436 research outputs found

    Financial Development and Total Factor Productivity: An Analysis Based on Cross-Province and Industry-Level Evidence of China

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    金融发展对经济增长的作用长期以来都是经济学家关注的对象。通过大量理论与实证研究,多数文献肯定了金融发展通过多种途径对实体经济增长起着积极作用,其对生产率的促进也是途径之一。 长期中,全要素生产率增长是经济增长的唯一源泉。因此,本文集中探讨金融发展对全要素生产率增长的影响渠道。已知的金融发展影响全要素生产率的机制主要包括:满足外部融资依赖行业技术创新的资金需求;克服信息不对称性,识别增长机会;缓解由于可抵押资产少和企业规模小所造成的融资约束以及分散企业创新带来的风险等。由自身生产经营特征所决定,各行业的外部融资需求、增长机会、行业内企业规模和面临风险均存在很大差异,因此,一国的金融发展对各行业...Economists have long concerned about the link between financial development and economic growth. Through abundant theoretical and empirical analysis, most studies confirm the positive effect of financial development on economic growth by different channels, of which the productivity channel is an important one. As total factor productivity (TFP) is the only source of economic growth in the long...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562010115198


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    代际公平是可持续发展的重要内涵之一。由于正折现率会加速资源的耗竭 ,因此环境主义者认为正折现率的存在不利于代际公平的实现。但最近的研究表明 ,折现率的影响是多方面的 ,对资源环境的影响也是不确定的。折现率问题的复杂性也使原有资源环境项目的评估方法产生很大争议 ,有必要加以改进

    Study on Legal Regulation of Internal Security Administrative Guidance in the Transition Process of

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    顺应行政民主法治的时代潮流,内保行政指导在企业事业单位内部治安保卫工作中得到广泛应用并发挥着特殊的行政作用。与此同时,由于理论研究和法制滞后等因素制约,内保行政指导在实际运用中还存在一些问题需加以解决。本文以行政指导的法治化为视角,从内保行政指导的基本理论入手,深入分析其制度背景、法治功能和实践中存在的突出问题,并提出完善和发展内保行政指导之对策。 本文除导言和结论外,共分为四章: 第一章是对内保行政指导的基本理论阐述,探究其概念、性质、特征及类型划分,以助于明晰概念、深化认识。 第二章是对内保行政指导的制度背景和法治功能的讨论,分析其发展应用的必要性。内保行政指导是在经济转轨和社会、法...Conform to the trend of the times of administrative democracy and rule of law, internal security administrative guidance has been widely used and is playing a special administrative role in the public security work of enterprises and institutions. At the same time, due to the lag of theoretical research and legal system and other factors, there are still some problems to be solved in the practice ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200812013

    Synthesis and Properties of Au-Based Hybrid Nanomaterials

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    为了有效提高纳米材料的应用性能以及设计新型功能纳米材料,复合纳米材料引起了人们的广泛研究兴趣。一方面,构筑复合纳米结构可以将不同组分的物理化学性质集成到同一个结构中,从而实现功能多样化。另一方面,相对于简单地机械混合几种单一的组分,不同组分之间的协同作用可能会使得复合纳米结构展现出独特的性能。从根本上来说,要想有效构筑复合纳米结构,不同的组分之间需要体现出互补或者协同的效果,因此,选择合适的组分来设计与构筑复合纳米结构显得尤其重要。由于Au纳米颗粒的金属特性、化学稳定性、表面等离子体共振性能以及表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)效应,使其成为了复合纳米结构中的一个重要组成部分。鉴于含Au复合纳米材料...In order to improve the overall application performance of nanostructured systems and/or design new functional materials, hybrid nanomaterials have attracted increasing research interests. On one hand, diverse physical and chemical properties can be integrated into one system. On the other hand, differ from the simple mixture of corresponding individual components, the hybrid nanostructures may ev...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:2052009115135

    A Brief Research on Actio Aquae Pluviae Arcendae ——Based on the Analysis of fonti of Roman Law

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    排放雨水之诉是古罗马水法中非常重要的组成部分,它是现代相邻关系中排水制度的始祖。排放雨水之诉是针对在乡村土地中因人工修建建筑物改变水流流向或者阻止水流流动而造成相邻土地的损害所提起的诉讼。由于在罗马法中不存在成型的相邻关系规范,有关这部分内容的法规都是由类似于排放雨水之诉这样的诉讼、保证和令状发展起来的。本文从历史沿革的角度,分析了这一制度的发展,并探讨了其中蕴涵的精神。 本文第一部分介绍的是早期和古典时期罗马法的排放雨水之诉。对这段时期的研究笔者采用了原始文献解释(esegesi)的形式,它是是研究罗马法的一种专门方法,是按照一定规则针对罗马法原始文本进行的分析,其目的是尽可能完整真实的展...The law against the diversion of rain water by artificial means was, doubtless, of very ancient origin, perhaps as old as the Twelve Tables. The remedy was made by the actio aquae pluviae arcendae , translated in English by Allan Watson as “action to ward off the water”, for removal of the obstruction, or caution, for possible damage. The words have been thus restored, - Si aqua pluvial manu nocet...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:1202005130042

