64 research outputs found

    Characterization of Cu-ZnO-ZrO_2 Catalysts for Stream Reforming of Methanol by in situ Raman Spectroscopy

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    应用显微Raman光谱对Cu ZnO ZrO2 (Zr 2 4% ,w)催化剂催化甲醇水蒸气重整 (SRM)反应进行原位表征 ,并将结果与相同催化剂上的甲醇合成 (MS)反应进行对比 ,结果表明 :在SRM反应时 ,催化剂表面出现四个宽峰 ,其中 5 44 8和 65 2 8cm-1分别为CuO ZnO和ZrO2 的Raman吸收峰 ,而 13 61 8cm-1为HCOO—Cu对称伸缩振动吸收峰 ,在 15 90 3cm-1附近的谱峰归属于甲酸物种中OCO的不对称伸缩振动 .在由CO CO2 H2 合成气合成甲醇时 ,在 13 5 0cm-1和分别在 15 5 0 ,15 85 ,15 95cm-1出现两个甲酸根表面物种和甲酸盐的振动吸收谱带 .因此 ,在Cu ZnO ZrO2 催化剂上的甲醇合成和甲醇水蒸气重整存在相同的甲酸根中间体 ,这一结果将有助于对甲醇合成和甲醇水蒸气重整反应机理的理解 .Characterization of Cu-ZnO-ZrO 2 catalysts for stream reforming of methanol (SRM) by in situ Raman spectroscopy has been done. The results have been contrasted with those from reaction of methanol synthesis (MS) over the same catalysts. The results indicated that there are four Raman peaks on the surface of the catalyst for SRM reaction. The Raman spectra of 544 8 cm -1 were assigned to CuO-ZnO, 652 8 cm -1 to ZrO 2, 1361 8 cm -1 to symmetry flex oscillatory adsorption of HCOO—Cu and 1590 3 cm -1 to asymmetry flex oscillatory adsorption of OCO in formic acid species, respectively. The peak of 1350 cm -1 and three peaks of 1550, 1585 and 1595 cm -1 were assigned to Raman flex adsorbed band of formic acidic group and formic acidic salt on surface of catalyst for methanol synthesis. So formic acidic group existed on the surface of the catalysts for SRM and MS reactions. This result has an important significance for mechanism knowledge of SRM and MS reactions.福建省科学基金重大项目 (No .2 0 0 3H0 0 8);; 厦门市科技计划项目 (No .350 2Z2 0 0 2 1 0 87)资

    Inhibitory Effect of Salt Marsh Halophyte Salicornia Europaea on Prorocentrum Donghaiense

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    利用植物抑制藻类生长是目前海洋赤潮治理的有效生态手段之一。以东海原甲藻为材料,研究了滩涂盐生植物盐角草对东海原甲藻生长的抑制效应。结果显示:盐角草过滤培养液和4种根的有机相提取物(甲醇相、正丁醇相、氯仿相和石油醚相)能显著抑制东海原甲藻的生长,改变细胞大小。其中,石油醚相和正丁醇相提取物还能影响藻细胞CHl A含量。有机相提取物中以甲醇相提取物的抑制效果最强,对盐角草甲醇相提取物进行gC-MS分析,得到27种化合物,含量最高的3个组分为5-羟甲基-2-呋喃甲醛、棕榈酸和4-乙烯基-2-甲氧基-苯酚。研究表明:滩涂盐生植物盐角草能够抑制东海原甲藻的生长,具备开发新型赤潮生物抑藻剂的潜力,有望应用于海洋赤潮的防治。Phytoremediation, as one of the mechanisms for controlling marine algal blooms, is becoming an ecologically sustainable approach in recent years.In this work, we investigated the inhibitory effect of salt marsh halophyte Salicornia europaea on Prorocentrum donghaiense.Growth of P.donghaiense was not inhibited by the water extracts of S.europaea root, but the culture filtrate of S.europaea and four organic extracts.The inhibitory of organic extracts was dosedependent, and P.donghaiense was most sensitive to the methanol extract.GC-MS analysis of the methanol extract revealed 27 lipophilic compounds, in which 2-furancarboxaldehyde, 5-(hydroxymethyl)-, n-hexadecanoic acid and 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol were the most abundant components.Together, our results suggested that salt marsh halophyte S.europaea might be applied as a new type material to control the growth of P.donghaiense.国家“863”计划项目(2007AA091704); 浙江省重点科技创新团队项目(2010R50039); 杭州市科技计划项目(20120433B19&20130533B11

