10 research outputs found

    A new computational verb image interpolation algorithm

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    Conference Name:2011 IEEE International Conference on Anti-Counterfeiting, Security and Identification, ASID 2011. Conference Address: Xiamen, China. Time:June 24, 2011 - June 26, 2011.IEEE Beijing Section; Xiamen UniversityIn this paper, a new image interpolation algorithm based on computational verb theory is proposed. The algorithm improves previous results by increasing the number of verb templates and enlarging the size of scanning windows. Experiments show that edge effect, PSNR, and clarity get improved in the new algorithm comparing to the previous one. ? 2011 IEEE

    Effects of Fermented Soybean Meal Supplementation on Ammonia Emissions from Piglet Manure

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    研究了枯草芽孢杆菌、酿酒酵母和乳杆菌混合发酵豆粕对仔猪粪便氨气排放的影响。以基础日粮作为对照,分别添加7.33%湿发酵豆粕和5%干发酵豆粕,对75头41日龄的仔猪进行28d的饲养,然后利用箱式堆肥装置对仔猪粪便进行7d的静置产氨试验。结果表明,湿发酵豆粕组仔猪粪便1d和7d产氨量都显著低于干发酵豆粕组(P〈0.05),干发酵豆粕组仔猪粪便1天和7天产氨量都显著低于对照组(P〈0.05),湿、干发酵豆粕组仔猪粪便1d产氨量较对照组分别降低了33.46%、13.39%,7d产氨量较对照组分别降低了23.53%、13.26%。由此可见,添加7.33%湿发酵豆粕或5%干发酵豆粕均可以减少粪便氨气排放,前者效果更好。This study aims to evaluate the effects of fermented soybean meal by Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Bacillus lactis on manure ammonia emission of piglets. A total of 75 piglets with an initial body weight of 13.14 + 0.22 kg were used in four weeks feeding trial, which was conducted using diets containing 7.33 % wet-fermented soybean meal or 5 % dry-fermented soybean meal, respective- ly. The manure of piglets was collected to a composting chamber to determine the ammonia production for 7 days. The results showed that the ammonia production of manure in wet-fermented soybean meal group was significantly lower than that in dry-fermented soybean meal group (P〈0.05), and the ammonia pro- duction of manure in dry-fermented soybean meal group was significantly lower than that in control group (P〈0.05). Compared with control group, the ammonia production of manure for both wet-fermented soy- bean meal group and dry-fermented soybean meal group decreased by 33.46% and 13.39% respectively on the first day, and by 23.53% and 13.26% in 7 days. In conclusion, the addition of 7.33% wet-fermented soybean meal or 5% dry-fermented soybean meal could reduce ammonia emission of manure, and wet-fer- mented soybean meal had a higher emission reduction compared with dry-fermented soybean meal

    Breeding and Applicantion of Jiafuzhan——A New Breed of Early Indica Rice of High Quality

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    经过20多年的研究,采用自创的优质早籼稻新品种选育新途径,选育出大粒(千粒重30 g)优质、高产、稳产、抗病虫、适应性广的早籼稻新品种佳辐占.其品质基本上达到了部颁一级优质食用米标准,千粒重、长宽比、垩白度都是当前国内优质早籼稻品种中最好的品种之一.产量水平400~450 kg/667 m2,高产的超过500 kg/667 m2.广西、江西、广东等省、区已引种成功.2003~2004年在福建省推广11.4×104hm2,为农民增收2亿多元.该品种的育成,解决了水稻育种中长期存在的大粒不优质,早籼稻难优质,优质不高产,优质不抗病等难题.After 20 years' dedicated research under new technologies in breeding high-quality new-breed early indica Rice,Jiafuzhan has been successfully breeding.Its quality has almost reached A-level Editable Rice of Agriculture Department of China,and its average production reaches 400~450 kg/667m~2.with high yield production of 500 kg/667m~2.This new breed also has other characteristics such as enhanced resistance of blast and fallen,steady productivity and strong adaptability.Jiafuzhan has been put into production of over 11.4×10~4 hm~2 in Fujian Province and has been introduced and promoted in other provinces like Jiangxi,Guangdong and Guangxi.The successes of breeding Jiafuzhan is a solution to long existed problems in rice industry,such as low quality of big,grain rice and early indica rice,low productivity and poor blast resistance of high quality rice.农业部转化资金(02EFNZ16900762);; 福建省水稻育种攻关项目;; 福建省重大专项(2004NZ01-3);; 福建省三项费用(2000-Z-029);; 厦门市农业创新(3502Z20032007);; 国家后补助基金(2004年)资


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    Literaturverzeichnis und Anhang

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