28 research outputs found


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    A one-month-old girl was admitted to the hospital with complaints of vomiting and abdominal distension. Laparotomy revealed acute intestinal obstruction resulting from internal herniation of the small bowel through a defect in the ileal mesentery. Transmesentric hernias are very uncommon and have neither special features nor any radiological appearance which offers any help in distinguishing it from other causes of intestinal obstruction. Therefore, preoperative diagnosis is difficult ; cases are diagnosed on exploration only and are recorded to be of high mortality

    Fundamental Studies on the Propagation of Nemacystus decipiens―I On the Life Cycle of Nemacystus decipiens

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    Nemacystus decipiens (SURINGAR) KUCKUCK grows on branches of Sargassum patens and is a useful edible alga in Japan. In this paper, the authors deal with the life cycle of Nemacystus decipiens, using the materials collected from Omura and Nomozaki of north western Kyushu. The macroscopic sporophytes of this alga grow abundantly in winter and spring, and they have unilocular sporangia from March to June, and plurilocular sporangia from December to next April. The zoospore liberated from the unilocular sporangium is fusiform in shape, having a chromatophore, an eye-spot, and two unequal flagella on the lateral part. After short swimming, they germinate to gametophytes which are branched creeping filamentous thalli. These thalli produce the plurilocular sporangia in spring and early summer. The swarmers from them germinate without conjugation and give rise to new filamentous thalli. This phenomenon is thought to be the parthenogenetic reproduction of gametes. Most of the cells of the filamentous thalli are transformed in summer into the spherical resting stage with thick membrane. After the resting stage, these gametophytes form plurilocular sporangia which produce gametes. The gametes conjugate isogamously to form zygotes. The zygotes first give rise to the creeping filaments and then to the erect assimilators, and finally they develop into Nemacystus plants. The unfused gametes are able to develop parthenogenetically. On the other hand, sporophytes of Nemacystus plants produce plurilocular sporangia which form neutral zoospores. These zoospores develop directly into Nemacystus plants. Some germlings of zygotes and neutral zoospores also give rise to plethysmothalli which repeat several successive generations of such thalli under the unfavourable culture conditions."モズクの生活環について,野母崎と大村産のものを用い,単子嚢や中性複子嚢の遊走子の培養実験を行ない,また定期的にその生態を調査した。1)モズクの肉眼的な藻体は大村では12月,野母崎では翌年の2,3月に出現し,5月下旬から6月上旬に消失する。その間,単子嚢は3月以後に,中性複子嚢は4月以前にそれらの形成がみられた。2)単子嚢の遊走子は,直ちに発芽して匍匐した糸状の配偶体となる。春から初夏の培養でそれらに複子嚢ができ動胞子が形成され,それらは接合せず2,3回 Subcycle を繰返したが,これらは培養条件による配偶子の単為生殖とみなされた。3)配偶体は夏の高温期に厚膜に包まれ休眠状態となり,11月,12月以後に再発芽して複子嚢をつくり,それに形成される配偶子は接合して造胞体に発育した。しかし,止水培養では接合子の発芽糸状体にもしばしば複子嚢がつくられた。4)海で採集した1mmから成体までのモズク藻体で,中性複子嚢がみられたが,それらから放出される遊走子は直ちに発芽して再びモズク造胞体に生育する。この場合も発芽幼体に中性複子嚢をつくるいわゆる矮小体がみられた。5)モズクでは,造胞体の矮小体は,培養でも天然の海でもみられるが,これらは生活環の独立した1世代とするよりも,むしろ中性複子嚢による生殖法をもつ幼体とみなすのが妥当のように考えられる。


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    種別: 実験報告指導教官:兼重助教