    Optimization of separation methods and culture system of chicken embryonic stem cells in vitro

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    背景:胚胎干细胞是从动物早期胚胎的内细胞团或原始生殖细胞分离出来的具有发育全能性的一种未分化的无限增殖细胞系。而鸡胚胎干细胞则是从X期鸡胚的胚盘分离而来。目的:优化鸡胚胎干细胞分离方法和离体培养体系。方法:采用滤纸纸环-发环的方法从X期鸡胚分离胚盘细胞,并采用STO细胞作为饲养层和大鼠肝细胞(brl)条件培养基(CM)+细胞因子作为离体培养体系对分离的胚盘细胞进行培养。结果与结论:滤纸纸环-发环法获得的完整胚盘率为75%~85%,克隆形成率约为50%。brl-CM+饲养层培养体系,鸡胚胎干细胞可传至7代,而brl-CM+饲养层+细胞因子培养体系,鸡胚胎干细胞可传至25代。分离到的鸡胚胎干细胞,经碱性磷酸酶染色、SSEA-1染色鉴定,表明鸡胚胎干细胞处于未分化状态。提示,实验不仅优化了鸡胚胎的分离方法,获得完整且杂质少的胚盘,而且进一步优化了鸡胚胎干细胞体外培养体系。BACKGROUND:Embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated permanent cell line derived from inner cell mass cells and primordial germ cells of animal's early embryos.Chicken embryonic stem cells are derived from the blastodermal of a X-stage embryo.OBJECTIVE:To optim the separation method and in vitro cultural system of chicken embryonic stem cells.METHODS:The X-stage chicken embryos were isolated by using a small square of ?lter paper with a hole punched in the center,and the blastodermal cells were isolated by using the hair loop.STO cells were used to make feeder layer;at the same time,BRL-CM and cytokine were also used for chicken embryonic stem cells in vitro cultural system.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The filter paper loop and the hair loop could obtain complete the blastoderm,and the successful percentage was 75%-85%.The colony formation rate was about 50%.After culture in the BRL-CM + feeder layer + cytokine culture system,the passage of CES cells is the seventh generation;BRL-CM + feeder layer + cytokines,cultured chicken embryonic stem cells could passage to the 25th generation.Isolated chicken embryonic stem cells were in an undifferentiated state detected by alkaline phosphatase staining and SSEA-1 staining.The findings indicate that this experiment not only optimized the isolation method of chicken embryonic stem cells to obtain complete and pure embryos,but also further improved the in vitro culture system of chicken embryonic stem cells.国家973项目(2009CB941600)资助;国家自然科学基金项目(31072101)资助---


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    用牛津杯法选择大黄、黄柏、黄连等50种单味中药进行河流弧菌、金黄色葡萄球菌体外抑菌试验,并以抗菌活性较好的药物组成二联、三联复方,药物质量浓度分别为60和240 mg·mL-1,进行中药复方抗菌活性研究,同时用抗生素进行河流弧菌药敏试验。目的是筛选出对河流弧菌敏感的中草药、抗生素及其复方。结果表明,黄连、诃子等单方对河流弧菌抑菌作用明显,为极敏感;在60 mg·mL-1低药物浓度时,黄柏、黄连组成的复方对河流弧菌抑菌作用为极敏感;在240 mg·mL-1药物浓度时,黄柏、黄连等组成的9个复方中药对河流弧菌抑菌作用属极敏感,黄连、板蓝根、黄柏等4个复方中药对河流弧菌的抑菌作用明显,为极敏感。河流弧菌对恩诺沙星、盐酸多西环素、氟苯尼考、土霉素及甲氧苄啶/磺胺甲噁唑5种药物高度敏感。部分中药对河流弧菌抑制作用不明显,黄连、板蓝根、黄柏等4个三联复方中药药效最强。可组成多种三联复方中药或中西药联用复方,均有良好的抑制作用。2018年开放课题基金项目(LYC2018RS04,闽海鸥[2018]31号)福建省自然基金项目(2016J01167,2018J01455)国家自然科学基金(31702384,31502194)福建省科技重大专项(2016NZ0001-3)2017年集美大学研究生教育教学改革研究项目(集大研No.[2017]18号)教育部鳗鱼工程研究中心开放基金项目(RE201704

