26 research outputs found

    Study on development strategy of Xiamen Southeast international shipping center

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    摘要 2011年12月,国务院批复的厦门综合配套改革方案中明确建设厦门东南国际航运中心,继上海、天津、大连之后厦门东南国际航运中心成为了国务院批复的第四个国际性航运中心。作为东南国际航运中心载体的厦门港软硬件建设不断飞跃,各类航运要素逐步聚集,航运物流产业集群快步发展,使厦门东南国际航运中心建设稳步推进。 本文通过查阅相关资料,对国内外关于国际航运中心的研究和发展进行介绍,阐述了国际航运中心的概念、定义并提出自己的看法,进一步研究国际航运中心发展战略。然后对厦门东南国际航运中心的优劣势,所面临的机遇和威胁进行分析,列出SWOT矩阵;利用最近几年厦门市GDP、港口吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量数据...Abstract In 2011 December,the building of Xiamen southeast international shipping center was confirmed in the Xiamen comprehensive systematic reform approved by the State Council ,following Shanghai、Tianjin、 Dalian, Xiamen southeast international shipping center become the fourth international shipping center approved by the State Council。as the principal part of southeast international shi...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_物流工程学号:X201115300

    A Research of the Development of Folk Sports in the Perspective of Ecology——Taking Weifang Kite of Shandong as An Example

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    在旅游资源开发的进程下,以风筝为代表的潍坊国际风筝会的举办,有力推动了城市的建设和知名度的提升。但潍坊风筝会在举办期间,其相关的社会结构和社会功能的变化,也推动着风筝文化走向生态失衡的状态。 有鉴于此,本论文运用文献资料法、田野调查法、问卷调查法和逻辑分析法等,通过借鉴生态学的相关原理和方法对风筝生态系统进行了整体、系统的有序研究。本文加上绪论共分五部分。 第一部分绪论,系统论述了相关学术史的研究状况。 第二部分以潍坊风筝为代表,对生态系统的基本理论进行了相关研究。 第三部分在对风筝的功能变迁及其生态位流变研究的基础上,论述了潍坊在旅游资源开发背景下将风筝推向文化再生产进程中而诞生的风...In the background of tourism development, the development pattern “kites act as go-between, sports culture serve as the background, economy and trade perform” created by Weifang has greatly promoted the construction and raised the profile of the city. But at the same time, International kite meeting related the change of social structure and function, also make the kite culture facing a crisis of ...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:体育教学部_体育教育训练学学号:2692011115256


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    Study on the Positive Interaction of Sports Culture between Fujian and Taiwan——A Case Study on Amoy and Quemoy Crossing

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    运用文献资料法、网络信息检索、社会调查等研究方法,对厦金横渡的起源、发展现状进行了分析,探讨了以厦金横渡为例的闽台体育文化交流存在的问题,在此基础上,对两岸体育文化良性互动的可持续发展给予相关建议。Research methods of web information retrieval and social investigation were used in the current study.The origin and present development situation of Amoy-Quemoy Crossing were analyzed and existing problems of sports exchanges between both sides of the Taiwan Straits were probed,and a series of suggestions for the sustainability of the interaction were advanced


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    The Theory of Cultural Reproduction——Application of Bourdieu's Theory in the Development of Folk Sports Culture

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    运用文献资料调研与逻辑分析法,分析布迪厄的文化再生产理论用以诠释后申遗时代我国民俗体育文化在开发中的运作过程以及策略活动。研究认为:生存心态是民俗体育文化再生产的基本动力,权力正当化是民俗体育文化再生产的运作逻辑方式,而象征性实践则构成了民俗体育文化再生产的本质意涵。Studies of documents and dates as well as logical analysis,with bourdieu's theory of cultural reproduction interpretation in the era of national folk culture in the social change of the operation process and strategy activities.Research shows that:survival mentality of the reproduction of folk used as the culture basic power,power legalisation is the folk culture in the production operation logic method,and the symbolic practice constitutes the essence of the reproduction of folk culture implications

    The Research on Inheritance and Protection of Chinese Folk-Custom Sports and “Homeland Ecology”

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    运用文献资料法、田野法、专家访谈法等研究方法,基于国家倡导非物质文化遗产保护的背景下,阐述了以山东潍坊国际风筝节为代表的我国民俗体育文化遗产在走向旅游产业化中对“家园生态“的影响:文化生态与自然生态双重危机并存的局面。在分析主要原因的基础上提出相应的解决路径:协调好文化遗产开发与保护、继承与发展的关系,走可持续发展道路;加强政府主导力量,制定科学的民俗旅游生态发展规划;健全法律法规保护民俗旅游生态环境等,从而为我国民俗体育文化传承和民俗旅游健康发展提供相应的借鉴。With the literature and document,field research and interview,this article takes the example of kite flying in Weifang,Shandong to do the research how tourism industrialization of folk-custom sports affects homeland ecology under the background of advocating governmentally for the protection of intangible cultural heritage.There is double crisis of both cultural and natural ecology.According to the main reason of the crisis,the solution is that to take the sustainable development path to coordinate the relationship of development and protection of cultural inheritance to;to strengthen the dominant role of government to make scientific programme of ecological development of folk-custom tourism;to perfect laws and regulations to protect folk tourism ecological environment,etc.So this article could provide appropriate reference for Chinese folk sports cultural heritage and positive development of folk tourism.教育部社会科学研究基金资助一般项目(11YJA850006); 2009年度福建省社会科学规划项目(2009B2011