lifetime or little grain size.福建省重大专题(2007ZH0005-2);国家自然科学基金(61076056);福建省教育厅B类科技课题(闽教科[2010]JB10115);闽江学院B类科研项目(YKY09003B

    Effect of Surface Processing on The Performance of Low-cost Multi-crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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    通过沉积SInX薄膜和H2退火表面处理工艺对低成本多晶硅太阳电池进行了处理,对表面处理前后的电池效率进行了对比测试,详细地研究了这两种表面处理工艺对电池的短路电流、开路电压、填充因子和转换效率的影响。实验发现,沉积了SInX薄膜的低成本多晶硅太阳电池的效率在原有基础上提高了1.8%左右;而经过H2退火后的电池效率则出现了效率衰减。与此同时,对成本相对高的太阳能级多晶硅电池也进行了H2退火,与低成本多晶硅电池相比,其效率增加明显,与低成本太阳电池呈现了相反的现象。最后分析了两种表面处理工艺对电池性能造成影响的原因。Two surface processing methods,which includes depositing SiNxthin film on the cells and annealing the cells in H2,were carried out on low-cost multi-crystalline silicon solar cells.The efficiency of the solar cells was tested before and after the surface processing.And the effects of the two surface processing methods on the short-circuit current,open-circuit voltage, fill factor and efficiency were carried out in this paper.The results show that the efficiency of the low-cost solar cells is improved by 1.8%after depositing SiNxthin film on the cells,but after H2 annealing,the efficiency is degraded.And high-cost solar-graded multi-crystalline silicon solar cells are also annealed in H2 atmosphere,but its efficiency increases,which shows different tendency compared to low-cost multi-crystalline silicon solar cells.Finally the factors resulting in different effects by the two methods are analyzed and discussed.福建省自然科学基金项目(2012J05122); 福建省教育厅B类项目(JB11147