    Flexible decapyrrylcorannulene hosts

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    球形笼状的富勒烯是上个世纪末最重要的科学发现之一,但对富勒烯的精确几何结构的认识却困难重重,原因是单晶中球形分子的取向往往是无序的,需通过笼外衍生或通过八乙基金属卟啉-富勒烯超分子主客体组装来固定富勒烯的取向,然后利用常用的单晶衍射分析技术来精确表征富勒烯的几何结构。然而许多富勒烯新结构因无法与卟啉主体形成高质量的单晶至今仍无法利用X射线衍射技术进行结构分析,直接制约了对富勒烯形成机理及结构-性能关系的深入认识。功能团簇材料创新研究群体的谢素原、张前炎课题组另辟蹊径地从曲面结构的十氯碗烯C20Cl10出发,合成了十吡咯取代的碗烯分子C20(C4H4N)10。结构分析表明该分子的结构特征是碗烯的碳框架与十个吡咯基团通过单键相连。实验还证明,用甲基去取代吡咯3, 4-位置的氢并不利于富勒烯与碗烯衍生物形成有序的超分子组装体,理论研究进一步诠释了十个吡咯‘手指’的集体贡献比单个碗烯‘手掌’更大的原因。该研究工作是功能团簇材料创新研究群体长期积累,并由校内外十多位研究人员共同努力完成。徐云彦(2014级硕士生)、田寒蕊(2014级博士生)和李姝慧(2016年进站博士后)为该论文共同第一作者。【Abstract】The assembly of spherical fullerenes, or buckyballs, into single crystals for crystallographic identification often suffers from disordered arrangement. Here we show a chiral configuration of decapyrrylcorannulene that has a concave ‘palm’ of corannulene and ten flexible electron-rich pyrryl group ‘fingers’ to mimic the smart molecular ‘hands’ for self-adaptably cradling various buckyballs in a (+)hand-ball-hand(−) mode. As exemplified by crystallographic identification of 15 buckyball structures representing pristine, exohedral, endohedral, dimeric and hetero-derivatization, the pyrryl groups twist with varying dihedral angles to adjust the interaction between decapyrrylcorannulene and fullerene. The self-adaptable electron-rich pyrryl groups, susceptible to methylation, are theoretically revealed to contribute more than the bowl-shaped palm of the corannulene in holding buckyball structures. The generality of the present decapyrrylcorannulene host with flexible pyrryl groups facilitates the visualization of numerous unknown/unsolved fullerenes by crystallography and the assembly of the otherwise close-packed spherical fullerenes into two-dimensional layered structures by intercalation.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21771152, 21721001, 21827801, 51572231, 51572254, 21571151, 2170010228), the 973 Program of China (2014CB845601 and 2015CB932301), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016M602067), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFA0402800), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Uni- versities (20720170028, 20720160084). Q.Y.Z. is particularly grateful to 21771152, 2015CB932301, 20720170028, 20720160084; S.F.Y. is particularly grateful to 51572254 and 2017YFA0402800; S.Y.X. is particularly grateful to 21721001 and 51572231; L.S.Z. is particularly grateful to 21827801; S.L.D. is particularly grateful to 21571151; S.H.L. is particularly grateful to 2170010228 and 2016M602067. 研究工作得到国家自然科学基金(21771152、21721001、21827801、51572231、51572254, 21571151、2170010228)、科技部973计划(2014CB845601、2015CB932301)和重点研发计划(2017YFA0402800)、国家博士后科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等的资助


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    markov model-based effectiveness predicting for software fault localization

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    软件调试是软件开发的重要环节.统计错误定位技术通过分析程序执行频谱来估计程序中错误所在的位置.针对不同类型的程序频谱,此类技术建立不同的启发式模型描述程序行为.已有研究表明,其准确度同目标错误和程序类型相关,且不存在某种普遍有效的技术.文中从单元测试的特性出发,探讨预测错误类型的可行性,并采用马尔可夫过程对错误类型进行预测,从错误定位技术备选集中选择适合的技术来实施.实验表明文中方法能够更快地定位程序错误.国家自然科学基金项目“持续集成中的回归测试和错误定位”(61003027)资助Debugging is a necessary phase in software development. Statistical fault localization techniques estimate fault locations by analyzing dynamic program spectra. They build different heuristic analytical models for different program spectra to describe the program behavior. Previous studies show that their effectiveness is related to the target faults and program types; and there is no universally effective technique. By evaluating the feasibility of predicting fault class in a unit test process, this paper employs a Markov model to select a proper such technique to apply, from a candidate set. Empirical study shows it is more effective to locate faults