32 research outputs found

    The Research Group of Maritime Asian History

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    [論文] 日宋・日元貿易期における「南島路」と硫黄交易

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    現在の文献史学研究において,日宋・日元貿易期(10世紀末~14世紀半ば)の日本と中国を結ぶ幹線航路が,博多―舟山群島―明州(慶元)・杭州という「大洋路」とも呼ばれる東シナ海横断ルートであるという点は,現存史料による限り動かし難い結論であろう。ところが,14世紀中葉の元明交代期になると,文献史料のなかに(博多―)肥後高瀬―薩摩―琉球―福建という,南西諸島を経由して中国東南部の福建地域とつながる「南島路」とでも呼ぶべき航路に関する記録があらわれる。本稿では,南西諸島を含む日本列島と中国の間でおこなわれた硫黄交易史の視野を主軸としつつ,文献史学・考古学双方の成果をすりあわせることにより,この「南島路」の一側面を考察した。そして,その結果,沖縄の硫黄鳥島が中国向けの硫黄鉱山として従来考えられているよりも古くから稼働し始めていた可能性や,その島で産出された硫黄が沖縄島に分立した諸王権と明王朝との政治・経済関係の形成の初発の時点においても軍需物資として重要な役割を演じていた可能性などを推定した。As far as existing historical records are concerned, present-day philological historians cannot escape the conclusion that the East China Sea Route, also known as the Ocean Route, running from Hakata through the Zhoushan Islands and Mingzhou (Qingyuan) to Hangzhou was the main sea route between Japan and China in the Song and Yuan periods (from the late 10th to the mid-14th century). However, during the transition from the Yuan to the Ming Dynasty in the mid-14th century, the so-called South Island Route connecting Japan to Fujian in southeast China through a group of islands in southwest Japan, or more specifically, running (from Hakata) through Takase in Higo Province, Satsuma, and Ryukyu to Fujian, started to appear in historical records.This paper examines an aspect of this South Island Route by comparing philological findings with archaeological findings mainly from the viewpoint of the history of sulfur trade between the Japanese Isles, especially the southwest islands, and China. As a result, this paper makes the following assumptions: (1) the sulfur mines in Io-torishima Island in Okinawa may have been put into operation earlier than previously thought to export sulfur to China; and (2) the sulfur produced in the island may have played an important role as an essential military material in the initial stage of establishing political and economic relations between sovereign authorities in Okinawa Island and the Ming Dynasty

    日本史とアジア史の一接点 : 硫黄の国際交易をめぐって

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    江南文化と日本 : 資料・人的交流の再発掘, 復旦大学(上海), 2011年5月27日-29

    平氏と日宋貿易 : 通説的歴史像への疑問 (兵庫の築島)

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    日本史とアジア史の一接点 : 硫黄の国際交易をめぐって

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    江南文化と日本 : 資料・人的交流の再発掘, 復旦大学(上海), 2011年5月27日-29