    Design and Implementation of Legal Aid Cases Management Information System

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    随着信息技术的快速发展,电子政务的发展也取得可喜的成绩,信息化建设使法律援助工作提高了工作效率,提供了良好的法律援助服务,同时也取得良好的社会效果。党的十八届四中全会上对全面推进依法治国作出了全面部署,对完善法律援助制度提出了明确要求,法律援助工作在今后一个时期要紧紧围绕我国的经济社会发展的实际需求,为更多的弱势群体提供平等的法律服务机会,最大限度的保障公民的基本权利开展工作。 本文主要介绍了法律援助案件管理信息系统的基本功能、设计思路及核心模块的实现。本系统采用UML建模标准,按照B/S架构建设信息系统,数据库采用MySQL,本系统设计完成后将具有功能模块:系统安全管理模块、电子档案管理模...With the rapid development of information technology, the development of E-government has made gratifying achievements. The information construction improved the legal aid work efficiency and provided a good legal aid services, but also achieved good social effects. on the fourth session of the eighteen Chinese Communist Party comprehensively promoting rule by Law has made the overall deployment ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323106

    A Study of the International Regulations on Sovereign Debt Restructuring

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    20世纪80至90年代以来,随着主权债务大规模增加,主权债务违约的危险上升。同时,国际主权借贷形式也发生了巨大的变革,债权人种类趋于多元且数量众多,主权债务重组变得尤为困难。自1994年墨西哥爆发主权债务危机以后,面对接连爆发的债务危机,主权债务重组总是缓慢低效且存在极大的不确定性,不仅严重影响债务国经济发展,还损害了国际经济秩序。 本文首先从经济理论上探究了主权债务重组困难的根源。主权债务重组的困难来源于诸多因素,包括集体行动问题、信息不透明、公平性问题以及道德风险等,总的可以归纳为债权人的合作失败和债务国的道德风险。这些困难可能引发债权人竞相逃离,导致无序地重组,破坏债务国经济,损害债权...Since 1980s’, the risks of sovereign debt default had increased sharply with the scale of sovereign debt also increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, sovereign debt has been changing greatly in the form, with the number of creditors growing and their diversing. It became quite difficult to restructure sovereign debt. After the Mexican debt crisis in 1994, sovereign debt restructuring was mostly inefficient...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际贸易系_国际经济学学号:1572009115161


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    A Study on the Performance of Open-end Stock Fund in China

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    自从2001年成立了第一支开放式基金以来,我国基金行业就一直处于高速发展中。但由于股票型基金在2008年熊市后饱受市场争议,投资者无不谈基色变。同时虽然基金行业发展迅速,实际里用于评价基金的指标相对单一,普通投资者选择基金主要参考基金的历史业绩、网站业绩排名、券商评级、基金公司知名度以及银行理财经理的推介,评价方式相对简单和主观。那么纵观这么多年基金发展历程,中国的基金行业表现到底如何,不同市场行情下基金的表现又如何,在现在这个时点上,对基金做科学全面的业绩评价就显得尤为重要。 本文从三个方面对股票型基金进行了全面研究:采用以资本资产定价模型为基础的三大基金业绩评价指标Jensonα指数,s...Since the first open-end fund was established in 2001,China's fund industry has been in a high-speed development. However, the stock fund suffered in the bear market of 2008 market dispute, investors are not willing to believe in fund again. While fund industry has developed rapidly, the ways used to evaluate Fund in practice are too simple and subjective. Ordinary investors always choose Fund's h...学位:金融硕士院系专业:经济学院_投资学学号:1562010115200

    Application of Options Theory in the New High-tech Venture Valuation

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    高新技术创业企业评估的主要资产是专利权 ,专利权是一种灵活的选择权 ,它给企业以一种类似期权的权力 ,即可以选择有利的市场时机投入资金开发该专利 ,当企业进行了不可逆投资后 ,企业就相当于执行了期权。鉴于专利权与期权都是一种不附带义务的选择权 ,期权定价理论就为高新技术创业企业的价值评估提供了理论基础。本文对期权理论在高新技术创业企业评估中的应用进行了探讨。The major asset to be assessed in new high-tech ventures is patent right. As a flexible option, patent right gives the venture a kind of options right, i.e. the venture can choose to develop the patent product at favorable market situations. The venture executes options once it has made investment. Options pricing theory has offered theoretical basis for the valuation of new high-tech ventures since both patent right and options are options without any complementary obligations. This paper studies the application of options theory in the new high-tech venture valuation